Comparison Between Free And Paid Internet Security Software


Internet security is a noteworthy concern of all Internet clients, regardless of whether you are a customer or a site owner.  increase in internet threats on a regular routine. which can erase all the data on hard disk makes an issue in the smooth working of software and even are customized in such a way, to the point that it takes individual data, bank subtleties, and personality. To fight against such threats you require internet security.

There are a lot of security arrangements accessible in the market nowadays, however it ends up hard to pick the correct one. There are numerous security arrangements that are higher in expense, yet are not excessively successful and neglect to comprehend the reason it is purchased for. Because of which, a significant number of you wind up in purchasing bundles which are costlier anyway don’t meet your necessities.

It is very common nowadays, that identity of a user is stolen or system is infected with one or the other virus, data loss etc. To overcome such issues, having Internet security software is a must. To ease their lives, a lot of people prefer to use the Internet for every single task like, paying an electricity bill, shopping, booking tickets, transferring money etc, which requires credit card details along with personal details. So if you are not using good Internet security software you might end up in trouble; this can result in identity theft, misuse of credit card, misuse of your personal details etc. So it has become a necessity to opt for internet security software. There are mainly two types of the security system:

Free Internet Security System

Paid Internet Security System

Difference between paid and free Internet Security Software

Time span: When we talk about Internet security software, we want to make sure that it works for a longer period of time. But that is not the case when we opt for free Internet security software. Free Software, which is available in the market is either for one year or less, whereas paid Internet security software is available for longer time periods i.e. 1-3 years.

Upgradation: When we talk about free software there is no requirement for upgardation, which is not the same with paid security software. We need to keep security software updated from time to time to take maximum advantage of it and keep our information and data safe and secure for any type of threats.

Extra Features: When we pay for certain service(s), we assume that we will get extra benefits; this is the exact case when we talk about the Internet security software. Free security software will only provide basic features whereas paid security software gives extra benefits to its customer or we can say that paid security software provides comprehensive protection.

Cost: People are often mistaken that both free and paid Internet security software work the same—these two provide the same level of security. But that is a myth. There is few free security software, which works better as compared to other free software, but protection or security provided by these are not guaranteed 100%. But of course, most of the people who use the Internet only for surfing and not for commercial or business purposes do not prefer paid software, however, it is always advisable to opt for paid security software to save the system from any type of virus attack.

Why Website Security Captchas Are Insecure?


Specialists have demonstrated how website security captchas are helpless against cyber attacks, by making another calculation which effortlessly vanquishes the captchas on the most well-known sites over the world. The new calculation depends on profound learning strategies and effectively solves captcha security and validation systems, which the examination group said demonstrates the defenselessness of site security captchas to cyber attacks.

Why Are Website Security Captchas Insecure To Cyber Attacks?

Content-based website security captchas utilize a scramble of letters and numbers, and also security highlights, for example, blocking lines. The innovation depends on people being more ready to translate the characters than machines. Be that as it may, the new machine learning calculation has demonstrated this isn’t the situation.

Dr Zheng Wang, Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University’s School of Computing and Communications and co-author of the exploration, stated: “Our work demonstrates that the security highlights utilized by the present content based captcha plans are especially defenseless under profound learning techniques. We show for the first time that an enemy can rapidly dispatch an attack on another content-based captcha plot with low exertion. This is terrifying because it implies that this first security resistance of numerous sites is never again dependable. This implies captcha opens up a huge security defenselessness which can be abused by an attack from numerous points of view.

The Algorithm

The algorithm was created by computer scientists at Lancaster University in the UK and in addition Northwest University and Peking University in China. It has a higher precision than past captcha attack systems, and can effectively split forms of captcha which couldn’t already be broken.

Early Detection Of Fake SSL Certificates


Trust it or not, but rather as indicated by Google’s security group, NIC (India’s National Informatics Center) have been issuing corrupt and dodgy SSL certificate. It has come to see there that NIC has issued a few unapproved SSL certificates to different Google domain. This unapproved certificate can be utilized to feign and imagine as genuine Google site on various servers and can put client’s data in risk. With the utilization of such dodgy SSL certificate, it is anything but difficult to keep an eye on or tinker with client’s scrambled communication.

Required advances were taken by specialists to ensure the client’s data. This, as well as India CCA is researching the issue to discover the main driver as it happened before as well.

  • Fake Certificate Security Issues

SSL/TLS (Security Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security) encryption systems are seriously hit by this dodgy SSL system, which was utilized to secure https :// association. Different issues that have been raised so far are recorded underneath:

• A notice was issued by Microsoft over ‘improper issued’ SSL certificate which could have brought about a phishing attack.

• Apple likewise got alarmed about the basic SSL flaw in Mac OS and iOS

• Google has cautioned CNNIC, a middle of the road declaration specialist, about the issuing of unapproved digital certificates.

  • Certificate Transparency

Google accepts that it is a serious breach of CA system and such incidents indicate that Google’s Certificate Transparency efforts are critical for protecting the security of certificates in the future. Certificate transparency will help in:

  • Eliminating security flaws as it will provide an open framework to monitor and audit SSL certificate in near real time.
  • Detect fake SSLs.
  • Identifying CAs attempt to issue unauthorized SSL certificates
  • Pinning public key can specify authorized SSL certificates.
  • Issuing authorities as well as can reject fake dodge SSL certificates.
  • Google Logging System

Google engineers have thought of logging system that unites CAs (ones that are trusted) and CAs striving to fabricate its generosity. They have figured out how to issue a rundown of these CA’s on an open stage and determine those that are never again trusted by browsers. The fundamental mission of this system is to:

• Protect its user from fake and illegally issued SSL certificates

• Provide public record information about the certificates issued for specific domains.

How To Install And Get SSL Security Certificate From Comodo


With fast utilization of innovation, Most of the information is shared or exchanged by means of internet. To defend our information from being abused or changed while setting up an association/interface between a browser and a server we require SSL Certificate. There are numerous CA (Certification Authorities) in the market who give benefits, be that as it may, picking the right/verified one is vital.

Comodo is freemium, which implies that it gives certain administrations complimentary. It’s free services incorporate antivirus, firewall, security. On the off chance that, extra services are required, you will be charged for those services or highlight. Comodo is a believed name with regards to security.

Comodo provides its services all over the world and had made it easier for its customer to purchase required Comodo SSL certificate online. All you have to do is simply open the site and follow a few simple steps/instructions.

Important Steps Are:

  1. Choice of SSL certificate as per the requirement.
  2. To make a purchase, click on the button at the top of the page.
  3. Enter details like your region, certificate type, domain name etc.
  4. Now choose tenure of validation of certificate.
  5. Now create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Once CSR is complete, an encrypted block of text is provided by the server.
  6. Copy and paste the encrypted block in the application page
  7. Provide the account information
  8. Fill the payment details.
  9. After completing the above-mentioned steps, you can install the required SSL Certificate. Within few minutes, requested SSL certificate will be installed and ready to use.

Points to keep in mind

Before buying Comodo SSL certificate, there are a few things you should be aware of. Those are:

  • Which SSL certificate you need to buy. There are numerous sorts of SSL certificate. Contingent on the necessity and dimension of security required, the decision of SSL should be done.
  • To get CRS, you have to make a demand for the equivalent from your server. Distinctive servers may get diverse guidelines. Scan for your server name and follow the instructions carefully.
  • Tenure is essential. If you pick residency of one year, it will cost you in excess of a more drawn out Tenure. Longer the Tenure, the lesser you pay for an SSL certificate.


How To Secure Data Online


The Internet has eventually reached a point where it does not just contain ill the data on all that you require, however it is additionally extraordinarily available and simple to utilize. We as a whole have our opportunity, yet since no one is accessible to manage every one of the exercises that happen on the internet, we should be exceptionally cautious about how we utilize it. This is because internet security statistics are getting worse yearly.

In the event that you are not enthusiastic about guarding your own data and passwords, other than utilizing safe correspondence channels and This is because internet security statistics are getting worse yearly.

  • Use Data Encryption

Encryption is a process of converting data to make it unintelligible to all unauthorized parties except the one who is an intended recipient. In this way, data integrity and data privacy can be maintained which has become essential for e-commerce. Technology has made data encryption accessible for everyone, hence if you mean business about securing your data online, you need to begin using data encryption technology.

You can use SSL certificates to encrypt your data. SSL certificate establishes an encrypted link in an online communication between the server and the browser.

  • Install anti-malware software

The most dubious thing about malware is that you can discover them in any form. We are not simply discussing diverse sorts of malware, for example, worms, trojans, spyware, and infections, yet additionally the way that malware can be hiding in recordings, sites, downloadable documents, messages, and even a few applications.

  • Always install Operating System updates

We may all concur that OS updates can be irritating in light of the fact that they appear to remove our valuable time. Notwithstanding, the motivation behind why you are open to utilizing that improbable working framework is that of all the security fixes and fixes that are guarding you on the web. Cybercriminals and hackers are dependable on the search for methods for going after unsuspecting users. This implies your PC is at high hazard each time you disregard a refresh ask.

  • Turn on remote location apps

When you lose one of your cell phones, your information ends up accessible to whoever has the device at hand. Notwithstanding, you can limit the harm by introducing a versatile following application that will empower you to know the correct location of your mobile device.

  • Delete old accounts that are not in use

Old records may open you to online attacks, even without signing into them for quite a while. In this manner, it is fitting that you closed them down and potentially erase them totally on the off chance that they are not being used.


Importance Of SSL Encryption In online Businesses


Each online business these days must be very much aware of the different cyber threats to their organization consistently. From online stores to online and live casinos, the rundown of hacker targets continues for kilometers so every proprietor or client can take the required way to remain safe in the actual world.

The SSL encryption strategy basically encrypts all delicate data on a site to conceal it from thieving fingers. All of the information is transformed into an unbreakable key blend to secure its state.

Be it individual personal details, payment information, or simply buy history, SSL encryption stands in the way of hackers to create a safe situation to lead a business.

Each site outfitted with an SSL certificate is a dependable place to visit from any client base. We can peruse, shop, sign in, read, and even bet at those computerized destinations without the dread of being misused by obscure outsiders.

Having made reference to live gambling clubs prior, all qualified modern casinos depend on such an encryption to keep their client accounts at a dimension of most extreme security.

Regarded live clubhouse destinations like Cassiopeia are given to finding the most improved SSL-encrypted wagering locales to give us a definitive gambling atmosphere.

While most players principally emphasis on the diversion determination at any betting stage, it is more critical to check the security conditions. The presence of an SSL encryption grants us the genuine feelings of serenity to lead any activity without the danger of losing our information to a planned cyber attack.

How To Get EV Certificate And How It Provides Security?


SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

When we are talking about security over the internet, we are basically talking about SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which acts as a backbone of internet security. As information travels across the world through computer network via the internet, it becomes essential to protect sensitive data. Data can be secured if the transfer is done in the encrypted form, which is a non-readable form that is exactly what SSL does.

Extended Validation Certificate (EV)

Out of all SSL certificates, Extended Validation certificate (EV) is the highest of available SSL certificates. Although all SSLs use almost same powerful encryption technique, to get EV you require accurate selection process. We can say that all the levels differ in process of identity verification and how the particular certificate is displayed. Once you get an EV SSL certificate, you get a green address bar, which gives the feeling of security to all the visitors of that particular website.

How To Get EV Certificate And How It Provides Security?

To get EV SSL Certificate, you need to experience global standardized identification process, which is a check procedure that gives select rights to utilize an area by affirming the lawfulness, physical presence and validness of the organization. All the data alongside the name of the organization and domain is incorporated into the EV Certificate. When you get EV Certificate, HTTPS and lock in the browser address bar are initiated alongside the name of the confirmed site proprietor. It gives secure inclination to the visitor to perform financial transactions.

Green Address Bar 

In the event that an organization has EV SSL Certificate, its location bar (padlock), https, organization name, and nation will be green in color. If the connection is partially encrypted, the program will issue a notification message which will show that the domain isn’t completely secured and can be hacked by an outsider or programmer. For a domain which is completely secure or has a more elevated amount of SSL Certificate, the green padlock appears. If in case, content is stacked over HTTP as opposed to https, green location bar won’t be appeared, which shows that association isn’t completely secure.

Google Prefers Wildcard SSL Certificates For Security


If you have online business and you not considered Wildcard SSL certificate yet, for your website, it is right time to do for your website security. The Internet is not an unfamiliar term and e-commerce businesses are new. But most of the merchants, running websites as a virtual market to sell products and services neglect customer security.

When it comes to internet security, it has become essential to use wildcard SSL certificate because it not only secures a particular page or a home page but also sub-domains associated with it on a single certificate. It comes with unlimited server license & warranty as well as provides 99.9% of browser capability. In short Wildcard SSL certificate secures website URL. It is ideal for those who manage multiple sites on a single domain.

Why Google prefersWildcard SSL Certificate?

Wildcard SSL certificate is one of the SSL certificates that provide multi-layer online protection. With single wildcard certificate, you can secure multiple domains. This not only saves you from the horror of buying and installing certificates for each and every domain but also saves a lot of time that can be used elsewhere, productively.

With the new version of chrome, SSL certificate has become mandatory for websites that require text input in form of the login page, contact form, subscription form etc. Else ‘Not secure’ warning will be issued to visitors of your site, which might deteriorate your business.

Features of a Wildcard SSL Certificate-

1. Encrypts sensitive information: If the information is passed over the internet with encryption, it can be read easily and can be misused. Sensitive information like credit card number, net-banking information, username, and password should be transferred in unreadable form.

2. Provides protection from cyber-crime: Cyber-criminals are smart enough to identify any loophole- in your network and capture important & sensitive data before it reaches its destination. SSL certificate helps you defend against such black-eye masked people.

3. Builds trust and brand power: Lock icon and green address bar are the symbols of internet security. It provides assurance to the customer that the particular website is secure to use and he can share personal and sensitive information without hesitation. This will undoubtedly boost the credibility of the brand and add to the brand power.

Secure Your Internet And Encrypt Your Data With SSL Certificate


Malware and data breach has become very common and it has affected many entrepreneurs and individuals around the world. Due to which, the necessity of Internet security has become the prime concern.

As individuals, we do take some sort of security measures like firewalls, antivirus but that is not enough. It is basically a one-sided security solution. But neglecting server-side security will be a big blunder. When we access the internet, the connection between the server and various computer system is involved. When we transfer data, it travels over various networks until it reaches its destination. If server security is neglected, there are chances that the data will be transferred or hacked or misused.

On SSL secured websites, it is impossible to replace its contents without authority. It makes it difficult for hackers to download malware through SSL protected websites. The Green lock next to address has become more common. This shows that people have become more concerned about the web security and take it very seriously than ever before and are using SSL certificate-based encryption for data protection. Even Google search engine gives preference to websites that are HTTPS:// prefixed over HTTP:// prefix.

The necessity of SSL certificate and web encryption is increasing day-by-day with the increasing use of the web for financial services and important communication. According to experts, soon will come the day when the entire web will be secured by SSL certificate.

SSL Certificate And Web Encryption

Middle-man-attack is very common if the data is not transferred through a secured link/connection. While using a public Wi-Fi network or open-network, chances of middle-man-attack (hacker) multiple as these types of connections are usually not well guarded and are way easier to crack. HTTPS certificate ensures a secure and encrypted connection as it offers point-to-point encryption. You may wonder what it means and how it protects your data.

Well, point-to-point encryption means that all the data being transferred is encrypted using a strong encryption algorithm before sending to the destination server. By using a special key, which is shared only with the destination server, the encrypted data can be decrypted. No other machine can decrypt the data.

4 Strategies To Improve Your Website Security


If you’re the owner of a little to medium-sized enterprise, at that point you likely have a site. Perhaps you even go about as your very own website admin, and you do all that you can to guarantee that your site is content rich and loaded up with fundamental data for your clients.

Studies have demonstrated that private companies are much more prone to be assaulted than large organizations. This is valid for a few reasons. For example, hackers have a tendency to trust that little organizations are less inclined to have powerful safety efforts set up. Also, they feel that littler organizations won’t have the assets to identify a rupture until the point that well after the harm has been finished. Furthermore, little organizations are just more various than huge ones. So,  You owe it to yourself to improve your website security.

1. Make Certain that WiFi is Secure

A standout amongst the most regular errors that entrepreneurs roll out is neglecting to improvement the passwords on their WiFi equipment after installation. These conventional passwords might be hard for the normal individual to make sense of, however, they aren’t quite a bit of a test to hackers. Change passwords promptly after establishment for ideal cybersecurity from the earliest starting point.

In the event that you occasionally have visitors, clients, or guests who need to utilize WiFi in your offices, don’t give them access to your organization’s WiFi. Set up a different system for visitors.

2. Back Up Everything

Nobody needs to concede that a disaster could occur whenever. A noteworthy storm, a demonstration of God, a monstrous cyber attack, and different occasions may disturb your tasks and put basic documents in danger. While it might bode well to have your customer list on your work area, this should not be the main place that it is put away. Regardless of whether you utilize a cloud or other backup plan, verify that your information is frequently exchanged to this off-site location.

3. Utilize Strong Password Protection 

Frequently changing passwords, particularly when they are something like eight to 12 characters long, is a pain. Representatives despise concocting new passwords and they will undoubtedly protest about it every once in a while. In any case, when you think about the option, a  little grumbling is a little cost to pay.on.

4. Choose a Web Host that Specializes in Small Businesses

A good web host have gives you astounding uptime and has amazingly dependable servers. Pick a web host that knows about the requirements of little to medium-sized enterprises. They will be familiar with addressing the requirements of different organizations that are like yours, so risks are great that they will as of now have the capacity to offer you an arsenal of weapons designed to protect your hard work.

What Is Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard & Essential Wildcard SSL Security Certificate


Picking an SSL certificate that suits your necessity is an important choice to make. Contingent on the reason, you can look over the rundown, for example, Single domain SSL certificate, numerous area SSL certificate, wildcard certificate, free SSL certificate etc. Regularly, individuals think that its hard to separate one certificate from another, for example, Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard certificate and Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard certificate.

The principle behind Wildcard SSL certificate is to secure fundamental domain and all its first level sub-domains. Wildcard just gives security to a certain level of sub-domains, yet it is generally utilized in light of the fact that it saves time and is cost effective.

Comodo Positive SSL Certificate: Comodo is an element that issues or grants, or we can state that it is a Certification Authority (CA), which gives a rundown of SSL Certificate. Positive SSL Wildcard Certificate is the piece of ‘Positive’ item run given by Comodo, which are less expensive as a contrast with other SSL wildcard products accessible in the market. Rundown of a couple of results of Comodo Positive range are:

Comodo Positive SSL

Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard

Comodo Positive SSL Multi-domain Wildcard SSL

Comodo Essential SSL Certificate: As mentioned above, Comodo provides a variety of SSL products depending upon the cost as well as the level of security. Other than Comodo Positive range, it also has Essential range, which contains only two products:

Comodo Essential SSL

Comodo Essential Wildcard SSL

Difference Between The Two

Cost: The fundamental difference between the two is mostly the cost. Positive SSL Wildcard is less expensive than the Essential SSL Wildcard. For little and medium level sites, individuals favor Positive Wildcard. In any case, when sites need to convey monetary exchange or delicate information, Essential SSL wildcard is favored.

Rating: User’s trust rating of Essential SSL Wildcard is considerably higher than that of Positive SSL Wildcard, and this distinction in rating is because of high-level state of security highlights given by Essential product range.

5 Aspects Of SSL Certificate And HTTPS


The essential interface through which you make utilization of the internet. You visit a site relatively every time you utilize a browser. You may have seen that there is a series of words that go before the address of a site. This is either HTTP or HTTPS. Secure associations are built up on the web by utilizing a secure socket layer (SSL) certificate.

Let’s talk about the benefits Of SSL Certificates

1) Which Site Need SSL 

While the facts confirm that E-commerce websites will have secure connections set up. Encryption is critical for any site. Google by default displays a secure version of a site. Google Chrome who visit a site that does not have an SSL certificate will see a warning page. This will tell them that the page isn’t secure.

2) Page Load Time 

HTTPS refers to HTTP/2, this is a version of the standard HTTP protocol. It was intended to have a 50 percent decrease in page load time. This is done through pressure of information and decrease of procedures included. Regardless of whether there is a decrease in speed, this will be in the range of milliseconds.

3) SSLs Are The Most Progressive Kind Of Encryption 

The successor for SSL called TLS has been around since 2008. It settles a lots of vulnerabilities present in SSL certificates. However, it has been basically utilized for locales that require installment points of interest or deal with your money.

4) SSL Certificate Scramble All Information 

The main thing that SSL certificate do is ensure that the information is encrypted when it is being transferred. This in no way provides any assurance with respect to whether the information is secured when it is in the web server.

5) SSL Certificates Are Costly 

There are a lot of administrations that are allowed to utilize which enable you to get free SSL/TLS certificates. We should Encrypt and Encryption Everywhere is two of the notable ones.

Few Tips To Identify Fake And Scam Websites


Website is a collection of web pages that are related, share the same domain name and are published on one or more web servers.It also contains numerous information and important data which is valuable to website owner as well as the user of that site. So website security is also necessary for the website owner. Along with providing facilities to ease our work, the web also contains fake and fraudulent sites to cheat visitors. Here are a few tips to identify and at the same time, avoid fake, fraudulent and scam websites. We have a got a few ways for you to check the legitimacy of the website, and they go by these seven steps:

Check For Suspicious Offers 

Mostly get attract in towards substantial discounts and reasonable items yet being worried may spare your money. There are chances that they are con artists who are attempting to draw in deal-hungry customers. Try not to fall into their devices.

Bank Transfers 

A large portion of the fake sites will approach you to pay for items you have acquired through bank transfer. Avoid from concurring with this demand since you won’t have the capacity to record a chargeback and there is an irrelevant shot of recovering your cash, though if that you pay with a credit or a debit card, you can document chargeback to recover your cash.

Double Check The Site 

Don’t simply go for offers, twofold check the site before making any buy. Check the ‘About us’ page, ‘Terms and condition’ page and ‘get in touch with us’ page. Check whether the contact number gave is true, in the event that no contact data is given; there are chances that the site is deceitful. Do make sure to check the substance of the site; there are chances that the site was simply transferred to profit by tricking individuals. If the data, for example, place of work, contact number, E-mail address isn’t given, the better avoid such sites.

Return Policy

Each online trader should transfer their separate merchandise exchange whenever occupied with offering items on the internet. It is through the arrival approach that the client sees how and where they can restore a flawed item. Alongside merchandise exchange, the site should likewise have terms and condition page and in addition, security arrangement page to give clients a clearer picture of how their information is being utilized or about legally binding rights, assuming any.

How SSL Certificate Beneficial For Smartphones


Most of the business owners are working towards the development of their websites so that it can be viewed on each device; tablets, smartphones, desktops, etc. If business owners fail to provide such compatible websites, they will end up losing a large portion of revenue. On the other hand, CA’s (Certification Authorities) are concerned about smartphone security and are working on the solutions that are compatible with every existing version of a website. Majority of CA vendors have adopted such technologies by now, like:

1. Use of ‘mobile code signing credentials’ to keep hackers away.

2. Some of the CA vendors have also implemented SSL certificate to meet security issues.

3. Digital Signatures (still in beta stage).

SSL Certificate For Smartphones

Working of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is same for every computing device. Let it be a smartphone, tablet or desktop; SSL certificate in each case solves the purpose of providing Internet security. With SSL certificate, smartphone users can enjoy optimal protection while surfing the internet but this is only applicable if the certificate is compatible with the smartphone you are using else the user will receive an error message. Note that the certificates that support microbrowsers are compatible with smartphones and around 99% of the SSL certificates are smartphone compatible.

Using SSL Certificate For Smartphones

SSL certificate is compulsory for site security as it helps in ensuring information (private, sensitive and critical data) from obscure and unapproved outsiders. At the point when enjoyed online business, client’s security should be the need and if your site is sufficiently secure it will encourage your clients to execute with your organization. This won’t just enable you to hold clients yet additionally construct client dependability and business goodwill.

The Key Focuses To Secure Online Transactions Are: 

SSL secure Site seal: It is a visual stamp and is shown on the landing page of the site. This site seal connotes security, believability, and unwavering quality. secured exchanges and information security are shown by showing it on the site. As such, we can state that it is protected to transmit your own information on the destinations having ‘SSL secure site seal’.

Green location bar: EV green address bar is enabled for each site that has Extended Validation SSL certificate. This green location bar gives visual confirmation of Internet security. This helps in picking up the trust of clients and furthermore influences conversion rate of the site.

High-level state of encryption: Algorithms are utilized to scramble information, which is then exchanged through an encoded link to give high-level security. Encryption calculation changes over information into a non-readable form, which isn’t straightforward, which additionally makes information exchange by means of Internet security.

SSL certificate for security and information exchange is gainful for both, the client and also the online vendor. Alongside SSL certificate security, the vast majority of CA sellers additionally give specialized help and back up (now and again) which helps in enhancing security protection level.

Find Out Whether Your SSL Provider Are Genuine Or Not


No matter what size of business you own, it is important to have some kind of online protection to maintain good reputations of your business and to save your business credentials If you run a website or are related to E-commerce industry, you know the importance of SSL certificate, website security and authorized SSL provider. Finding an authorized provider and getting a real SSL certificate is becoming difficult day by day, as there are a lot of players sitting in the market to cheat you.

To find out authenticity and legality of SSL provider you need to know about certain things, which we have listed below. This list of questions will help you in finding whether the SSL provider you have chosen is genuine and is actually what he is claiming to be.

1. Do They Provide After Sale Support Whenever Required?

The Installation process of SSL certificate is not as easy as you may think. It is a complicated process, which at times requires some kind of technical assistance or support. It is difficult to complete the process of installation without the support of certificate provider. Even help from certificate provider is required for renewal of these certificates when existing certificates are about to expire. So it is important that the live support system is always working for providing instant support to its customers.

2. Do They Offer Variety Of SSL Certificates?

SSL certificate is categorized into three main categories depending upon the level of encryption. It totally depends upon your business type and requirement, which certificate to choose from. It is SSL provider’s responsibility to understand your requirement and issue appropriate SSL certificate, which is right to provide security level you require and fulfill your business’s requirement.

3. Does Certificate Providers Have Valid EV Certificates?

EV certificate is an Extended Validation Certificate, which is a type of SSL certificate. It offers the highest level of online protection as compared to other categories of SSL certificates. EV certificate maintains a list, which contains the following credentials of a business:

Physical address

Phone number

Official E-mail ID

Other important details about the business

This list ensures the legality of the business in the virtual online world. These certificates are not easily granted. Background checks are necessary before issuing these certificates. So, before going for an EV SSL certificate, it is important to ensure that your certificate provider provides valid EV SSL certificate.

4. Is SSL Certificate Their Prime Product?

Sometimes we neglect such minor things but it does matter when it comes to Internet security. If your certificate provider mainly focuses on SSL certificates, this ensures that better services will be provided. Some of the SSL providers may offer you the combo of certain products along with the SSL certificate and will ensure you that this will be more beneficial. But what they promise is way beyond reality. So make sure that your certificate provider’s prime product is SSL certificate. This ensures quality online protection.

For online security SSL certificate has earned good name globally. But it is important to choose a genuine SSL certificate from an authorized service provider. Before finalizing SSL certificate provider for your business, consider the above-mentioned points and then take the decision. This will help you in choosing the right Comodo SSL provider to solve your purpose. But if you still have questions or concerns, give us a call at +1 (888) 606-7330.

5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Purchasing An SSL Certificate


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is necessary when personal details, confidential information is being exchanged using internet. With a specific end goal to secure it from being abused by outsider or hacker, we require an additional layer of security-SSL. To give internet security, the information being shared between a server and a browser is encoded before sharing therefore stays safe from being gotten to by wrong person or misused by any outsider.

There are certain things that should be kept in mind before acquiring SSL Certificate:

  • Which SSL to opt for: There are dedicated SSL as well as Shared SSL. Shared SSLs are normally free of cost, no support service and link is not that secure. Whereas, Dedicated SSLs have good support service and cost money but is completely owned by one user only, thus is highly recommended for e-commerce sites.
  • Encryption level: Depending upon purpose of SSL certificate, there is an availability of various level of encryption. For example: For blogs, level of security required is less than that of any e-commerce sites. So before accruing SSL certificate, one should be aware of the level of encryption.
  • From whom: There are quite a number of companies that sell SSL certificate but are these companies reliable or trustworthy? I would suggest to go for a good brand or CA (Certificate Authorities), especially, when we are talking about security of e-commerce sites.
  • IP address: SSL is linked to an IP address to provide security to domain/site. So it becomes very important to have a dedicated IP address in order to secure it a 100%. Although SSL certificate can be used in a shared environment as well.
  • Tenure: Minimum tenure for validation of SSL certificate is one year. But it depends upon requirement, service and cost, which one would suit you the most.

Does SSL help your Local business’s SEO Rank to Improve on Google?


About SSL

SSL is a Secure Socket Layer, which helps in securing data from being misused or modified by any third party by establishing encrypted link between the browser and the server or between servers. This link ensures that the data that is being transferred/shared between the server and the browser remains private and secure.

How SEO Rank can be improved for our website/local business?

We should comprehend this simplerly. At whatever point we have an inquiry in our mind, we tend to seek it online with the assistance of any search engine. When we compose our question, a list of results appear on our screen and out of each one of those outcomes more often than not we pick the specific first outcome. We do so because the main site appeared because of our query tends to be more proper or important than different sites or site pages. The site positioned better will be appeared preceding the sites whose positioning isn’t that great when contrasted with the site which is positioned top most. Web optimization is the showcasing method of web, which helps in enhancing the positioning of sites and encourages in redirecting movement to your site from search engines.

Does SSL help?

Although SSL helps in providing security, but is it equally good for improving SEO ranking of local business? Let’s discuss it in detail to understand better-

Google (search engine) gives preference to webpages with https :// over http :// if the searched article in both the website is appropriate and relevant.

SSL certificate can cost you more if your website is huge; as the cost can increase radically, depending upon the amount of data transferred an if it is encrypted. If your business is not at a large scale, the cost of SSL certificate might affect your budget.

If you own local business and want to go for SSL to improve SEO ranking, consider above mentioned points and make a wise decision.

How Comodo SSL Certificate Help You To Secure Your Website


Comodo has gained trust of its customer by providing excellent service and has maintained its position at the top in the list of genuine CAs (Certification Authorities).Comodo SSL certificate ensures that your information will not be tampered by any third party, the data will be guarded from hackers or virus attacks; which makes it possible to interact online or have a successful online business without worrying about internet threats, virus, hackers or any other security issues.

Type Of SSL Certificate

Single domain

Multiple domain


You can choose from these categories as to which SSL certificate would be more useful in your case as well as would be more cost effective.

How it helps securing your website:

As security is main concern, it follows various verification steps, which might take time, thus making the process of issuing SSL certificate time consuming. It takes a day or two to get a SSL Certificate, but it also depends upon the type of SSL certificate you opted for.There are few Comodo SSL certificates that can be installed within minutes such as Free Comodo SSL. Before issuing the SSL certificate, Comodo makes sure that applicant is genuine and the data provided is correct, if it is not the case, then SSL certificate will not be issued and the request will be rejected. Once the SSL Certificate is issued, the link between the browser and the server will be in encrypted form or secured, and the data shared is also encrypted so that it is in non-readable form and cannot be modified or misused.

How To Avoid Online Fraud?


In the present computerized world, nothing is completely secured from an assault. Loss of information can happen, and sadly, regularly we don’t see it coming.Whether you’re a global organisation  or a small start-up, it’s essential to secure your business resources, including your clients’ by and by identifiable data.

In business, security supports everything – from client experience to representative commitment, in the case of ensuring information or physical resources. As indicated by a Microsoft study, Singapore firms brought about S$23.8b economic misfortunes from cyberattacks in 2017, with a lot of that misfortune caused by the effect on the more extensive biological community and prompting diminished shopper and undertaking spending.

Here are Some tips to help protect your customers and your data

1. Protect customers with a SSL Certificate

Website security isn’t just about ensuring the stuff you store on your site. It’s additionally about guarding information during its transmission, for which you require a SSL Certificate. SSL encrypts information sent to your servers, so your organization and client information is secured while being transmitted amongst sites and servers.

2. Hackers and identity thieves cannot steal what you don’t have

In this manner, don’t collect or save client information you needn’t bother with. For instance, you might need to consider utilizing an encoded checkout passage to help dispense with the requirement for your own servers to view and store the client’s credit card information. This may be marginally more badly arranged at checkout time for your clients, however the advantages may exceed the risk of trading off their credit card numbers.

3. Be cautious with login privileges.

One of the least difficult approaches to enhance your site security is to have more tightly login controls.

We prescribe having logins that terminate following two or three long periods of inactivity. It may bother sign in numerous times each day, yet a login that remaining parts legitimate, in spite inactivity,  is a hazard to your client information and your business. Everything necessary is for a device to fall into the wrong hands — a PC left on the MRT, or a cell phone in a café. Putting a firm point of confinement on number of login endeavors works as well. Thusly, you’ll be secured against brute force attacks.

4. Daily Check Your Website For Liability

It is imperative to examine your site frequently to help identity character cheats and hackers have not brought malware into promotions, illustrations, or other substance given by outsiders. You might need to consider utilizing a security checking administration that is consistently observing and ensuring your sites against malware, ransomware and other potential viruses.

Let’s Understand The SSL-Related Browser Errors & Their Solutions


Basic SSL-Related Browser alerts are something that everybody runs across at some point. Without fitting information, the client has a tendency to disregard these alerts. It is difficult for a common man to recognize ordinary admonitions and genuine ones. This can result in an awful client experience. In this way, to determine this issue, Google has discharged the consequence of an investigation on program alerts under the heading ‘where the wild warnings  are:The Root cause of Chrome HTTPS certificate errors’.Without wasting time let’s discuss most common SSL related browser warnings and possible solutions.

1) Server Data Error: Expired certificates are the main cause of almost all the server data errors. Simple solution for such errors is ‘do not let your SSL certificate expire’. It is possible that you have certificates from different Certificate Authorities (CAs). It might be difficult to keep track of each and every issued certificate. To resolve such issues, all you need is a management platform and inventory tool.


  • Inventory tool: it will locate all certificates that you have installed and respective CAs who have issued them.
  • You can also use APIs and ACME protocol to keep track of installed SSL certificates.

2) Server name mismatch error: When Comodo Wildcard SSL certificate is installed, it is important to include all sub-domain names along with host domain. You can include ‘within the scope’ or specific domain name. Remember ‘www’ and ‘non-www’ domain versions are not one of the same things. Wildcard error can arise due to oversight or multiple levels of the domain. For example: If you have installed the certificate for *, there are chances that it may not cover ‘example’.


  • You have to include both on the certificate or list them under Wildcard SSL certificate.
  • Double check host-name while including it in your certificate.

3) Server Authority invalid error: Major browsers have come up with a list of trusted CA’s. If you want to verify the authenticity of your CA, you can look for their name in this list. Also, check whether the certificates of your website are chained to a root. Along with is also check whether it is listed in the browser’s trust list. The Error can occur due to the use of self-signed certificates or government operated roots. The Government operated roots are not listed in Standard trusted store. Use of such roots can lead to warnings.


  • Do not use self-signed certificates on the public website
  • Ask your employees to ignore warnings only for internal sites (intranet), not for general browsers.

4) Client Clock error: This is not a server related error. This type of error occurs when the system clock is incorrect. This might result in overlapping of current time and certificate validity period.


  • Leave a gap between receiving and actual using of the certificate. For example, you have received the SSL certificate on 16/7/18 and installed it on the very same day. If any of the client clocks are set in the past, it will trigger an error or warning.

Features Of Comodo SSL Certificate For Website Security


Comodo is world’s number1 SSL provider with 33.6% of stake in the industry. This was due to trust and Internet security that the brand provides strong encryption. Comodo managed to surpass its closest competitor ‘Symantec Corporation’ in 2015 to become a global leader. Let us now discuss the reason for such a huge success and various features provided by Comodo SSL certificate.

Let us now discuss  Some Features Provided By Comodo SSL Certificate

Technical Competency-

  • Comodo guarantees to incorporate the essential updates to its security parameters to remain in front of the competitors.
  • Comodo SSL secures site with 2048-bit signature or 256-bit encryption.
  • Comodo legitimates site before issuing SSL certificate by remaining nearby with CA Security Council and ensures that all the industrial standards are met. Comodo’s certificate  issuing office explores how honest to goodness the site is before issuing them the SSL certificate. Remembering On-Time issuance does this.
  • Comodo has kept up relative low costs and better administration over years, which is a win-win circumstance for a client.

Features Of Comodo SSL Certificate For Website Security (1)

Worldwide recognition-

Comodo has managed to become the household name for computer security (internet security) over the period of time. Comodo is successfully ruling the global market. Over 50 million people are using various Comodo brand products, such as



Internet browser

SSL certificates

Freedom of choice-

Comodo group believes in constant need of innovation and experimentation to cop-up with the world. That is the reason that they have maintained Number1 ranking over years. Various features provided by Comodo are

1. Free trial for 90 days with various benefits such as:

  • Testing new site’s SSL security certificate
  • Avoids security laps if current certificate is expiring
  • For 3 months, hassle free website protection

2. Comodo’s free SSL comes with:

  • No risk
  • No commitment guarantees


With ongoing experiments and well-dedicated team, Comodo is ahead in terms of innovating new technology. Security is the prime concern, Comodo has come up with a number of products to fulfill client’s requirement in minimum cost. It has successfully captured 33% of the global market and is still growing.

Improve Internet Security With Easy Steps


Every customer is conscious about sharing data and doing financial transaction as there are chances of data being misused by a third party.. If something goes wrong, not just the customer is affected but the company is touched too.Even as a business owner, our main goal is to spread our business beyond local market and rapid growth of our business. To do so, first thing that you have to take care, as a business owner, is internet security.We can take a few steps to improve Internet security as well as build good reputation among customers:

Online store encryption: SSL certificate is used to protect/secure data of website users, but there might be a case where http:// unencrypted protocol is used while checking out process by other traffic to ecommerce website. To protect your data, all you have to do is click on “Activate Comodo SSL Certificate” in your Shopify account; this will encrypt your online store. Once the SSL Certificate is activated, all the traffic on your website will be redirected to https :// instead of http ://. In this way you can provide complete security to your customer data.

Device encryption: If your passwords are saved or auto filled, and if someone have access to your device, such as mobile, laptop, computer system etc, it becomes difficult to protect your data. Encryption is the only way, you can protect your data even if the device is unlocked or password is saved in the device. We can hide the data with encryption so that nobody can read it without knowing the password. Even if somebody gains access to your device, your important and sensitive information will remain secure and protected.

Two-Step Authentication: To take internet security to another level, two step authentications is used. For every login attempt, it will require two-piece information: your account password and a single-use authentication code (which is sent to the user via SMS or any other authenticator application). There are chances that someone would crack down your password, but without single-use authentication, which is sent on your device, he/she will not be able to login.

Software update: It is important to keep your system updated; which includes operating system, web browser, and computer software. Updation also avoids risk of clicking any fake link or risk links.

Password manager: Normally we use the same password for our email account, online banking, online business etc., which becomes easier for hacker to crack it down and manipulate data and misuse it. That is why password manager is required. It not only generates a strong password for websites you visit, but also stores them in vault, in encrypted form, with a single main/master password. Advantage of using Password manager:

Password generated is not crackable

Unique password for every website

Let’s Understand About TLS, SSL Certificate And HTTPS


If you are technically not very sound and do not understand most of the terms used, then this article is especially written for you. In this article we will discuss about SSL, TSL, SSL Certificates and HTTPS in detail, and in a language which is easy to understand.

SSL: SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a technology used to provide security. Now, the question that comes to our mind is ‘provides security to whom?’ When we open any site, a link is created between a browser and a web server. This link has to be secured so that no hacker can misuse or modify the information or data.

TLS: TLS stands for Transport Layer Security. It is similar to SSL but is more secure. In simple words, it is updated version of SSL. However, SSL is the most commonly used term, so if you bought latest SSL and want to go for TLS instead, you don’t have to spend a single penny because most probably the latest SSL which you already have is actually a TLS certificate.

HTTPS: It stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. We all are familiar with the term HTTP. HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP. When we talk about the word ‘secure’ we mean encryption (converting data into a non-readable form). When we use internet, wide amount of data is shared. The data can contain personal details, bank account details, credit card details, confidential data or sensitive data. When we share this data online via login forms, online shopping, banking or by any other means, our preference is to transfer data in such a way that it do not fall into wrong hands, is misused or modified. In short, data needs to be transferred from browser to server in a secured way. This is why, HTTPS came into existence. HTTPS provides secure communication over internet.

SSL Certificate: To get a secure connection or SSL connection between the browser and server, there is a need for SSL certificate. The information SSL Certificate carry is a domain name, company/organization name and complete address along with country name. Along with these details, additional information that the certificate contains is the date of expiration, which thoroughly depends upon the tenure you have opt for, and CA (Certification Authority) details. CA is the entity, which is responsible for issuing SSL Certificate.

Ranking Factore From Google You Must Follow In 2018


SEO ranking elements frequently feel like one of the seven wonders of the web. Luckily, numerous individuals have devoted their chance, money and effort as of now to figure out what works best for SEO, so you should simply take after the individuals who preceded. Google has even come straight out and disclosed to us a few its positioning elements so we will utilize them to enhance our sites for online users.

Google Has Declared Two Quite Important Ranking Factors.

Mobile PageSpeed:

Google’s PageSpeed update became effective in July 2018. This means page speed is currently a positioning component for sites in mobile searches (from telephones and tablets). If your site runs gradually on cell phones, you should roll out a few improvements to make it stack quicker.Not just is this a ranking factor for cell phones, yet it can likewise add to the general execution of your site and how clients associate with it. The most widely recognized approach to settle page-speed issues for mobile websites is to improve the pictures, change the size and pack them so they don’t set aside as  much time to load.


SSL certificates (also known as HTTPS) are a safe encryption that enables your site to send data without dread of it being hacked. This has dependably been basic for sites that acknowledge online payments and sensitive information, similar to  e-commerce sites and medical facilities. In any case, with a few updates that Google Chrome as of late revealed, this is ending up more essential for all sites, paying little respect to the data they collect.

If your site doesn’t have the safe HTTPS expansion, Google Chrome will now show the site URL as Not Secure. This can extremely affect the movement on your site on the grounds that the normal client doesn’t comprehend why it isn’t secure.

Google reported HTTPS as a ranking signal four years back, however with its change to flag websites as non-secure in July of this current year, site owners are getting the insight and picking a SSL certificates. Not exclusively is having HTTPS on your site a good ranking signal, yet there are numerous different advantages to getting a SSL certificates, such as securing your site and keeping valuable traffic.

Without Any Technical Experience How to Secure online store With SSL


When we go for online shopping, first thing that comes in our mind is that ‘is this site safe for online shopping, what if my credit card details are leaked or hacked, what if this is a fraud?’ It is important for the business owner to provide feeling of security to its customers so that they can shop online- freely and comfortably. If you have online store, first thing that should be done is to go for a Comodo SSL certificate to ensure your customer’s safe and secure transaction.


While doing internet shopping, it is imperative that your data that incorporates your name, address, portable number, credit card details etc, must be shared through a protected stage. To achieve this kind of secure association SSL is required. For this, all you require is to take after basic online direction and introduce a SSL certificate from approved CA (Certification Authority). The data which you give will be checked to authenticity if you have given right and complete information, your SSL certificate will be issued by means of which you can secure your site.

Credit cards and SSL

Your store and merchant account is connected through online payment gateway that assists transaction between parties involved-merchant’s bank and card issuer’s bank. It is like a card swipe machine that you might have seen in most of the stores when you go out for shopping. As the monetary transaction is involved, it is advisable to get SSL certificate so that such transactions can be done in a secure environment.

After applying for these forms you need to wait for few days for processing of your application and once your application is accepted, you can start accepting payments. But before accepting payment you need to connect your account to the gateway and then gateway to your store. There are all-in-one solutions like Pay Pal, which unites merchant account and gateway into one solution, which makes setup easier and quicker.

Comodo SSL Certificate For Your Website Security


SSL Certificate: 

It is a small data file which when installed creates an encrypted link between the web browser and the server to ensure secure transfer of information in encrypted form so as to protect it from being modified or misused by any third party. There is CAs (Certification Authorities) from where you can buy the desired SSL certificates. CA is an entity that is responsible for issuing SSL certificate and for verification and authentication of applicants. But it is advisable to request SSL certificate from a trusted CA. Comodo is one of the leading and trusted SSL certificate issuing entity.

How SSL Certificate  securing your website: 

When Comodo issues SSL Certificate, it verifies the information provided by applicant and makes sure that all the information (such as company name, address, physical existence etc) provided is correct and also checks the legality of it. As security is main concern, it follows various verification steps, which might take time, thus making the process of issuing SSL certificate time consuming. It takes a day or two to get a SSL Certificate, but it also depends upon the type of SSL certificate you opted for.

There are few Comodo SSL certificates that can be installed within minutes such as Free Comodo SSL. Before issuing the SSL certificate, Comodo makes sure that applicant is genuine and the data provided is correct, if it is not the case, then SSL certificate will not be issued and the request will be rejected. Once the SSL Certificate is issued, the link between the browser and the server will be in encrypted form or secured, and the data shared is also encrypted so that it is in non-readable form and cannot be modified or misused.

Various Comodo SSL certificates: There are various SSL Certificates that Comodo supports. These are categorized in three groups:

Single domain

Multiple domain


You can choose from these categories as to which SSL certificate would be more useful in your case as well as would be more cost effective.

How To Avoid Cyber Attacks


Our lives today spin around and depend progressively on digital services, thusly, we have to take added care to secure our online data from being disturbed by being perniciously utilized by guilty parties. To ensure your information, you should have the capacity to utilize a portion of the accepted procedures and the accessible security software.  All organizations either huge or little ought to consider complete security arrangement as a critical segment for its activity.

What is a Cyber Attack? 

This is an interruption, theft or only a kind of computerized attack that is done from one or a few PCs. This disturbance can be on perhaps an individual device that is web-empowered or even the entire system. These attacks ordinarily work in various ways might be either attempting to obtain entrance into a system or device to escape with somebody’s information or by generally disabling target devices for ransom.

Types of Cyber Attacks


This is for the most part a document that is downloaded to a specific computer. It can do everything from take credit card information to even your keystrokes and different passwords that are delicate to encode your device for recover contingent upon the vindictive programming usefulness.

Phishing tricks 

This is only a sham preliminary of cramming a man’s private data like for example passwords for the most part through fake emails that may look official. The messages are utilized to access other individuals’ close to home records by basically driving you to enter your own data on a page worked by a hacker.

Middleman Attacks 

These attacks are relatively like phishing. With this, impersonation systems are utilized to trap individuals to enter their private and delicate data, for example, that of credit card numbers into counterfeit variants of administrations.

Conveyed Denial of Service Attacks 

These ones are typically done against governments and huge organizations. Directed things are the servers and sites. They are expert by sending numerous requests for data.

SQL and XSS Attacks

Here, the hackers will present an uncommon area of database question code to a specific server. The server will, thusly, unveil some data that is touchy while reacting with the relating comes about. This is known as a SQL and XSS infusion attacks.

Lastly, it was the Uber hacking of the year 2016. This prompted the loss of drivers and travelers data getting got to by programmers.

How To Improve Cyber Security 

If  you comprehend the benefit of putting resources into protection for your business, at that point it might be an ideal opportunity to discover more about the administrations of cybersecurity organizations. By guaranteeing you have satisfactory security set up to give you the consolation that your business is limiting the danger of false online exercises, cybersecurity organizations offer genuine feelings of serenity. Notwithstanding beginning reviews, suggestions, and establishment of reasonable programming, they will guarantee that the items are kept refreshed as updates are presented. Cybersecurity organizations can likewise give preparing to representatives, so everybody inside your association knows about the significance of their part in limiting security dangers

What Is CAA & How To Create CAA Record?


CAA is a security measure or in simpler language, it is a standard that is designed to basically protect websites and help in preventing unauthorized SSL certificate. Certificate Authorities (CAs) is the powerful entity whose job is to make sure that every single SSL certificate is authorized by using different methods of domain validation. It is normally done by linking the particular SSL certificate with particular website using a particular domain. But the CA should be listed as an authorized issuer of certificate. As CAA specify which CAs are genuine and are allowed to issue certificate for a domain, it helps in preventing or minimizing chances of hacking or misusing SSL certificate.

How to create CAA record

In order to create a CAA record, DNS (Domain Name System) provider has to be contacted. List of CAs that you prefer should be provided so that unauthorized CAs can not issue SSL Certificates to your domain. If you did not provide with your preferred list of CAs, it automatically gives right to every single CA to issue SSL certificate to your domain, which can results in misuse of your domain by any other party.

Benefits of CAA

  • It helps in preventing illegal or unauthorized issuance of comodo SSL certificate.
  • Organization are also helped by limiting CAs they use.
  • The site owners are also benefited as they can now specify which Certificate Authorities (CAs) have the authority to issue SSL certificate to their domain name.
  • All the CAs have to check for the authenticity before issuing SSL certificate.

Need for CAA

As advantages of Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) are clear, next thing that hits our minds is “Do I require CAA?”. The appropriate response is clear… YES, we especially require CAA. As we probably aware CAA records are utilized to check the credibility of CAs i.e. which CA is approved to issue SSL certificate and it gives enormous measure of security from hacker. It additionally offers rights to the domain proprietor to bar specific CA. CA can’t issue any Comodo SSL certificate without verification. At the end of the day, we can state that CAA can bring down the risk of issuing the SSL certificates by unapproved Certificate Authorities (CAs).

For any domain, CA can issue certificates and with increment in HTTPS, there is an expansion in SSL certificates. To put a control over this, a powerful approach was required. An approach that couldn’t just decline the hazard yet put a stop on miss-issuance of SSL certificates. CAA is intended to stop unapproved issuance of SSL certificates.

5 Reasons to Switch Your SSL Provider or Certificate Authority


If your current SSL provider is not fulfilling all your business needs and you do not see the longevity of this partnership, then it’s the right time to switch. Another reason for switching can be trusted CA.In this article, we will discuss a few factors that can ease the task of switching. This will help you in decision making. Not only pricing but we should also consider other factors before coming to a decision. Let us discuss few of them one by one in detail:

1. Value of the Product: One of the main factors that help in decision making is costing, which we can’t neglect. But it is not an adequate reason for choosing SSL provider. Value of the product is also as important as its costing. For example, if you choose cost over value, you might end up compromising with the security needs. This will not be considered a wise decision. It is important to understand the business requirements and needs. You should also keep in mind your near future requirements as well as the long-term goals of your company. I am sure you would like a hassle-free solution, which will not only cover your company’s current needs but also future requirements. The Value that you should consider while searching for a new SSL provider are:

  • The Certificate features
  • Benefits provided
  • Service level
  • Customer support?

2. Features & Benefits:Every SSL provider will lure you with various benefits and features in order to sell their product. Be smart, choose wisely and evaluate offers given by different providers. Keeping value in mind, go through all the offers and choose the one that fulfills the needs of your business. These offers could be:

  • Additional value-added service (free of cost)
  • Automatic renewal of SSL certificate
  • Unlimited Service licenses

3. Support & Service: If you are looking for the long-lasting relationship with SSL provider or Certificate Authority (CA), you should look for more than just cost. SSL Certificate provisioning requires the following things:

  • Order placed
  • Support and service in need (when required)
  • Renewal (when required)
  • Installation

Service and support isvery important aspect of buildingstrong relationships and is what you should consider while switching your SSL provider. Check various support services like:

  • Support for different languages
  • Support irrespective of time zone difference
  • Support over phone
  • Response time
  • Accuracy and time taken to respond or resolve a query

While switching SSL provider, make sure you do not fall victim to some marketing strategy. Lower cost can mean that they may not facilitate you with all the features they have mentioned. Low cost also means that minimum support service provided. They may cut few of the benefits (which are beneficial and can fulfill your business need) to lower the cost.

4. Comprehensive Lifecycle Management (CLM):

CLM includes basically three things. These are:

  • Discovering
  • Taking inventories
  • Managing all SSL certificate across your network including cloud service

Next thing to be considered is easy and a seamless process of deployment and management of various SSL certificates. It will not only save your money but also time. Get a demo before finalizing. Check the tool or platform and look for answers to the following questions:

  • Whether it is exactly what has been promised.
  • Is it user-friendly?
  • Is it a time-efficient tool?
  • Are you the right person to understand and use this platform, or being trained?

A reputed CA will always provide you with a user-friendly and time effective tool. Now the question arises ‘can your team put this tool to work instantly?’

Also, do not forget to check whether your CA offers following two important things:

  • Dedicated account management
  • Continued support for any kind of issue related to SSL

5. Compatibility: While switching, it is important to look for a trusted SSL provider or CA. Major Browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) have joined their hands and made a list of trusted CA. Certificates issued by these CAs are compatible with almost all the browsers and devices. On choosing a new CA, few things you should ask them before finalizing are:

  • How long they have been running as a CA or SSL provider?
  • About browsers and devices, and what are their certificates are compatible with

On searching for new CA or SSL provider, there should be certain things kept in your mind. These are cost & value, features & benefits, support & service, CLM, and compatibility. If you get satisfactory answers to your questions, then you need to switch your SSL provider or Certificate Authority.

If you having similar questions then feel free to contact our team at The SSL Street. Contact us at the toll-free number +1 (888) 606-7330 or try the 24/7 email support at

Important Points To Keep In Mind When Moving From HTTP to HTTPS


If you need to guarantee a flawless user experience on your site, you should host a safe third-party encryption. As clients are getting increasingly well informed, security is additionally getting to be a standout amongst the most imperative parameters to consider.

While site ownres were all the while considering over the issue of HTTPs versus HTTP, Google reported that HTTPs is an unquestionable requirement for better site positioning. That announcement ordered the work of HTTPs and SSL Certificates on each website.The green padlock that accompanies HTTPS portrays that the site is secure and every one of the exchanges brought out through the installment passage are safe.

HTTPs keeps the entrance of data by unapproved sources. HTTPs and HTTP submit to comparative conventions yet HTTPs utilizes SSL to ensure the information and offers better security to the clients. Long story short, HTTPs is the safe partner of HTTP.SSL and HTTPs are utilized synonymously yet that isn’t right. HTTPS utilizes SSL to exchange the data and a mix of the two guarantees site security.

How SSL Certificate Helps To Better Search Engine Optimization 

Google gives more inclination to sites with SSL Certificate. Accordingly, there is a boost in the web index positioning of the website. There are a few positioning elements to be considered for SEO and keeping in mind that SSL isn’t the main factor adding to it, it surely is an essential parameter to consider. HTTPs helps in meeting the site improvement objectives by confirming the site and not enabling outsiders or suspicious components to get to the data. In addition, it encodes each URL and keeps up the privacy of Visa numbers and history of pages visited.

Imperative Points When Moving from HTTP to HTTPS 

  1. As Google prescribes HTTPs, it is clearly evident that it will be advantageous for your site and drive business development over the long run. Simply ensure you take after the tips enrolled beneath so your guests don’t confront a noteworthy difficulty while you change to HTTPs.
  2. The initial step that you should take is to educate Google that you have changed the site from HTTP to HTTPs.
  3. Utilize just 2048-bit key authentications.
  4. Decide if you require a solitary or multi-domain certificate. You can likewise consider purchasing a wildcard SSL Certificate.
  5. You should utilize relative URLs for assets on a solitary secure domain.
  6. Ensure that the HTTPs site gets crawled.
  7. Give Google and other web indexes a chance to record the pages of the site beyond what many would consider possible.
  8. Try not to use the noindex meta tag in robots.txt.
  9. Select convention relative URLs for residual areas.
  10. Be careful about how HTTP is relocated to HTTPs with the assistance of examination programming and Webmaster Tools by Google.

The most effective method to Get SSL Certificate 

SSL Certificate primarily implies a code block on the site server to guarantee secure online correspondence. SSL Certificates help in enacting a scrambled association at the time the program interfaces with the protected site. It is a considerable measure like fixing a classified package sent at another goal so the relegation achieves the beneficiary securely. SSL does likewise.

At the point when a site owner asks for a SSL Certificate, the data of the organization gets checked by CA and after that a SSL certificate is issued to the candidate through a confirmation procedure.

What Is Comdo SSL Certificate & How It Secure Your Website


Website is a collection of web pages that contains numerous information and important data which is valuable to website owner as well as user of that site.As people across the world can access most of the websites, irrespective of their geographical distance (from the place where that website was uploaded), it becomes of utmost importance to secure the website and its data. Best way to secure your website is by installing.

SSL certificate: It is a small data file which when installed creates an encrypted link between the web browser and the server to ensure secure transfer of information in encrypted form so as to protect it from being modified or misused by any third party. There is CAs (Certification Authorities) from where you can buy the desired SSL certificates. CA is an entity that is responsible for issuing SSL certificate and for verification and authentication of applicants. But it is advisable to request SSL certificate from a trusted CA. Comodo is one of the leading and trusted SSL certificate issuing entity.

Comodo SSL certificate: When we discuss Comodo SSL certificate, first thing that strikes our mind is high web security. Throughout the years, Comodo has picked up trust of its client by giving superb administration and has kept up its situation at the best in the rundown of honest to goodness CAs (Certification Authorities). It is difficult to pick up trust of client and it is significantly harder to hold it. Comodo SSL certificate guarantees that your data won’t be altered by any outsider, the information will be monitored from hackers or virus attacks; which makes it conceivable to collaborate on the web or have a fruitful online business without agonizing over web dangers, infection, hackers or some other security issues.

How it helps securing your site: When Comodo issues SSL Certificate, it confirms the data gave by candidate and ensures that all the data, (for example, organization name, address and so on) gave is right and furthermore checks the legitimateness of it. As security is fundamental concern, it takes after different verification steps, which may require some serious time, in this manner influencing the procedure of issuing SSL to certificate time consuming. It takes multi day or two to get a SSL Certificate, however it additionally relies on the sort of SSL certificate you picked for.There are few Comodo SSL certificates that can be introduced inside minutes, for example, Free Comodo SSL. Before issuing the SSL authentication, Comodo ensures that candidate is genuine and the information gave is right, in the event that it isn’t the situation, at that point certificate won’t be issued and the demand will be rejected. Once the SSL Certificate is issued, the connection between the program and the server will be in scrambled frame or anchored, and the information shared is additionally encoded so it is in non-readable form and can’t be changed or misuse

Why Do You Need An SSL Certificate & How To Get It?


In July 2018, Google declared that Chrome would check all unencrypted sites as “not secure.” If you need users or clients to confide in your business, you should consider ensuring your site with a SSL certificate.

What is an SSL certificates? 

SSL Certificates secure your client’s personal information including passwords, credit cards and identity data. Getting a SSL Certificates is the simplest method to build your client’s trust in your online business.An SSL Certificates verifies a site and scrambles the data exchanged between the site and its server. By encoding this data, the SSL Certificates scrambles the information into a configuration that must be perused by approved clients. Basically, a SSL Certificates “locks” the data sent between your internet browser and server with the goal that it must be perused utilizing a “key”. SSL encoded sites have URLs that start with HTTPS.

Need of an SSL certificate

Google positioning: In 2014, Google reported that HTTPS sites rank higher than HTTP sites in Google look. This is on because of HTTPS sites are viewed as more reliable. Adding a SSL certificate to your site can enhance your Google rank and influence your business to look more believable.

Security: A SSL certificate ensures the data go between your site and its server from programmers and identity cheats. Without a SSL certificate , your site and business will be more helpless against assaults and malware. If you store data, for example, usernames, passwords or credit card numbers, you should use a SSL certificate or another type of encryption.

Expanded deals: If a client arrives at a HTTP site, their browser may tell them the site isn’t secure, which will urge them to make a buy somewhere else. A SSL certificate is likewise required for sites to acknowledge charge card installments as per Payment Card Industry benchmarks.

Step by step instructions to get a SSL certificate 

SSL certificates are incorporated into some web hosting plans. If your web facilitating plan does not accompany a free SSL certificate , contact your facilitating supplier to get some information about adding a SSL certificate to your website. You can likewise buy a SSL certificate specifically from a SSL provider. Costs will rely upon the supplier, length of certification, level of security and number of areas you wish to ensure.

Which SSL Is Good For Your Site- Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard vs. EssentialSSL Wildcard Certificate


Virtual world has diminished the geological separation and made this present reality as nearby. Each and every individual around the globe is associated with each other individual by means of Internet. Because of such network, tremendous measure of information is shared once a day over the Internet. SSL gives a secured environment inside which you can share information and maintain a strategic distance from Internet security dangers. It is essential to utilize Comodo SSL certificate for delicate information however it is significantly more vital to comprehend which SSL certificate to use out of various distinctive SSL items. There are an immense number of SSL certificates accessible and these could conceivably fall under a similar brand.

Picking a SSL certificate that suits your necessity is a important choice to make. Depending gent on the reason, you can look over the rundown, for example, Single domain SSL certificate , different domain SSL certificate , wildcardcard certificate , free SSL certificate . Regularly, individuals think that its hard to separate one certificate from another, for example, Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard certificate and Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard certificate.


The primary reason for Wildcard SSL certificate is to secure fundamental doamin and all its first level sub-doamins. Special case just gives security to certain level of sub-doamins, yet it is generally utilized in light of the fact that it spares time and cost effective.

Comodo Positive SSL Certificate: Comodo is an entity that issues or grants,or we can say that it is a Certification Authority (CA), which provides a list of SSL certificates. Positive SSL Wildcard Certificate is the part of ‘Positive’ product range provided by Comodo, which are less costly as compare to other SSL wildcard products available in the market. List of few products of Comodo Positive range are:

Comodo Positive SSL

Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard

Comodo Positive SSL Multi-domain Wildcard SSL

Comodo Essential SSL Certificate: As mentioned above, Comodo provides a variety of SSL products depending upon the cost as well as the level of security. Other than Comodo Positive range, it also has Essential range, which contains only two products:

Comodo Essential SSL

Comodo Essential Wildcard SSL

Difference Between The Two

Price: The main difference between the two is mainly the price. Positive SSL Wildcard is cheaper than the Essential SSL Wild card. For small and medium level websites, people prefer Positive Wildcard. But when websites need to carry financial transaction or sensitive data, Essential SSL wildcard is preferred.

Rating: User’s trust rating of Essential SSL Wildcard is much higher than that of Positive SSL Wildcard, and this difference in rating is due to high level of security features provided by Essential product range.

All HTTP Sites Will Now Be Marked “Not Secure”


Today is the beginning of the take off for Google Chrome 68 — the adaptation that makes HTTPS compulsory. This occasion has been not too far off for a long time.

Google will start revealing the steady form of Chrome 68. It’s essential to take note of that few out of every every client will be on 68 immediately. Attributable to its enormous client base, Google tends to roll these updates out finished the course of possibly 14 days to guarantee that everything discharges easily. It likewise makes it less demanding to move something back if it’s actualized incrementally.

So not every person will be on Chrome 68 appropriate out the gate, yet depend on it, beginning today Chrome clients will see some huge changes..

What’s changing in Chrome 68?

Beginning today, any site as yet being served through HTTP will get a negative visual pointer that says, “not secure” close to the URL in Chrome’s address bar.

Google intends to raise the stakes in future forms of Chrome, as well. Before long, when somebody endeavors to include content into a HTTP page the notice will change from dark textual style to a more critical shade of red.

That is not all, either. At present sites that are being served by means of HTTPS get a positive pointer—it says “Secure” with a little lock symbol in the space to one side of the URL in the address bar.

Yet, not for long. In a future release Google intends to eliminate the marker for Domain Validated and Organization Validated SSL certificates altogether.

What do I need to do to avoid the wrath of Google?

Short of making a type of representative offering following a journey to its royal residence in the Valley of Silicon, your most solid option is to secure and introduce a SSL certificate immediately.there are a scope of choices for each site owner, contingent upon your size and extension. Everything from free Domain Validated authentications to Extended Validation certificates that feature an association’s name in the address bar is accessible.

Before you settle on a choice, it’s most likely a smart thought to make sense of what you have to scramble, what number of domains, sub-domains, and so forth. There are diverse certificates writes for budget and utilize case. Simply recollect, each open confronting page and resource presently should be served through HTTPS. You can utilize 301 sidetracks to guide programs toward the right HTTPS page.

Simply recollect, picking not to scramble is having your site named “Not Secure” by Google, which claims the lion’s offer of the program showcase. Likewise recollect that web clients tend to confide in Google when it discloses to them something isn’t secure.

How Does Wildcard SSL Certificate Work


SSL Certificates is used to get a secure connection between a server and a browser while transferring sensitive data to avoid misuse of data being shared or transferred. There are different levels of certification validation.

Extended Validation Certificates

Organization Validated Certificates

Domain Validated Certificates

Wildcard SSL Certificate

In this article we will discuss Wildcard SSL Certificate. SSL certificate secure information from an third party by guaranteeing secure connection/association between a server and a browser. Be that as it may, with regards to securing all sub-domains alongside principle domain, Wildcard SSL certificate is required. Workings of both the certificates, i.e. SSL Certificate and additionally Wildcard SSL certificate is nearly the same with just a single significant contrast and that is Wildcard SSL Certificate gives security to main domain as well as, to all other sub-domains connected to the fundamental area independent of SSL certificate, which gives security to just the main domain.

Working of Wildcard SSL Certificate

When an organization applies for Wildcard SSL Certificate, it means that it owns multiple website or sub domains.

When CA (Certification Authority) issues a certificate, organization must ensure that all sub domains are associated with the main domain else it will affect the level of security.

Once the validation of the domain and the sub domain is checked, Wildcard SSL Certificate will provide the same level of security to the main domain and all other sub domains associated with it.

Wildcard SSL Certificate will look for all the possible sub domain names and will provide security to them. For example, a Wildcard SSL Certificate is issued to *, where ‘*’ represents all the sub domains associated with the main domain and in return Wildcard SSL Certificate will provide security to all the possible sub domains suffixed ‘’.

Important Things To Know Before Purchasing An SSL Certificate


SSL certificate is highly recommended where details like credit card number, bank details etc are required. SSL certificate Makes any site more reliable. E-commerce is very common now days, due to lack of time most of us prefer online shopping. But what if the e-commerce site is not secure? Most of us will prefer to search for a link which is more secure and reliable. Not only e-commerce sites but all the sites that handle sensitive information or personal information should opt for SSL Certificate in order to provide data security. It not only provides security but also enhance search engine ranking. These are the reasons why SSL Certificate is a must.

How SSL Will Help Your Site SEO?

Get search engine rank benefits and increased user trust from installing SSL site-wide. Google recently announced that having an SSL Certificates is the easiest thing site owners can do to boost SEO ranking.The Google search boost for using SSL applies to all sites, whether they have personal information or not.

How does a SSL certificate work?

After the secure connection is made, the session key is used to encrypt all transmitted data. Browser connects to a web server (website) secured with SSL (https). Browser requests that the server identify itself. Server sends a copy of its SSL Certificate, including the server’s public key.

What Is certain things that should be kept in mind before acquiring SSL Certificate:

Encryption level: Depending upon purpose of SSL certificate, there is an availability of various level of encryption. For example: For blogs, level of security required is less than that of any e-commerce sites. So before accruing SSL certificate, one should be aware of the level of encryption.

From whom: There are quite a number of companies that sell SSL certificate but are these companies reliable or trustworthy? I would suggest to go for a good brand or CA (Certificate Authorities), especially, when we are talking about security of e-commerce sites.

Which SSL to opt for: There are dedicated SSL as well as Shared SSL. Shared SSLs are normally free of cost, no support service and link is not that secure. Whereas, Dedicated SSLs have good support service and cost money but is completely owned by one user only, thus is highly recommended for e-commerce sites.

IP address: SSL is linked to an IP address to provide security to domain/site. So it becomes very important to have a dedicated IP address in order to secure it a 100%. Although SSL certificate can be used in a shared environment as well.

Tenure: Minimum tenure for validation of SSL certificates is one year. But it depends upon requirement, service and cost, which one would suit you the most.

EV SSL Certificate Is Totally Worth For Online Business Security


Extended Validation SSL is that the most trustworthy internet security certificate in SSL business.It’s widely understood that Extended Validation SSL certificates are a little bit costlier for online businesses in budget and implementation time than Domain Validation (DV) certificates.

Here are four reasons to consider EV:

1) EV SSL battles phishing 

One basic helper is offering  a more secure online experience. EV SSL gives site users more data to recognize true legitimate sites from fake ones, which undermines the accomplishment of phishing assaults. Since the business’ validated name shows up in the program’s green address bar, targets have a vital piece of information they can use to recognize genuine destinations from phishing sites.

A browser’s meaning of secure (which truly implies encoded) isn’t the same as the basic meaning of safe. That is the reason more organizations are depending on Extended Validation (EV) SSL to up their levels of both buyer insurance and certainty on the web.

2) EV helps with compliance

Numerous imperative consistence models, for example, PCI-DSS and HIPAA/HITECH require that destinations take measures to protect  their clients from loss of delicate data, for example, credit card numbers, PII, and PHI. As EV is a stronger protection against this sort of theft than OV or DV certificates, numerous security and administration offices have discovered that EV is the most shot confirmation approach to guarantee fruitful auditability against these norms.

3) EV increases site transactions and usage

every other site, as well, have no less than one express reason, for example, creating leads, giving better client benefit than items and brands. For every one of these objectives, we could figure economic value. While the ROI is distinctive for each utilization case, in light of the fact that the exertion and spending plan associated with acquiring EV SSL certificates is exceedingly little, the normal rate of return is enormous.

4) EV improves online brand presence

A somewhat subtler point in a similar soul is the feeling that a site makes upon its guests. By showing an unmistakable security pointer, a business is signaling  a few critical realities. These include:

· This business puts resources into best-of-breed security to ensure itself and its clients.

· This business really thinks about clients’ prosperity.

· This business is powerful operationally.

· Doing business with this organization is wonderful and care-free.

Signaling these messages amid an online ordeal will have a halo effect on the brand’s general discernment. Considering the specific substantial speculation made by numerous organizations in making a brand picture, EV by and by is a to a great degree simple and cost-productive approach to contribute.

With the appalling conspicuousness of phishing, skewer phishing, and other online social building assaults, ground breaking organizations will expand venture to guarantee they are working secure destinations. EV SSL is the best in site certificates and an alternative organizations need to pay heed to within the near future. If not, online organizations chance less secure locales as well as waning trust among their most prominent resource – the client.

How Comodo Multi Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate Beneficial For Your Website


What Is SSL Certificate:

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.

SSL Certificates protect your customer’s personal data including passwords, credit cards and identity information. Getting an SSL certificate is the easiest way to increase your customer’s confidence in your online business.

Types Of SSL Certificate:

Today there are three types of certificates that offer 3 levels of user trust for SSL/TLS negotiations: Domain Validated certificates (DV), Organization Validated certificate (OV) and Extended Validation certificates (EV). Domain Validated certificates are certificates that are checked against domain registry.

Wildcard and Multi-Domain SSL Certificate Explanation:

Wildcard SSL Certificate –A Wildcard SSL Certificate permits users to secure a limitless variety of sub-domains – at a selected level – for one domain on one certificate.

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate – A Multi-Domain SSL certificate permits users to secure multiple totally Qualified Domain Names on one certificate.

Multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate is fancied with combined options of each wildcard SSL and Multi-domain SSL. Under a multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate, a user will shield multiple totally qualified domains and their unlimited range of sub-domains.

Domain a Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate can secure:

Features & Benefits:

Unlimited server licenses

Automated validation – no paperwork

Risk free 30 day refund policy

FREE site seal

Immediate “No Hassle” SSL certificate issuance 24/7

256 bit Encryption

Multi-domain wildcard SSL is a superb alternative for the users want to secure multiple domains at the side of a limitless range of sub-domains. Multiple domain & sub-domains management below single SSL certificate is favorable because it saves each time and cash.A multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate is accessible with each domain validation (DV) and organization validation (OV) possibility.

Secure Your Website With SSL Certificates


Beginning July 2018, all Chrome clients will see a notice for all non-HTTPS sites. Over 50% of Internet browsers worldwide are Chrome. Trust me, you have clients utilizing Chrome.

Yet, initial, a little verifiable setting. As far back as 2014, Google was giving particular rankings to sites with a SSL certificate. It’s a piece of their push to advance a more secure Internet for the greater part of their clients.

Google has expressed that they will likely “encourage all site proprietors to change from HTTP to HTTPS to guard everybody on the web.”

What Is SSL :

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers.

having an SSL certificate on your website will create a safer space for you and your customers by protecting everyone’s data from compromise. It’s not a failsafe, but it still makes a big difference.

Is Your Website Secure?

A website without an SSL will look like this:

A website with an SSL certificate will look this:

That little ‘s’ has a significant effect. This tells the program that your site has a SSL and is in this manner, secure. In many programs, you will likewise observe a bolt or some kind of friendly security take not.

That notice guarantees the client that they’re in a protected place. With the greater part of the hacking and fraud going on nowadays, we require confirmation that a site is protected before we’re willing to give up any information or purchase anything.

 It’s An Easy to Fix

Setting up a SSL certificate is a simple process.Buy now and abstain from losing activity and rankings. Simply request that your web administrator introduce a SSL. If you require some assistance setting up your SSL, it would be ideal if you contact us and we’ll make your site secure!

Secure All Subdomains With One Security Solution


Yes, you can secure your all subdomain with one Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard certificate.Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard is best security solution for unlimited subdomains security.You don’t have to be compelled to purchase individual certificates for your every subdomain. you’ll be able to save management time and hard-earned cash by Comodo Wildcard SSL Certificate.Before start let’s know about SSL certificates.

What Is SSL Certificate

SSL Certificates protect your customer’s personal data including passwords, credit cards and identity information. Getting an SSL certificate is the easiest way to increase your customer’s confidence in your online business.

What are the benefits of an SSL?

An SSL will help provide security to both your website and its visitors. It will help in 2018 with your rankings and avoiding the stamp of “Not Secure” next to your domain name.

An SSL certificate is really about protecting your website visitors, the individuals who provide you with their personal information or make a type of payment on your site. Personal information, emails, credit card information and more are targeted daily through websites like yours. Cybercriminals are everywhere, and while you may be thinking “I’m not the type of website they would target,” you don’t want to be on the expensive end of finding out you’re wrong.

Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard is type of ssl certificate will secure unlimited sub-domains with single certificate hosted on completely different servers. For example, Your certificate will be issued on *, that will secure,, etc.

Features & Benefits Of Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard

Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate

Immediate “No Hassle” SSL certificate issuance 24/7

Unlimited server licenses

Automated validation – no paperwork

Risk free 30 day refund policy

FREE site seal

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

Trusted by all popular browsers with 99.9% Ubiquity

$10,000 Relying Party Warranty

Single Domain Name (FQDN) and

256 bit Encryption

The certificate authority can verify your management over the name so get your certificate inside some minutes and your customers will realize your website a secure place for online transactions and share their steer. All net transactions are secured with 256-bit encoding and 2048-bit root CSR encryption

Plus the other Sub-Domains you will have. Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard certificates work on 99.9% of internet and mobile browsers and might be issued within minutes because of Comodo’s online validation method. It also comes with a light-weight guarantee ($10,000) and a static Positive Wildcard SSL website seal to point out your customers that you are encrypted.

When A Google Engineer Found Unauthorized SSL Certificates


The thing that is most disturbing about this scam is that ‘India CCA’ (Indian Controller of Certifying Authorities) is incorporated with Microsoft Root Store because of which it is trusted by a majority of programs such as Internet Explorer and chrome.

Windows is the most common OS used by a large number of people as it supports a majority of programs. Users using Chrome on other OS than Windows like Android, IOS etc remains unaffected. Firefox also remains unmoved as it uses its own root store; therefore, SSL certificate is not required. There is a relief to other operating systems other than windows as there are no other root stores that incorporate with India CCA certificates.

The major concern kicks in when the issuer is holding a number of intermediate CA certificates that are trusted by India CCA as well as by some western companies. Although no evidence of Windows using these fake certificates has come up so far, however, an investigation is ongoing to find if there are any. This concern was brought to Indian agencies and Microsoft as a result of which all fake SSL certificates were withdrawn within few days. Required steps were taken by authorities to protect user’s information. Not only this, but India CCA is investigating the issue to find the root cause as it happened earlier too.

Certificate Transparency

Google accepts that it is a serious breach of CA system and such incidents indicate that Google’s Certificate Transparency efforts are critical for protecting the security of certificates in the future. Certificate transparency will help in:

Eliminating security flaws as it will provide an open framework to monitor and audit SSL certificate in near real time.

Detect fake SSLs.

Identifying CAs attempt to issue unauthorized SSL certificates

Pinning public key can specify authorized SSL certificates.

Issuing authorities as well as can reject fake dodge SSL certificates.

Fake Certificate Security Issues

SSL/TLS (Security Socket Layer/ Transport Layer Security) encryption systems are badly hit by this dodgy SSL certificate, which was used to secure https:// connection. Various issues that have been raised so far are listed below:

• A warning was issued by Microsoft over ‘improper issued’ SSL certificate which could have resulted in a phishing attack.

• Apple also got alerted about the critical SSL flaw in Mac OS and iOS

• Google has warned CNNIC, an intermediate certificate authority, about the issuing of unauthorized digital certificates.

How EV SSL Certificate Improve Brand Value And Increase Client Trust


Most people know the difference between a website that is completely insecure and unencrypted and one that offers an encrypted session for security. You simply look for whether the URL starts with HTTP and the address bar displays an open padlock, or the URL starts with HTTPS and shows a locked padlock. Within the realm of secure websites, though, not all certificates are created equally. An extended validation certificate — EV certificate, for short — provides a more in-depth validation process than other certificates and may foster more trust from customers as well.

The distinction between an EV certificate and different certificates lies in the confirmation required to get one. Conventional certificate can be gained by giving authoritative data or checking administrator privileges of the target domain. On numerous events, however, assailants have discovered approaches to circumvent or subvert the check procedure and get deceitful certificate utilizing those techniques. The confirmation procedure for an EV certificate requires verification that the asking for substance is, truth be told, the legitimate character that claims and deals with the target domain.

As per Wikipedia, the screening procedure for an EV certificate includes some of extra approval steps: “These incorporate manual checks of all the domain names asked for by the candidate, checks against official government sources, checks against free data sources, and telephone calls to the organization to affirm the situation of the candidate. On the off chance that the declaration is acknowledged, the legislature enrolled serial number of the business and additionally the physical address are put away in the EV certificate.

Website with EV certificates show up distinctively in programs with EV support, which incorporates Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari. In many executions, sites with EV certificates incorporate further developed insights about the site and the substance behind it, for example, the name of the organization that possesses the certificate and a bar or content that is unmistakable—generally green—for simple visual confirmation of a substantial EV certificate.

Few Ways To Check The Legitimacy Of The Website


The evolution of the internet has brought with it a number of extremely convenient advances in the way we shop, bank, and interact with the world around us. At the same time, that evolution has also given way to new risks—new avenues for criminals to rip off the unsuspecting.The internet is full of websites that are either fake, fraudulent or a scam. Here are a few tips to identify and at the same time, avoid fake, fraudulent and scam websites.

We have a got a few ways for you to check the legitimacy of the website, and they go by these seven steps:

Domain Name :

Most of the fake websites use a domain name that is somewhat similar to well-known brand or a product name. Although the name of the fake site will be similar to the official website name but will not be the same, so it should raise an alarming bell.

For better understanding, let us take an example:

       Original website                                                               Fake website                                                                                               


Check for Suspicious Offers :

A large portion of us get pulled in towards substantial rebates and low value items yet being fearful may spare your cash. There are chances that they are con artists who are endeavoring to draw in deal hungry customers. Try not to fall into their traps.

Double Check the Site :

Don’t simply go for offers, check the site before making any buy. Check the ‘About us’ page, ‘Terms and condition’ page and ‘get in touch with us’ page. Check whether the contact number gave is valid, in the event that no contact data is given; there are chances that the site is deceitful. Do make sure to check the substance of the site; there are chances that the site was simply transferred to profit by tricking individuals. In the event that the data, for example, work locale, contact number, E-mail address isn’t given, the better avoid such sites.

Return Policy :

Every online merchant should upload their respective return policy if engaged in selling products online. It is through the return policy that the customer understands how and where they can return a faulty product. Along with return policy, the website should also have a terms & condition page as well as privacy policy page to give customers a clearer picture of how their data is being used or about contractual rights, if any.

Trust Mark

There are 60-70% online shoppers who like to shop from sites with trust-mark logo. But it is possible that the website carrying the logo of any reputed organization is fake. To check the legitimacy of the site, you can contact the trust-mark logo company. If you are in doubt, it is better to give it a second thought, rather than ending up losing money.

Most of the genuine websites use SSL certificates to provide a high-level security to its visitor. Visual assurance is what a visitor prefers and believes in, such as:

(a) Green address bar

(b) Padlock on the address bar

(c) https: // (SSL certificate https: //)

Online Reviews

There are a number of sources from where you can find customers review the site and products it sells. Few of the examples of such sources that provide aggregate customer reviews are Trust pilot and Feefo.

There are potential fake reviews, so do not simply rely on only one review website. Also, have a glance at the social media page of the company to see what are the recent posts and activities of that company.

What Types Of Websites Will Require An SSL Security


Toward the finish of 2017, Google began hailing 66% of sites as risky. This implies if your site doesn’t have a SSL certificate, it will show a “Not Secure” cautioning in the URL bar.

Types of websites will require an SSL to avoid being potentially being flagged:

  • Payments: If your site offers items, takes donations, offers tickets or does any kind of cash exchanges you should as of now have a SSL Certificate. This has been a prerequisite path before Google built up this run the show.
  • Forms or information: Almost every site has some sort of shape to round out, from contact data to questions. With Google’s new standards set up these kinds of sites may get hailed “Not Secure,” which can drive away new visitors and make higher bounce rates.
  •  Secure login: If your site requires secure logins with usernames and passwords for access to individual data, paid access to personal information or an Intranet for workers, finance and progressively a SSL is critical.

 What are the benefits of an SSL?

A SSL will help give security to both your site and its visitors. It will help in 2018 with your rankings and keeping away from the stamp of “Not Secure” beside your space name.An SSL certificate is extremely about ensuring your site visitors, persons who provide you with their own data or make a payment  on your site. Personal data, messages, credit card data and more are focused on daily through sites like yours. Cyber criminals are all around, and keeping in mind that you might believe “I’m not the kind of site they would target,” you would prefer not to be on the costly end of discovering you’re wrong.

What is required to install it on a website?

Once bought and arranged on the server, there are two primary changes that should be made to your site:

1. All connections must be refreshed to the https: form of your address. As such, if clients are as yet getting to the old, they are not being secured by your new SSL.

2. Any outside assets being utilized on your site, for example, outsider text styles, coding libraries or APIs, should likewise be connected by means of https. This incorporates Google Fonts and jQuery.

What Is The Process To Get Green Lock Bar SSL Certificate


When we are talking about security over internet, we are basically talking about SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which acts as a backbone of internet security. As information travels across the world through computer network via internet, it becomes essential to protect sensitive data. Data can be secured if the transfer is done in encrypted form, which is a non-readable form that is exactly what SSL does.

SSL Certificate 

SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. Data can be passed over internet without compromising its privacy, integrity and security. There are different levels of SSL certificate and those are:

Extended Validation (EV)

Organization Validation (OV)

Domain Validation (DV)

Extended validation certificate (EV)

Out of all SSL certificates, Extended Validation certificate (EV) is the highest of available SSL certificates. Although all SSLs use almost same powerful encryption technique, but to get EV you require accurate selection process. We can say that all the levels differ in process of identity verification and how the particular certificate is displayed. Once you get EV SSL certificate, you get a green address bar, which gives the feeling of security to all the visitors of that particular website.

How to get EV certificate and how it provides security?

To get EV SSL Certificate, you need to experience worldwide institutionalized distinguishing proof process, which is a check procedure that gives restrictive rights to utilize a space by affirming the lawfulness, physical presence and genuineness of the organization. All the data alongside the name of the organization and area is incorporated into the EV authentication. When you get EV Certificate, HTTPS and lock in the program address bar is actuated alongside the name of the checked site proprietor. It gives secure inclination to the guest to perform financial transactions.

Green address bar

If a company has EV SSL Certificate, its address bar (padlock), https, company name and country will be green in color. If the connection is partially encrypted, then the browser will issue a warning message which will indicate that the domain is not fully secured and can be hacked by a third party or hacker. For a domain which is fully secure or has a higher level of SSL certificate, green padlock is shown. If, in case, content is loaded over http rather than https, green address bar will not be shown, which indicates that connection is not fully secure.

Why Cybersecurity Is Important When Dealing With Customers Online


With the constant ascent of information ruptures, cybersecurity has turned into the most huge component of internet business.

Shockingly, most organizations don’t comprehend that yet.

Most organizations don’t comprehend that yet. The KMPG report says that 51% of independent companies trust that nobody would follow them. That is precisely what makes them an obvious objective. Not putting resources into the correct cybersecurity innovations and measures, they put both themselves and their clients in danger.

Why Cybersecurity is Critical for Online Retailers? 

Shockingly, it for the most part triggers various startling issues that may hurt your online business on numerous levels. Here are probably the most well-known issues you may Face.

To begin with, it harms your image picture. It might take you years to manufacture a trusted and dependable brand. Sadly, an online rupture may destroy your notoriety in a matter of seconds. When they understand that their most valuable information isn’t protected with you, your clients will choose to abandon you and search for a more dependable option. More awful yet, with a considerable measure of negative press made around you and a pack of your clients abandoning you, recapturing your perfect online picture would be relatively unimaginable.

Second, a hack influences your main concern. Aside from losing your clients, you will likewise need to take care of the increasing expenses of a cyber attack, for example, your client warning and even potential legitimate judgments. These costs are enormous and the odds are that your online business won’t have the capacity to adapt to them. This is precisely one of the fundamental reasons why the greater part of independent ventures don’t figure out how to survive a hack.

The Most Common Types of Ecommerce Cyberattacks :

With regards to internet business security dangers, there is no uniform decide that could be connected to all destinations. These security issues can be activated inadvertently, deliberately or be caused by a human blunder. In light of their motivation and point, there are a few prevalent sorts of web based business cyberattacks.

Phishing attacks target touchy client information, for example, usernames, Mastercard data, or login credentials. Here, an online programmer expects to trap a casualty into trusting that the email or a message they got is something significant to them.

Credit card misrepresentation focuses on your clients’ Mastercard data. Specifically, inside your site, there are various defenseless games and programmers can distinguish them effectively. They utilize these zones as interruption focuses to acquire installment and client data. The thought behind this is basic a malware removes however much data as could reasonably be expected, which is later sold on underground markets.

How to Protect your Ecommerce Site? 

With the ascent of cybersecurity advancements, online hacks have turned out to be more modern. They have turned out to be greatly keen, having the capacity to contaminate your framework and spread through it at a bewildering rate, without you notwithstanding seeing it.

Things being what they are, the inquiry is-how to reinforce your online business website’s security?

  • Pick a Ecommerce business stage that has multi-layered security.
  • Put resources into SSLcertificates to encourage a safe association. These endorsements ensure that the association between your client’s program and your server stays safe. As the information they leave on your site is encoded, regardless of whether programmers capture them while they’re voyaging, they won’t have the capacity to decode it. As HTTPS has turned into a positioning sign, changing to SSL will likewise help your rankings, online validity, and brand picture.
  • Do standard PCI outputs and updates to avoid new vulnerabilities to infections and malware.
  • Use an Address Verification System to contrast your client’s charging address with the one a Mastercard guarantor has.
  • Require your clients to pick more grounded passwords with upper casing and no less than one unique character.
  • Ensure your facilitating supplier is PCI-agreeable, implying that they have strict standards that certification a definitive well being to your clients. A portion of these measures are solid against infection programming, encryption, general observing, and hazard investigation.

Also Read : The Internet of Things is The Future; Protection Must Be, As Well

How Wildcard & EV SSL Certificates Provide Multiple Layer Of Online Protection


SSL Certificate acts as a backbone of Internet security system. It provides an encrypted link between a browser and a server, which helps in transferring or sharing data in encrypted from to keep the data integral and secure from falling in the wrong hands and from being misused. There are many types of SSL certificates available in the market, but it depends upon requirement of the applicant, what level of SSL certificate would suite him the best. Higher the security required, higher the level of SSL certificate is needed. Various SSL certificates are divided into two groups on the basis of validation level and secured domains and sub-domains:

Validation level

Domain Validation Certificate

Organization Validation Certificate

Extended Validation Certificate

Domain and sub-domain

Single Domain Certificate

Wildcard Certificate

Multi-domain Certificate

In this article, we will discuss about Extended Validation Certificate (EV) and Wildcard certificate and how these certificates provide multiple layer of online protection.

Wildcard SSL Certificate:  If you possess a domain and multiple sub domains, and you need to secure them all, rather than purchasing certificate for each and every domain and sub domains, you can purchase Wildcard certificate, which will secure a boundless number of sub domains however to a particular level. Alongside giving security to various domain an d subdomains, it will likewise spare your time and cash, which you would have squandered in purchasing and introducing different certificates for each and every single domain and sub domain.

Technically, we can say that a Wildcard Certificate is a public key certificate and it can be used with numerous sub domains of a domain. The primary use of this certificate is to secure website prefixed with https://. A single Wildcard certificate works for your convenience and saves a lot of time, but it also protects or secures the main domain as well as its sub domain at the same time.

EV SSL Certificate: EV remains for Extended Validation Certificate and it includes strict choice procedure of approval to ensure that the substance asking for this certificate is lawful and bona fide. In the event that a site is secured with a confirmed EV SSL certificate, it will be demonstrated by Green colored address bar. Like Wildcard Certificate, Extended Validation Certificate is likewise utilized for sites prefixed with https ://and furthermore for programming projects that confirm legal entity, which controls the product bundle or site itself. To get EV Certificate, CA (Certification Authority) will check the personality of candidate and if data gave by the substance is right then the certificate is issued. Check here is vital in light of the fact that EV certificate gives a more elevated amount of security.

Simple Tips To Choose The Right SSL Certificate For Your Website


With the recently General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) making waves around the world, obviously remaining safe online has turned into a need for clients in the course of the most recent few years. Most currently know not to tap on suspicious connections, or to give out individual data, and are similarly as careful about going onto an uncertain Web site. That is the place SSL certificates come in.
What Is SSL Certificate :

SSL certificates are information encryption records that scramble and unscramble information. With a functioning SSL certificates set up, all activity between your website and your client’s program is secure.

Having a SSL certificates for your Web site offers a large group of favorable circumstances for your business, including securing delicate client information from outsiders, boosting client certainty, and expanding your SEO positioning.

Need for SSL Connection :

In normal cases, data is transferred or shared in simple text form, which gives advantage to hackers to misuse or modify it easily, which is a big security threat. To overcome this, SSL provides an encrypted link, which converts the data into non-readable form, and then this encrypted data is transferred between the server and the browser through secure link that nullifies the risk of data being hacked. To get this kind of security, all you need is SSL Certificate.

There are three sorts of SSL certificates to look over. While all SSL certificates give insurance to the clients of your Web site, they vary in the level of approval between your business and the Certificate Authority.

Domain Validated  Certificate (DV) :

In the event that you are a little to medium-sized business, domain validated SSL certificate  may be suited to you. Enacting a DV SSL is direct and takes just around 10 minutes to set up. This declaration will show a lock symbol beside your Web address and change your URL convention from http to https.

Organisation Validated Certificate (OV) :

An Organisation validated SSL certificate is a decent choice for organization Web destinations. To set up an OV SSL you should confirm particular insights about the organization, including the organization’s name, registration  number, and address with the Certification Authority.

Extended Validation Certificate (EV) :

Extended Validation SSL certificates are for the most part utilized by vast organizations and on the stores. EV SSLs give the most astounding conceivable level of security. With an EV set up, your organization name will be shown before your URL. Your URL will likewise appear in a green address bar, giving clients an additional layer of certainty.

On the off chance that your Website doesn’t have a SSL Certificate, contact It can enable you to pick the privilege SSL certificate for your necessities, and furthermore inform you on a range concerning different points including Web facilitating and cloud servers.

Also Read : A Technology Brief On SSL Certificate Encrypted Security

Important Tips Before Purchasing An SSL Certificate


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is important when personal details, sensitive data or confidential data is being transferred using internet. In order to secure it from being misused by third party or hacker, we need an extra layer of security- SSL. To provide internet security, the data being shared between a server and a browser is encrypted before sharing thus remains safe from being accessed by wrong person or misused by any third party.

Typically an SSL Certificate will contain your domain name, your company name, your address, your city, your state and your country. It will also contain the expiration date of the Certificate and details of the CA responsible for the issuance of the Certificate. When a browser connects to a secure site it will retrieve the site’s SSL Certificates and check that it has not expired, has been issued by a Certification Authority the browser trusts, and is being used by the website for which it has been issued. If it fails on any one of these checks the browser will display a warning to the end user letting them know that the site is not secured by SSL.

Why do we need SSL Certificate?

This is important because the information you send on the Internet is passed from computer to computer to get to the destination server. Any computer in between you and the server can see your credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, and other sensitive information if it is not encrypted with an SSL certificate.


There are certain things that should be kept in mind before acquiring SSL Certificate:

Which SSL to opt for: There are dedicated SSL as well as Shared SSL. Shared SSLs are normally free of cost, no support service and link is not that secure. Whereas, Dedicated SSLs have good support service and cost money but is completely owned by one user only, thus is highly recommended for e-commerce sites.

Encryption level: Depending upon purpose of SSL certificate, there is an availability of various level of encryption. For example: For blogs, level of security required is less than that of any e-commerce sites. So before accruing SSL certificate, one should be aware of the level of encryption.

From whom: There are quite a number of companies that sell SSL certificates but are these companies reliable or trustworthy? I would suggest to go for a good brand or CA (Certificate Authorities), especially, when we are talking about security of e-commerce sites.

IP address: SSL is linked to an IP address to provide security to domain/site. So it becomes very important to have a dedicated IP address in order to secure it a 100%. Although SSL certificate can be used in a shared environment as well.

Tenure: Minimum tenure for validation of SSL certificate is one year. But it depends upon requirement, service and cost, which one would suit you the most.

What Is Self-Signed SSL Certificates And Risks In Using It


With rapid use of technology, most of the data is shared or transferred via internet. Let it be personal information, data related to finance/money or government, most of the work is being done through web in order to save time and makes the work easier. To safeguard our data from being misused or modified while establishing a connection/link between a browser and a server we need SSL Certificate. There are many CA (Certification Authorities) in the market who provide services but, choosing the right/authenticated one is very important.

Self-signed SSL Certificate:

A self-signed SSL certificate is one that is issued by a server and not by a certificate authority (Comodo, Digicert, etc.). Self-signed SSL certificates will also cause browsers to issue a security warning, potentially affecting site traffic.

How to Check SSL Certificate Status:

You can monitor and research your SSL certificate via Google’s Certificate Transparency Project tool. The Qualys SSL Labs page is a comprehensive tool for checking SSL certificate status.

If your certificate is indeed self-signed, you should consider obtaining a trusted SSL certificate.

Takeaway on Self-Signed SSL Certificate Warnings:

If you are relying on a self-signed SSL certificate, you may wish to consider obtaining an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority. If you are using a trusted certificate authority and receive a warning from Google about a self-signed SSL certificate, you may wish to troubleshoot why you received this error.

SSL Certificates By Comodo: 

Comodo  is one of the most trusted and widely used brands in the website security industry gives your customers more trust while doing transactions on your website. Comodo SSL certificates ensures that your information will not be tampered by any third party, the data will be guarded from hackers or virus attacks; which makes it possible to interact online or have a successful online business without worrying about internet threats, virus, hackers or any other security issues.

Also Read :How Does Comodo SSL Certificate Secure Your Website?

Secure Your Data & Transactions With SSL Certificates


Comodo SSL Certificate:

Comodo SSL Certificate provides a trusted and secure environment, within which you can carry out E-commerce transactions, without fearing of information falling into wrong hands. Comodo SSL Certificate is only issued to those entities whose verification and authentication is been checked via intense verification process, and whose physical existence is also thoroughly checked

SSL allows confidential information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, or login credentials to be transmitted securely. Without SSL, data sent between clients and servers is sent in plain text–which makes it really easy to be intercepted. Anyone able to hijack the data stream will have unlimited access to the plain text. With SSL in place, data is encrypted – even if intercepted, it will not be able to be deciphered.

Need For SSL Connection:

In normal cases, data is transferred or shared in simple text form, which gives advantage to hackers to misuse or modify it easily, which is a big security threat. To overcome this, SSL provides an encrypted link, which converts the data into non-readable form, and then this encrypted data is transferred between the server and the browser through secure link that nullifies the risk of data being hacked. To get this kind of security, all you need is SSL Certificates.

Why Buy An SSL Certificate:

Rock-solid security

Comodo’s SSL certificates provide upto 128 or 256-bit encryption for maximum security of your website visitors’ data

Boost customer confidence

Many customers actively look for the SSL lock icon before handing over sensitive data. Get an SSL certificate to increase your customer’s trust in your online business.

Better SEO rankings

Google gives higher rankings to websites secured with SSL certificates. Which means SSL certificates are critical if you’re serious about your online business.

Comodo Secure Seal

Your certificate comes with a Comodo Secure Seal that serves as a constant reminder to customers that your site is protected

30-day money back guarantee

All our SSL certificates come with a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. No questions asked.

How It Helps Securing Your Website: 

When Comodo issues SSL Certificate, it verifies the information provided by applicant and makes sure that all the information (such as company name, address, physical existence etc) provided is correct and also checks the legality of it. As security is main concern, it follows various verification steps, which might take time, thus making the process of issuing SSL certificate time consuming. It takes a day or two to get a SSL Certificate, but it also depends upon the type of SSL certificate you opted for.

There are few Comodo SSL certificates that can be installed within minutes such as Free Comodo SSL. Before issuing the SSL certificates, Comodo makes sure that applicant is genuine and the data provided is correct, if it is not the case, then SSL certificate will not be issued and the request will be rejected. Once the SSL Certificate is issued, the link between the browser and the server will be in encrypted form or secured, and the data shared is also encrypted so that it is in non-readable form and cannot be modified or misused.

NIC Have Been Issuing Unprincipled & Dodgy SSL Certificates


As indicated by Google’s security group, NIC (India’s National Informatics Center) have been issuing corrupt and dodgy SSL certificates. It has come to see their that NIC has issued a few unapproved SSL certificates to different Google spaces. These unapproved authentications can be utilized to feign and imagine as genuine Google site on various servers and can put client’s data in danger. With the utilization of such dodgy SSL authentication, it is anything but difficult to keep an eye on or tinker with client’s encoded correspondence.

The thing that is most disturbing about this scam is that ‘India CCA’ (Indian Controller of Certifying Authorities) is incorporated with Microsoft Root Store because of which it is trusted by a majority of programs such as Internet Explorer and chrome. Windows is the most common OS used by a large number of people as it supports a majority of programs. Users using Chrome on other OS than Windows like Android, IOS etc remains unaffected. Firefox also remains unmoved as it uses its own root store; therefore, SSL certificate is not required. There is a relief to other operating systems other than windows as there are no other root stores that incorporate with India CCA certificates.

The real concern kicks in when the guarantor is holding various middle of the road CA certificates that are trusted by India CCA and in addition by some western organizations. Albeit no proof of Windows utilizing these phony testaments has come up until this point, in any case, an examination is continuous to discover if there are any. This worry was conveyed to Indian offices and Microsoft because of which all phony SSL certificates were pulled back inside couple of days. Required advances were taken by experts to secure client’s data. This, as well as India CCA is examining the issue to discover the underlying driver as it happened before as well.

Fake Certificate Security Issues

SSL/TLS (Security Socket Layer/ Transport Layer Security) encryption systems are badly hit by this dodgy SSL certificate, which was used to secure https :// connection. Various issues that have been raised so far are listed below:

  • A warning was issued by Microsoft over ‘improper issued’ SSL certificate which could have resulted in a phishing attack.
  • Apple also got alerted about the critical SSL flaw in Mac OS and iOS
  • Google has warned CNNIC, an intermediate certificate authority, about the issuing of unauthorized digital certificates.

Google Logging System

Google engineers have come up with logging system that brings together CAs (ones that are trusted) and CAs working hard to build its goodwill. They have managed to issue a list of these CA’s on a public platform and specified those that are no longer trusted by browsers. The main mission of this system is to:

• Protect its user from fake and illegally issued SSL certificates

• Provide public record information of the certificates issued for specific domains.

Certificate Transparency 

  • Google acknowledges that it is a genuine rupture of CA system and such occurrences demonstrate that Google’s Certificate Transparency endeavors are basic for ensuring the security of certificates later on. Declaration straightforwardness will help in:
  • Dispensing with security imperfections as it will give an open structure to screen and review SSL certificates in close ongoing.
  • Identify counterfeit SSLs.
  • Distinguishing CAs endeavor to issue unapproved SSL certificates
  • Sticking open key can indicate approved SSL certificates.
  • Issuing experts and in addition can dismiss counterfeit avoid SSL certificates.

Make Your Customers Feel Safe & Secure With SSL Certificate


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security innovation for setting up an encoded connect between a web server and a browser. This connection guarantees that all information go between the web server and browsers stay private and integral.To have the capacity to make a SSL connection a web server requires a SSL Certificate.

When we use internet for filling online forms and enter our personal details or do online shopping by using any e-commerce site, doing online banking, sharing credit card details; our main concern is to prevent our data from being hacked, modified or misused by any third party. We will prefer to share or transfer data through a secure link so that our data remains safe and integral. This is where security technology SSL takes over.

SSL Certificate

SSL certificate is small data file that contains data like organization name, country name, primary domain, sub-domains, expiration data, CA etc, which is provided by the owner of a website at the time of loading SSL certificates. In return, a single IP address is issued to that website, which in turn serves main domain as well as linked sub-domains.It is important to know that every single browser can interact with secure web server; all it requires to have secure connection between the two is SSL Certificate, which can be easily downloaded from the internet by simply following the instructions and filling some details required.

Need for SSL Connection:

This is important because the information you send on the Internet is passed from computer to computer to get to the destination server. Any computer in between you and the server can see your credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, and other sensitive information if it is not encrypted with an SSL certificate. SSL provides an encrypted link, which converts the data into non-readable form, and then this encrypted data is transferred between the server and the browser through secure link that nullifies the risk of data being hacked. To get this kind of security, all you need is SSL Certificates.

How do you use SSL?

Step 1: Host with a dedicated IP address. In order to provide the best security, SSL certificates require your website to have its own dedicated IP address. …

Step 2: Buy a Certificate.

Step 3: Activate the certificate.

Step 4: Install the certificate.

Step 5: Update your site to use HTTPS.

How SSL Certificate Provides Security

SSL certificate has a pair of keys; one is a public key and another one is a private key. To establish secure/encrypted connection, these keys work together. This certificate also contains identity of the owner and in technical language it is known as SUBJECT. CSR (Certificate Signing Request) must be created to get a SSL certificate, which in return creates a set of keys (public and private key). Then CSR data file that contains public key is sent to CA (Certificate Authority). This data file is used for creating data structure to match private key but due to security reasons CA can never see the private key.

Once the certificate is issued by CA, install it on your server. When installation of SSL certificate is complete, this server certificate is connected with CAs certificate in order to establish reliability and credibility of SSL certificate. It is important to buy SSL certificate from authorized or trusted Certificate Authority (CA) because most of browsers come with pre-installed list of trusted CAs and will only acknowledge them. So the user can trust the site with Comodo SSL certificate and can feel free to share private and sensitive information required by that particular site.

How Wildcard SSL Certificates Secure Multiple Subdomains


In this article we will talk about Wildcard SSL Certificate. SSL certificate safeguards data from a third party by ensuring secure link/connection between a server and a browser. But, when it comes to securing all sub-domains along with main domain, Wildcard SSL certificate is needed. Workings of both the certificates, i.e. SSL Certificate as well as Wildcard SSL certificate is almost the same with only one major difference and that is Wildcard SSL Certificate not only provides security to main domain but also, to all other sub-domains linked to the main domain irrespective of SSL certificate, which provides security to only the main domain.

Difference between SSL Certificate and Wildcard SSL Certificate:

Wildcard SSL Certificate secures the URL of your site and in addition its sub-domain, which can be various. Give us a chance to accept that you claim a site www On the off chance that you get a Wildcard SSL Certificate, for this specific website, at that point it won’t just secure this specific URL yet in addition, all other sub-areas like blog, shop, onlinestore and so forth., furnished these sub-spaces are connected with the fundamental space. While, a standard SSL Certificates ordinarily secures single completely qualified area name.

To put it plainly, on the off chance that you claim or deal with various destinations/pages that exist on a similar domain/ main domain, Wildcard SSL Certificate is the thing that you requirement for an entire web security and at a superior cost.

 Working of Wildcard SSL Certificate:
  • When an organization applies for Wildcard SSL Certificate, it means that it owns multiple website or sub domains.
  • When CA (Certification Authority) issues a certificate, organization must ensure that all sub domains are associated with the main domain else it will affect the level of security.
  • Once the validation of the domain and the sub domain is checked, Wildcard SSL Certificate will provide the same level of security to the main domain and all other sub domains associated with it.
  • Wildcard SSL Certificate will look for all the possible sub domain names and will provide security to them. For example, a Wildcard SSL Certificate is issued to *, where ‘*’ represents all the sub domains associated with the main domain and in return Wildcard SSL Certificate will provide security to all the possible sub domains suffixed ‘’

Improve Your Website SEO Rank On Google With SSL


About SSL

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers

from being misused or modified by any third party by establishing encrypted link between the browser and the server or between servers. This link ensures that the data that is being transferred/shared between the server and the browser remains private and secure.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the online visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine’s unpaid results—often referred to as “natural”, “organic”, or “earned” results.SEO helps in getting traffic from search engines to websites when a query is entered by the user in search engine in order to find answer to his/her query. SEO is a technique through which it becomes easier to locate your website and rank it higher than any other websites covering the same topic.

How SEO Rank can be improved for our website/local business?

Let’s understand this in a simpler way. Whenever we have a query in our mind, we tend to search it online with the help of any search engine. When we type our query, a list of results show up on our screen and out of all those results most of the time we choose the very first result. We do so because the first website shown as a result of our query tends to be more appropriate or relevant than other websites or web pages. The website ranked better will be shown prior to the websites whose ranking is not that good as compared to the website which is ranked top most. SEO is the marketing technique of web, which helps in improving the ranking of websites and helps in diverting traffic to your website from search engines.

Does SSL help?

Although SSL helps in providing security, but is it equally good for improving SEO ranking of local business? Let’s discuss it in detail to understand better-

  • Google (search engine) gives preference to webpages with https: // over http :// if the searched article in both the website is appropriate and relevant.
  • SSL certificate can cost you more if your website is huge; as the cost can increase radically, depending upon the amount of data transferred an if it is encrypted. If your business is not at a large scale, the cost of SSL certificates might affect your budget.

If you own local business and want to go for SSL to improve SEO ranking, consider above mentioned points and make a wise decision.

Important Reasons To Use Digital Certificate For Mobile Authentication


Smartphone has become an integral part of our day-to-day life. From the basic need of making phone calls to texting, shopping online; the importance of a smartphone has multiplied. It is the most convenient way of connecting with people and therefore, has almost replaced desktops. It is important to understand that desktop’s infrastructure is completely different from that of smartphone and that it is important to keep them secure as well.

The vast majority of the entrepreneurs are working towards the improvement of their sites so it can be seen on every gadget; tablets, cell phones, work areas, and so on. In the event that entrepreneurs neglect to give such good sites, they will wind up losing a huge part of income. Then again, CA’s (Certification Authorities) are worried about cell phone security and are chipping away at the arrangements that are perfect with each current adaptation of a site. Dominant part of CA sellers have received such advances at this point, as:

1. Use of ‘mobile code signing credentials’ to keep hackers away

2. Some of the CA vendors have also implemented SSL certificate to meet security issues

3. Digital Signatures (still in beta stage)

SSL Certificate For Smartphones

Working of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is same for every computing device. Let it be smartphone, tablet or desktop; SSL certificate in each case solves the purpose of providing Internet security. With SSL certificate, smartphone users can enjoy optimal protection while surfing the internet but this is only applicable if the certificate is compatible with the smartphone you are using else the user will receive an error message. Note that the certificates that support micro browsers are compatible with smartphones and around 99% of the SSL certificates are smartphone compatible.

Using SSL Certificate For Smartphones:

SSL certificates is mandatory for website security as it helps in protecting data (private, sensitive and important information) from unknown and unauthorized third parties. When indulged in online business, customer’s security should be the priority and if your website is secure enough it will encourage your customers to transact with your company. This will not only help you retain customers but also build customer loyalty and business goodwill.

The Key Points To Secure Online Transactions Are:

  • SSL Secure Site Seal: It is visual stamp and is displayed on home page of the website. This site seal signifies security, credibility, and reliability. Secured transactions and data security are indicated by displaying it on the website. In other words, we can say that it is safe to transmit your personal data on the sites having ‘SSL secure site seal’.
  • Green Address Bar: EV green address bar is enabled for every site that has Extended Validation SSL certificate. This green address bar gives visual assurance of Internet security. This helps in gaining the trust of customers and also affects conversion rate of the site.
  • High Level O Encryption: Algorithms are used to encrypt data, which is then transferred through an encrypted link to provide high-level security. Encryption algorithm converts data into a non-readable form, which is not easy to understand, which further makes data transfer via Internet secure.

SSL certificates for security and data transfer is beneficial for both, the customer as well as the online merchant. Beside SSL certificate security, most of CA vendors also provide technical support and back up (in some cases) which helps in enhancing security protection level.

How To Enable Green Address Bar In Web Browsers


SSL Certificates is an information record, which gives secure association between a web server and a program. It gives a safe scrambled connection/association between a server and a browser by means of which information can be moved or partaken in a secured shape. Information can be ignored web without compromising its protection, uprightness and security

EV SSL Certificate

Comodo EV SSL certificate will build your deals by demonstrating your clients an unmistakable secure sign, the green program address bar. The green bar, selective to EV SSL certificate, guarantees your site guests that they are executing business on a very secured, reliable space. Gives full business approval.

How Do You Make Your Website https?

Step 1: Host with a dedicated IP address. In order to provide the best security, SSL certificates require your website to have its own dedicated IP address.

Step 2: Buy a Certificate.

Step 3: Activate the certificate.

Step 4: Install the certificate.

Step 5: Update your site to use HTTPS.

 How EV Certificate Provides Security?

To get EV SSL Certificate, you have to go through global standardized identification process, which is a verification process that gives exclusive rights to use a domain by confirming the legality, physical existence and authenticity of the company. All the information along with the name of the company and location is included in the EV certificate. Once you get EV Certificate, HTTPS and padlock in the browser address bar is activated along with the name of the verified website owner. It gives secure feeling to the visitor to perform financial transactions.

Green Address Bar

If a company has EV SSL Certificate, its address bar (padlock), https, company name and country will be green in color. If the connection is partially encrypted, then the browser will issue a warning message which will indicate that the domain is not fully secured and can be hacked by a third party or hacker. For a domain which is fully secure or has a higher level of SSL certificate, green padlock is shown. If, in case, content is loaded over http rather than https, green address bar will not be shown, which indicates that connection is not fully secure.

Google’s Chrome Will Remove The “Secure” Indicator In The Web Address Bar


Google’s Chrome program will see the evacuation of the “Secure” pointer in the web address bar as more sites embrace HTTPS. Be that as it may, clients of the program will see a blazing red “not secure” if the site is un certified.

Chrome clients will presumably have seen the little green lock adjacent to the web address that denotes the webpage as “Secure”; in any case, new updates in September will change that.

Secure Until Demonstrated Something Else:

A blogpost by Chrome Security Product Manager Emily Schechter declared that HTTPS destinations will never again convey that name; rather all HTTP-just locales will be stamped “Not Secure” starting at July.

The post clarifies that “clients ought to expect that the web is sheltered naturally, and they’ll be cautioned when there’s an issue”.

HTTP versus HTTPS: The ‘S’ is critical, it demonstrates the utilization of a SSL certificate, which implies that the association between a web server and the web program is scrambled and no outsider can catch and accumulate information.

Chrome emphatically prescribes that all sites utilize HTTPS, which requires a testament to be obtained, enacted and introduced.

“We trust these progressions keep on paving the route for a web that is anything but difficult to utilize securely, as a matter of course. HTTPS is less expensive and less demanding than at any other time, and opens capable abilities – so don’t hold up to relocate to HTTPS! Look at our set-up advisers for begin.”

For those dealing with a site, this is a fundamental level of website security to abstain from getting hacked. Also, anybody perusing the web, or all the more vitally shopping on the web should give careful consideration to the security markers.

Why Your Organization Should Use SSL Certificates Right Now


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security innovation for building up a scrambled connection between a web server and a program. This connection guarantees that all information go between the web server and programs stay private and essential. SSL is an industry standard and is utilized by a huge number of sites in the assurance of their online exchanges with their clients.

Beyond this component, actualizing the utilization of SSL certificates offers a few advantages to associations, IT, and obviously, the clients too. Furthermore, the best part is that the cost related with obtaining an outsider SSL certificate from a trusted dealer can go from a couple of hundred dollars yearly to, well, nothing. All things considered, it’s a little cost to pay for information secrecy, uprightness, and non-revocation.

Here Are Some Reasons Your Organization Should Use SSL Certificates:

1. To Encode Communications And Administrations :

Looking past online business, an entire host of web-based services can and do profit by executing encryption to give upgraded security to critical email messages, keeping instant messages private, or utilized as a part of the formation of a secured burrow which courses activity through it over unsecured associations, for example, FTP, or while interfacing two systems together by means of VPN. By encoding these correspondences end-to-end, classification is presented which confirms that information sent between two focuses is secured both ways and not helpless before danger performers hoping to capture the stream or catch the information being transmitted in any decoded, meaningful configuration.

2. For Authenticating Users & Public-Key Exchange:

Certificates can be reached out to client records and devices too, giving a one of a kind, secure identifier for every advantage. At the point when overseen as a major aspect of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) or even traded distributed, a key match is utilized – one open key and its relating private key – to confirm client accounts and additionally their gadgets. Moreover, the utilization of the key combine takes into account non-denial, or confirmation of the client when utilizing computerized marks by marking a message with the sender’s private (to which just they approach) and utilizing the sender’s open key, the getting party can translate the message. This gives respectability to the message and beneficiaries can confirm if the message was altered or not.

3. To Build Up A Web Of Trust :

When talking about confiding in devices, the expression “web of trust” alludes to a progressive system of devices that through every one’s check by the following level above system a chain that gives an approach to chairmen and clients to realize that the administrations being gotten to are from the supplier they claim to be. Like how a worker confides in their specialization administrator, and the departmental chief trusts in the boss above them – they would all be able to be trusted as a major aspect of the organization in general. The general population trust has nothing to do specifically identifying with authentications in essence, however has an inseparable tie to the discernment that by securing administrations, client records, and gadgets with SSL Certificates and solid encryption, people in general will tend to see association’s contributions in a more prominent light than say, a comparable organization that does not give the additional advantages yielded from actualizing SSL Certificates for contending administrations.

4. To Better SEO Rankings:

Google gives higher rankings to websites secured with SSL certificates. Which means SSL certificates are critical if you’re serious about your online business.

If planning to buy SSL certificates, don’t waste much time and get it today, before Google flags your website.

Google is Dropping the Secure Indicator From All HTTPS Sites On Chrome


The inconceivable predicament of Internet security has of late been frequenting the tech firms of silicon valley. The internet goliath Google has obviously recognized the security concerns and has ventured up to settle the issue to a specific degree. The internet searcher mammoth Google is dropping the protected marker from all HTTPS locales on its eponymous web program Chrome. Google is making slight, yet imperative, changes in visual signs for HTTPS in its Chrome program’s interface. The change should take off in two phases beginning from September this year.

Google will eliminate the green bolt symbol and ‘Secure’ name alongside URLs from locales utilizing HTTPS on Chrome rendition 69. At that point from October, the program will begin cautioning clients about unreliable destinations, demonstrating a noticeable red “Not Secure” message in Chrome 70 variant.

At this moment, Google Chrome demonstrates a green lock and secure name to show that the client is going by a ‘safe’ page that is scrambled and shielded from digital assaults. Clearly, Google’s point is to guarantee that 100% of the web utilizes HTTPS, and it has become quite close. Presently, as such a significant number of destinations are getting to be secure, Chrome will just banner the locales that are unsecured. Sites went to on Chrome which doesn’t have HTTPS Certificates will trigger an unmistakable red warning.

HTTPS is a more secure rendition of HTTP and goes about as a protected and encoded correspondence convention between the program and the sites that you are associated with. It anticipates meddlers to subtly get to your secret data. HTTPS is regularly utilized for online exchanges, for example, internet based saving money and online shopping request shapes where classification is of most extreme significance. Your information is shielded from outsiders, and that is the reason a considerable measure of present day sites are utilizing this innovation, utilizing SSL (Secure Socket Layers) or TLS (Transport Layer Security), the hidden tech behind HTTPS.

Observing The Biggest And Overrated Challenge 

The internet and online networking clients have turned out to be more than defenseless as of late in the wake of Facebook’s information rupture embarrassment. The tech organizations are winning billions of dollars from our exercises on the web and they can’t escape with clients’ information without ensuring protection and security, in spite of the fact that Facebook did! Google, maybe, needs to discover that protected sites ought to be a standard on the web. Google’s contention is, “clients ought to expect that the web is protected of course.”

Obviously, encryption makes the web more secure. There are near 1.78 billion dynamic destinations over the world till April 2018, up 12.8 billion from the earlier month. Security is the main worry with that astonishing rate of augmentation as an incalculable number of destinations are still under the risk of different sorts of seizing assaults which can be abused to do phishing, pharming and other cyber attacks.

The development of HTTPS for the most part acquired a positive move the advancement of the web. Yet at the same time, just 1 of every 20 HTTPS servers accurately actualizes HTTP Strict Transport Security. In this manner, the staying 95% of HTTPS servers are inclined to MITM assaults. By May 12, 2018, 83% of the sites went by on Chrome utilizing Windows were HTTPS pages. Google is probably going to make perusing on Chrome more secure than at any other time for the client. A red cautioning could possibly drive off site guests and in the long run raise the skip away measurements. This would unfavorably influence the non-secure locales as more individuals may quit going by those destinations.

This likewise would help the web index goliath to channel through the protected and dangerous locales effectively. Google has been doing significantly great with regards to security. The organization has guaranteed that it has achieved encryption levels of 93% crosswise over Google and intends to accomplish 100% encryption over every one of its items and administrations.

How To Get EV Certificate And How It Provides Security


When we are talking about security over internet, we are basically talking about SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which acts as a backbone of internet security. As information travels across the world through computer network via internet, it becomes essential to protect sensitive data. Data can be secured if the transfer is done in encrypted form, which is a non-readable form that is exactly what SSL does.

SSL Certificate:
It is a data file, which provides secure connection between a web server and a browser. It provides a secure encrypted link/connection between a server and a browser via which data can be transferred or shared in a secured form. Data can be passed over internet without compromising its privacy, integrity and security. There are different levels of SSL certificate and those are:

Extended Validation (EV)

Organization Validation (OV)

Domain Validation (DV)

Extended validation certificate (EV):

Out of all SSL certificates, Extended Validation certificate (EV) is the most astounding of accessible SSL certificates. Albeit all SSLs utilize relatively same capable encryption method, however to get EV you require precise choice process. We can state that every one of the levels contrast in procedure of character confirmation and how the specific declaration is shown. When you get EV SSL certificate, you get a green address bar, which gives the sentiment security to every one of the guests of that specific site.

How to Get EV Certificate and How it Provides Security?

To get EV SSL Certificate, you have to go through global standardized identification process, which is a verification process that gives exclusive rights to use a domain by confirming the legality, physical existence and authenticity of the company. All the information along with the name of the company and location is included in the EV certificate. Once you get EV Certificate, HTTPS and padlock in the browser address bar is activated along with the name of the verified website owner. It gives secure feeling to the visitor to perform financial transactions.

Green Address Bar :

If a company has EV SSL Certificate, its address bar (padlock), https, company name and country will be green in color. If the connection is partially encrypted, then the browser will issue a warning message which will indicate that the domain is not fully secured and can be hacked by a third party or hacker. For a domain which is fully secure or has a higher level of SSL certificate, green padlock is shown. If, in case, content is loaded over http rather than https, green address bar will not be shown, which indicates that connection is not fully secure.

Comodo UCC / SAN / Multi-Domain SSL: High Secure SSL Solution For Enterprise


SSL remains for Secure Sockets Layer, the convention which gives the encryption. SSL Certificates are normally introduced on pages that require end-clients to submit sensitive data over the web like creadit card or passwords. Example pages incorporate installment pages, online structures and login pages.Getting a SSL certificates is the most straightforward approach to build your client’s trust in your online business.

Comodo UCC / SAN / Multi-Domain SSL :

Comodo’s multi-domain Certificate is ideal for associations with numerous one of domain facilitated on different servers. This association approved SSL secures up to 100 domain – sparing you time and cash while giving an high level state of trust and security. This SSL gives approval of the association behind the site and is appropriate for business locales that gather sensitive client information. It can be issued in two business days or less.

What Comodo Multi-Domain SSL Do: 

The Comodo Multi-Domain SSL is Organization Validated (OV), meaning that it authenticates your organization and gives your customers the peace of mind that comes with being assured you are who you claim to be. It’s a way for a customer to quickly verify that your website has been vetted by a third-party global security leader in Comodo. This certificate can be yours within 1-3 Days if your registration data is accurate and up to date.

Why Comodo UCC / SAN / Multi-Domain SSL Beneficial For You:

Now you can secure up to 250 domains with a single certificate, greatly simplifying your management and administrative needs. The Comodo Multi-Domain SSL features industry-standard encryption strength (256-bit) and a 2048-bit signature key. It can be yours within just a few days after the Organization Authentication process is complete. Best of all it unlocks the Comodo Secure Site Seal to give your customers peace of mind about doing business with you. Get it starting at $108.00 per year,60% off the vendor price!

Features And Benefits Of Comodo UCC / SAN / Multi-Domain SSL:

Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate

Immediate “No Hassle” SSL certificate issuance 24/7

Unlimited server licenses

Automated validation – no paperwork

Risk free 30 day refund policy

FREE site seal

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

Trusted by all popular browsers with 99.9% Ubiquity

$10,000 Relying Party Warranty

Single Domain Name (FQDN) and

256 bit Encryption

Multi Domain SSL certificates usually identified as Subject Alternative Name (SAN) SSL where SAN field allows you to add more host names to protect your multiple websites with a single certificate. Few SAN licenses are included in the base price, but you can add new domains at any time under the SAN field during certificate lifespan by paying additional SAN licenses cost.

Protect Your Online Transaction With Comodo SSL Certificates


Presently a days We are relied on innovation for relatively each and every thing. From paying our power charges, booking tickets, saving money, to web based shopping, everything should be possible by only couple of snaps. When we make utilization of Internet for such things, where budgetary advances happen, it is the most extreme significance to do it in a secured domain, a situation where a client can feel safe to make such exchanges. If, in the event that, your data is hacked by the outsider, it can be effortlessly abused with no follow, or surprisingly more terrible.

So it has turned out to be important to get an innovation, with the utilization of which our data stays sheltered and secure. Comodo SSL Certificate, the most confided in CA (Certification Authority) gives such secure condition to complete the online exercises.

Comodo SSL Certificate :

Comodo SSL Certificate provides a trusted and secure environment, within which you can carry out E-commerce transactions, without fearing of information falling into wrong hands. Comodo SSL Certificate is only issued to those entities whose verification and authentication is been checked via intense verification process, and whose physical existence is also thoroughly checked.

E-commerce Transaction :

In this electronic era, plastic/electronic cash has turned into an extremely normal thing. When we play out any financials exchange on the web, rather than utilizing unique cash, we utilize electronic cash. Any Purchase done online is alluded as E-business exchange as just electronic cash can be utilized.

Securing E-commerce Transaction :

Most of people often visit various sites to make purchase, despite of heavy discount and good price; they restrain from making any kind of purchase online. This happens because they do not feel comfortable about sharing their credit card details or bank details online. To gain this trust and feeling of security, it becomes important to secure your site with SSL certificate and when we talk about trust and security, Comodo is the name that strikes our mind.

Once you install Comodo SSL certificate on your website, your website address will be prefixed with https :// instead of http :// as well as a lock will appear on address bar. By clicking on this lock icon customer can know the details about the company and SSL certificate used by it. This makes the customer certain about the security measures taken by the company and in return, will help in gaining trust of the customer. By looking at the address, your customer can easily identify that your website is secure and that it is safe to conduct E-commerce transaction.

When you make any financial transaction on websites that are secured by Comodo SSL certificates, the information shared while performing such transaction is encrypted so that it cannot be misused or hacked or modified. The link between your Internet browser and server is in encrypted form so as to create a secure environment. Such measures are important to follow because information such as credit card details, password, login ID etc, can be misused which will put the customer as well as the company into trouble. So if you are an owner of a website that conducts e-commerce transaction, it is advisable to install Comodo SSL certificate (if not already installed) before it’s too late.

How Wildcard & EV SSL Certificates Provide Multiple Layer of Online Protection


SSL Certificate goes about as a spine of Internet security system. It gives an encoded connect between a browser and a server, which helps in exchanging or sharing information in scrambled from to keep the information vital and secure from falling in the wrong hands and from being abused. There are numerous sorts of SSL Certificates accessible in the market, yet it relies on necessity of the applicant, what level of SSL Certificate would suite him the best. Higher the security required, higher the level of SSL Certificate is required. Different SSL Certificates are partitioned into two gatherings based on approval level and secured areas and sub-domains:

Validation level

Domain Validation Certificate

Organization Validation Certificate

Extended Validation Certificate

Domain and sub-domain

Single Domain Certificate

Wildcard Certificate

Multi-domain Certificate

In this article, we will discuss about Extended Validation Certificate (EV) and Wildcard certificate and how these certificates provide multiple layer of online protection.

Wildcard Certificate: If you own a domain and multiple sub domains, and you want to secure them all, instead of buying certificate for every single domain and sub domain, you can buy Wildcard certificate, which will secure an unlimited number of sub domains but to a specific level. Along with providing security to multiple domains and sub domains, it will also save your time and money, which you would have wasted in buying and installing multiple certificates for every single domain and sub domain.

Technically, we can say that a Wildcard Certificate is a public key certificate and it can be used with numerous sub domains of a domain. The primary use of this certificate is to secure website prefixed with https ://. A single Wildcard certificate works for your convenience and saves a lot of time, but it also protects or secures the main domain as well as its sub domain at the same time.

EV SSL Certificate:  EV stands for Extended Validation Certificate and it involves strict selection process of validation to make sure that the entity requesting for this certificate is legal and genuine. If a website is secured with a certified EV SSL certificate, it will be indicated by Green colored address bar. Similar to Wildcard Certificate, Extended Validation Certificate is also used for websites prefixed with https :// and also for software’s that verify legal entity, which controls the software package or website itself. To obtain EV Certificate, CA (Certification Authority) will verify the identity of applicant and if information provided by the entity is correct then the certificate is issued. Verification here is very important because EV certificate provides a higher level of security.

Why Google Prefer Wildcard SSL Certificates


Wildcard SSL certificate is one of the SSL certificates that provide multi-layer online protection. With single wildcard certificate, you can secure multiple domains. This not only saves you from the horror of buying and installing certificates for each and every domain but also saves a lot of time that can be used elsewhere, productively.

Why Google PrefersWildcard SSL Certificate?

With regards to internet security, it has turned out to be basic to utilize special case SSL certificate since it not just secures a specific page or a landing page yet in addition sub-domains related with it on a solitary authentication. It accompanies boundless server permit and guarantee and additionally gives 99.9% of program ability. In short Wildcard SSL certificate secures site URL. It is perfect for the individuals who deal with numerous destinations on a single domain.

With the new form of chrome, SSL certificates has turned out to be obligatory for sites that require content contribution to type of the login page, contact frame, membership shape and so forth. Else ‘Not secure’ cautioning will be issued to guests of your site, which may deteriorate your business.

Features of a Wildcard SSL Certificate-

1. Scrambles Sensitive Data: If the data is ignored the internet with encryption, it can be perused effortlessly and can be abused. sensitive data like charge card number, net-keeping money data, username, and watchword ought to be moved in incoherent shape.

2. Gives Security from Cyber-Crime: Cyber-lawbreakers are sufficiently keen to distinguish any escape clause in your system and catch critical and sensitive information before it achieves its goal. SSL certificate causes you guard against such black-eye masked people.

3. Fabricates Trust and Brand Power: Lock symbol and green address bar are the images of web security. It gives affirmation to the client that the specific site is secure to utilize and he can share individual and sensitive data decisively. This will without a doubt help the validity of the brand and add to the brand control.

If you want to purchase Wildcard SSL certificates, don’t squander much time and get it today, before Google flag your site.

How SSL Certificates Work With Smart Phones Security


Smartphone has turned into the necessary piece of our day today life. From making phone calls to messaging, surfing net to shopping on the web; Smartphone and tablets have replaced desktops. It is the comfort as a result of which the majority of individuals favor utilization of smartphones for meeting their necessities beyond what many would consider possible. Understand that work desktop’s foundation is totally not the same as that of smartphone and there is prerequisite of receiving an innovation to make cell phones programmer verification.

The majority of the entrepreneurs are chipping away at similarity of their sites with each device utilized for shopping like smartphone and tablets. On the off chance that entrepreneur neglects to give such perfect sites, they will wind up in loosing expansive bit of income. Then again, CA’s (Certification Authorities) are worried about cell phone security and are taking a shot at arrangements that would be perfect with each current adaptation of site. Larger part of CA sellers have embraced such advancements at this point, as:

Use of ‘mobile code signing credentials’ to keep hackers away

Some of CA vendors have also implemented SSL certificate to meet security issues

Digital Signatures (still in beta stage)

SSL certificate for smartphones

Working of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is same for every computing device. Let it be smartphone, tablet or desktop; SSL certificate will work to provide internet security. With SSL certificate, smartphone users can enjoy optimal protection and security on surfing internet but this is only applicable only if the certificate is compatible with smartphone you are using else user will receive an error message. Note that the certificates support micro browsers are compatible with smartphones and around 99% of SSL certificates are smartphone compatible.

SSL Certificate Adopters

There are SSL certificates which are compatible with mobile browsing and have been adopted by following:



Global Sign.

Comodo is one of the early adaptors of SSL certificate. Being superior in terms of experience it succeeds in the certification as well as antivirus sector. Brand has mastered the technical knowledge and is capable of providing best solutions for certification issues.

Using SSL Certificate for Smartphones:

SSL certificate is mandatory for website security as it helps in protecting data (private, sensitive and important information) from unknown and unauthorized third parties. When indulged in online business, customer’s security should be priority and if your website is secure enough it will encourage your customers to transact with your company. This will not only help you retain loyal customers but also built company repo, which is healthy for successful and long run of the business.

Important Points To Secure Online Transactions Are:

SSL secure Site seal: It is visual stamp and is displayed on home page of the website. This site seal signifies security, credibility and reliability. Secured transactions and data security are indicated by displaying it the website. In other words, we can say that it is safe to transmit your personal data over net to sites having ‘SSL secure site seal’.

Green address bar: EV green address bar in enabled for every site that have Extended Validation SSL certificate. This green address bar gives visual assurance of internet security. This helps in gaining trust of customers and also affects conversion rate of site.

High level of encryption: Algorithms are used to encrypt data which is then transferred through encrypted link to provide high level security. Encryption algorithm converts data into non-readable form which is not easy to understand, thus makes data transfer via net, secure.

Depending upon SSL certificates for security and data transfer is beneficial for both, customer as well as online merchant. Beside SSL certificate security, most of CA vendors also provide technical support and back up (in some cases) which helps in enhancing security protection level.

How EV SSL Certificates Will Beneficial For Your Website


“EV” stands for Extended Validation. Expanded Validation SSL Certificates are another type of SSL Certificate which is planned to give clients more trust in your identity and that you control/possess your site.

An Extended Validation Certificate (EV) is a declaration utilized for HTTPS sites and programming that demonstrates the lawful element controlling the site or programming bundle. Getting an EV Certificate requires confirmation of the asking for element’s personality by a certificate expert (CA).

A website that processes monetary transactions, (such as credit/debit card, web banking, etc…) or a social website wherever users share personal communication & data needs higher security, therefore, the sensitive data and communication shared remains safe and attackers won’t be able to breach or tamper with it. SSL Certificate offers the high level of security with its 256-bit cryptography strength and sophisticated cryptography technology that is not possible to crack.

Features And Benefits

Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate

Immediate “No Hassle” SSL certificate issuance 24/7

Unlimited server licenses

Automated validation – no paperwork

Risk free 30 day refund policy

FREE site seal

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

Why Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates Are Imperative For You:

The SSL Certificate you directly have secures you with cryptography that guarantees information being exchanged to your site and in this manner the customer can not be intercepted. you will even have relate SSL Certificate with Identity Assurance Protection as in an exceedingly High Assurance SSL Certificate.

How EV SSL Certificates Will Profit Benefits to Your Business:

EV SSL Certificates give clients with unmistakable on-line confirmation that you simply square measure an verifiable business. the most current programs give cautious establish information, together with shading the URL address bar green once a site utilizes warm unit SSL. With Comodo heat unit SSL you furthermore may receive a Trust brand that you just will with pride show on your website to inform your customers that you just have met the very best standards of assurance.

Encrypt Your Website With An Affordable Comodo Instant SSL Pro Certificates


Instant SSL Pro is an awesome security solution for internet based business sites. With InstantSSL professional, Comodo not exclusively approves the name, it checks the corporate behind the net business, making it perfect for destinations that collect customer data.

The InstantSSL Pro comes sponsored by a liberal $100,000 guarantee and the dynamic Comodo Secure site seal—demonstrated to help client’s trust. With its 128/256-bit encryption quality and 2048-piece signature key, the Comodo Instant SSL Pro certificate is more than equipped for encoding your site. Far and away superior, this certificate will validate your business and your server. You should simply fulfill the prerequisites to demonstrate you’re a honest to goodness business and this declaration can be issued in only 1-3 Days.

Comodo Instant SSL certificates use the best levels of encryption and area unit compatible with all phones and devices. Secure your website and defend e-commerce transactions with bank-strength encrypted security.

Features And Benefits:

Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate

Immediate “No Hassle” SSL certificate issuance 24/7

Unlimited server licenses

Automated validation – no paperwork

Risk free 30 day refund policy

FREE site seal

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

Trusted by all popular browsers with 99.9% Ubiquity

$10,000 Relying Party Warranty

This Certificate can be issued in 1-3 Days. Simply satisfy the requirements to prove the legitimacy of your organization and this certificate can be yours.

So,if you searching for a safe and simple approach to build the trust that customers have in your website, look no further than the Comodo Instant SSL Pro.

How Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard Certificate is Important For Your Website


Positive SSL Wildcard Certificate: A Positive SSL Wildcard Certificate used to ensures security to main domain and its multiple sud-domains.You don’t have to be compelled to purchase individual certificates for your every subdomain. you’ll be able to save management time and hard-earned cash by Comodo Wildcard SSL Certificate.

The certificate authority can verify your management over the name so get your certificate inside some minutes and your customers will realize your awebsite a secure place for online transactions and share their steer. All net transactions are secured with 256-bit encoding and 2048-bit root CSR encryption.

Features and Benefits Provided By Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard Certificate-

Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate

Immediate “No Hassle” SSL certificate issuance 24/7

Unlimited server licenses

Automated validation – no paperwork

Risk free 30 day refund policy

FREE site seal

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

Also the other Sub-Domains you will have. Comodo PositiveSSLWildcard endorsements take a shot at 99.9% of web and portable programs and may be issued inside minutes on account of Comodo’s online approval strategy. It additionally accompanies a light-weight ensure ($10,000) and a static Positive Wildcard SSL site seal to call attention to your clients that you are scrambled.

So if you want to secure your main domain and related subdomains, don’t waste your time.For more details related to SSL Certificates Please Contact Us-+1 (888) 606-7330,Or

Get SSL Certificate From Comodo In Easy Steps


As we know in this technology era most of the data is shared or transferred via internet because internet our precious time.We share our personal information, data related to finance/money or government, most of the work is being done through web in order to save time and makes the work easier. There are many CA (Certification Authorities) in the market who provide services but, choosing the right/authenticated one is very important.

There are great quantities of SSL suppliers in the market, yet with regards to unwavering quality, Comodo is a main SSL supplier. Comodo is a freemium, which implies that it gives certain administrations for nothing out of pocket. It’s free administrations incorporate antivirus, firewall, security. In the event that, extra administration is required, you will be charged for those administrations or highlight. Comodo is a trusted name with regards to security.

Comodo gives its administrations everywhere throughout the world and had made it less demanding for its client to buy required Comodo SSL certificate on the internet. You should simply just open the site and take after couple of basic advances/directions.

Steps are:

  • Choice of SSL certificate as per the requirement.
  • To make a purchase, click on button at the top of the page.
  • Enter details like your region, certificate type, domain name etc.
  • Now choose tenure of validation of certificate.
  • Now create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Once CSR is complete, an encrypted block of text is provided by the server.
  • Copy and paste the encrypted block in the application page
  • Provide the account information
  • Fill the payment details.
  • After completing above mentioned steps, you can install required SSL Certificate. Within few minutes, requested SSL certificate will be installed and ready to use.

Few Points To Keep In Mind:

Before purchasing Comodo SSL Certificate, there are couple of things you ought to know about. Those are:

Which SSL certificate you need to buy. There are numerous kinds of SSL certificates. Contingent on the prerequisite and level of security required, decision of SSL ought to be finished.

To get CRS, you have to make a demand for the same from your server. Diverse servers may get distinctive guidelines. Scan for your server name and take after the guidelines deliberately.

Tenure is very important. In the event that you pick residency of one year, it will cost you in excess of a more extended residency. Longer the residency, lesser you pay for a SSL certificate.

Why Wildcard SSL Certificates is Best Security Solution For Website


SSL Certificate is used to get a secure connection between a server and a browser while transferring sensitive data to avoid misuse of data being shared or transferred. There are different levels of certification validation. Few are listed below:

Extended Validation Certificates

Organization Validated Certificates

Domain Validated Certificates

Single Domain Certificates

Wildcard SSL Certificate

Multi Domain SSL Certificate (MDC)

Unified Communications Certificate (UCC)


Wildcard SSL Certificate

In this article we are going to refer Wildcard SSL Certificate. SSL certificate safeguards knowledge from a 3rd party by guaranteeing secure link/connection between a server and a browser. But, once it involves securing all sub-domains in conjunction with main domain, Wildcard SSL certificate is required. Workings of each the certificates, i.e. SSL Certificate similarly as Wildcard SSL certificate is sort of a similar with only 1 major distinction which is Wildcard SSL Certificate not solely provides security to main domain however additionally, to any or all different sub-domains connected to the most domain no matter SSL certificate, that provides security to solely the most domain.

Difference between SSL Certificate and Wildcard SSL Certificate

Wildcard case SSL Certificate secures the URL of your site and in addition its sub-domain, which can be various. Give us a chance to accept that you possess a site On the off chance that you get a Wildcard SSL Certificate, for this specific website, at that point it won’t just secure this specific URL yet in addition, all other sub-areas like blog.mybusiness.comshop.mybusiness, onlinestore.mybusiness and so on., furnished these sub-spaces are connected with the fundamental space. While, a customary SSL Certificate ordinarily secures single completely qualified space name. To put it plainly, on the off chance that you claim or deal with numerous sites/pages that exist on a similar domain/ main domain, Wildcard SSL Certificate is the thing that you requirement for a total web security and at a superior cost.

Working of Wildcard SSL Certificate-

  • When an organization applies for Wildcard SSL Certificate, it means that it owns multiple website or sub domains.
  • When CA (Certification Authority) issues a certificate, organization must ensure that all sub domains are associated with the main domain else it will affect the level of security.
  • Once the validation of the domain and the sub domain is checked, Wildcard SSL Certificate will provide the same level of security to the main domain and all other sub domains associated with it.
  • Wildcard SSL Certificate will look for all the possible sub domain names and will provide security to them. For example, a Wildcard SSL Certificate is issued to *.mybusiness  .com, where ‘*’ represents all the sub domains associated with the main domain and in return Wildcard SSL Certificate will provide security to all the possible sub domains suffixed ‘.mybusiness .com’.

Comodo SSL Certificates Help You To Secure E-commerce Transactions


In the present era we are relied on innovation for relatively each and every thing. From paying our power charges, booking tickets, keeping money, to online shopping, everything should be possible by only few clicks. When we make utilization of Internet for such things, where budgetary advances occur, it is the fate of most extreme significance to do it in a secured domain, a situation where a client can feel safe to make such exchanges. In the event that, in the event that, your data is hacked by the outsider, it can be effortlessly abused with no follow, or surprisingly more dreadful.

So it has turned out to be important to get an innovation, with the utilization of which our data stays protected and secure. Comodo SSL Certificate, the most put stock in CA (Certification Authority) gives such secure condition to do the online exercises.

E-commerce Transaction-

In this electronic era, plastic/electronic money has become a very common thing. When we perform any financial transaction online, instead of using original money, we use electronic money. Any Purchase done online is referred as E-commerce transaction as only electronic money can be used.

Securing E-commerce Transaction-

The majority of visit different destinations to make buy, regardless of substantial rebate and great value; they control from making any sort of purchase online. This happens on the grounds that they don’t feel great about sharing their credit card details or bank details online. To pick up this trust and feeling of security, it ends up imperative to secure your site with SSL certificates and when we discuss trust and security, Comodo is the name that strikes our mind.

When you introduce Comodo SSL certificate on your site, your site address will be prefixed with https://rather than http://and in addition a bolt will show up on address bar. By tapping on this bolt symbol client can know the insights about the organization and SSL declaration utilized by it. This makes the client sure about the safety efforts taken by the organization and consequently, will help in picking up trust of the client. By taking a gander at the address, your client can without much of a stretch distinguish that your site is secure and that it is sheltered to transmit E-business exchange.

When you make any money related exchange on sites that are secured by Comodo SSL Certificate, the data shared while performing such exchange is scrambled so it can’t be abused or hacked or altered. The connection between your Internet program and server is in encoded frame to make a protected situation. Such measures are imperative to take after in light of the fact that data, for example, credit card details, secret key, login ID and so on, can be abused which will put the client and additionally the organization into inconvenience. So in the event that you are a proprietor of a site that channels web based business exchange, it is prudent to introduce Comodo SSL certificate (if not already installed) before it’s past the point of no return.

Differences Between Free and Paid Internet Security Software


Internet security is a major concern of all Internet users, regardless of whether you are a customer or a site proprietor. This worry is because of increment in web dangers on regular schedule. These threats incorporate viruses, which can erase every one of the information on hard disk makes issue in smooth working of programming and even are customized in such a way, to the point that it takes individual data, bank subtle elements and character. To battle against such dangers you require web security.

An exceptionally normal issue in nowadays is recognizable proof of a client is stolen or system is tainted with either virus, information misfortune etc.To conquer such issues, having Internet security programming is a must.To facilitate their lives, many individuals like to utilize Internet for each and every assignment like, paying power charge, shopping, booking tickets, exchanging cash and so forth, which requires Mastercard points of interest alongside individual personal details. So on the off chance that you are not utilizing great Internet security programming you may wind up stuck in an unfortunate situation; this can bring about fraud, misuse of credit card, abuse of your personal details etc.

There are a lot of security solutions available in the market these days, but it becomes difficult to choose the right one. Due to which, many of you end up in buying packages which are costlier however do not meet your requirements.

It has become a necessity to opt for internet security software. There are mainly two types of security system:

Free Internet Security System

Paid Internet security System

Difference between paid and free Internet Security Software

Time span: When we talk about Internet security software, we want to make sure that it works for a longer period of time. But that is not the case when we opt for free Internet security software. Free Software, which are available in the market is either for one year or less, whereas paid Internet security software are available for longer time periods i.e. 1-3 years.

Extra Features: When we pay for certain service(s), we assume that we will get extra benefits; this is the exact case when we talk about the Internet security software. Free security software will only provide basic features whereas paid security software gives extra benefits to its customer or we can say that paid security software provides comprehensive protection.

Cost: People are regularly mixed up that both free and paid Internet security software work the same-these two give same level of security. However, that is a myth. There is free security software, which work better as contrast with other free software,but protection or security provided by these are not guaranteed 100%. Obviously, the majority of the general population who utilize Internet just to surf and not for business or business purposes don’t lean toward paid software, nonetheless, it is constantly fitting to decide on paid security software to spare the system from an virus assault.

Upgradation: When we discuss free programming there is no prerequisite for upgradation, which isn’t the same with paid security programming. We have to keep security programming refreshed every once in a while to take greatest preferred standpoint of it and keep our data and information protected and secure for a threats.

Multiple Domain SSL Certificate- A Smart Choice For Website Security


SSL Certificate-
SSL certificate is small data file that contains data like organization name, country name, primary domain, sub-domains, expiration data, CA etc, which is provided by the owner of a website at the time of loading SSL certificate. In return, a single IP address is issued to that website, which in turn serves main domain as well as linked sub-domains

Need for SSL Connection-
In normal cases, data is transferred or shared in simple text form, which gives advantage to hackers to misuse or modify it easily, which is a big security threat. To overcome this, SSL provides an encrypted link, which converts the data into non-readable form, and then this encrypted data is transferred between the server and the browser through secure link that nullifies the risk of data being hacked. To get this kind of security, all you need is SSL Certificate.


How SSL Certificate Ensures Security For Multiple Domains-

As security is one of the real concerns, while exchanging or sharing delicate/individual information, we should beyond any doubt that great security models are being taken after, particularly, for the situation where in excess of one area exists under one server. This can be accomplished through Comodo Multiple Domain SSL Certificate. To guarantee secure exchange, a solitary IP address is issued to the fundamental server, which will  serve all the enlisted spaces and sub-areas under a similar proprietor.

Multiple domain SSL Certificates are all around known as UCC (Unified Communications Certificates). These authentications secures parent space/essential area as well as upto 99 add-on areas and sub-areas. Various area SSL Certificate is perfect for a domain where space of a host is shared, as it invalidates prerequisite of different issuing of SSL declarations. Rather, just a single SSL testament will fill the need.

If that a proprietor claims number of locales, each with various domain name, it will be time consuming, and also, disagreeable to utilize distinctive SSL Certificates for every single domain. It will be helpful to utilize single SSL certificates to give internet security to every one of the domain and sub-domain claimed by a same proprietor. A single SSL Certificate will give assurance to all the registered domains and sub-domains with a single IP address.

How SSL Certificates Provides Encrypted Security


SSL certificate is a small data file that helps in binding cryptographic key to details of an organization. Upon installation, it activates the padlock and https //: protocol that ensures a secure connection between the browser and the web server.

SSL certificate establishes an encrypted link in a web communication between the server and therefore the browser. to make SSL affiliation, SSL certificate is obligatory. SSL certificate is issued either to corporations operative on-line or to wrongfully responsible people. To be able to activate SSL certificate, a business owner must give details concerning the identity of his web site and therefore the business, like name, the name of the business, address (including the name of town & country) etc. Once the certificate is uploaded, 2 scientific discipline keys are created; these are a personal Key and a Public key. These keys ar wont to code and decipher knowledge, therefore give security to knowledge that’s being transferred over the online.

There are a spread of SSL certificates accessible within the market however it’s necessary to pick a licensed certificate because it provides crucial identity assurance that’s necessary to ascertain trust between business and client. once coping with e-commerce, a business should address to attenuate risk and supply a secure means of collection knowledge from the client. once buying merchandise and services on-line, a client submits details like credit card variety, phone number etc. These details should to be retrieved in an exceedingly secure and integrated manner. For this, business ought to implement an entire e-commerce trust infrastructure supported encrypted technology.

Encryption Technology

Encryption is a procedure of changing over information to make it incoherent to every unapproved party with the exception of the person who is a proposed beneficiary. Along these lines, information uprightness and information security can be kept up which has turned out to be basic for online business. In simple words, we can state that encryption innovation is utilized to change over information into a non-readable form and secure it from unapproved parties and is gotten by the expected beneficiary in intelligible form. Primary duties performed by encryption technology are:

To put data(file) into code

Changing data into unreadable form (unintelligible) using secret code

To prevent accurate interpretation of data by the third party

What SSL certificate encrypted security provides?

  • Authenticity:

This can be clarified in two sections. The initial segment is server validation and another is customer confirmation. How about we talk about them one by one in detail.

• Server Verification: Server alongside information exchanges open key, which is utilized by the customer to encode information used to figure the secret key. The server can decode information and produce a secret key just on the off chance that it has a substantial private key.

• Client Validation: In this, the server utilizes general public key, gave in customer’s declaration, to decode information sent by the customer.If that the trading of message is finished by utilizing a secret key to encode, it affirms the verification.

On the off chance that regardless validation step fails or isn’t finished, the session is ended between the program and the server.

  • Confidentiality:

To guarantee message protection, SSL utilizes a mix of symmetric and asymmetric encryption. For each session, an exceptional arrangement of encryption calculation and a common secret key is utilized, guaranteeing the security of message even if there should be an occurrence of capture.

Get A Green Lock Bar SSL Certificate & Secure Your Website (HTTPS)


What Is SSL-

The present era is the era of technology. We are depended upon technology for almost every single thing. From paying our electricity bills, booking tickets, banking, to online shopping, everything can be done by just few clicks.

When we are talking about security over internet, we are basically talking about SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which acts as a backbone of internet security. As information travels across the world through computer network via internet, it becomes essential to protect sensitive data. Data can be secured if the transfer is done in encrypted form, which is a non-readable form that is exactly what SSL does.

SSL Certificate-

SSL Certificate is a data file, which provides secure connection between a web server and a browser. It provides a secure encrypted link/connection between a server and a browser via which data can be transferred or shared in a secured form. Data can be passed over internet without compromising its privacy, integrity and security.

There  Are Different Levels of SSL Certificate And Those Are:

Extended Validation (EV)

Organization Validation (OV)

Domain Validation (DV)

Extended Validation Certificate (EV)-

Out of all SSL certificates, Extended Validation certificate (EV) is the most astounding of accessible SSL certificates.All SSLs utilize relatively same intense encryption procedure, yet to get EV you require exact determination process. We can say that every one of the levels contrast in procedure of identity check and how the specific authentication is shown. When you get EV SSL Certificate, you get a green address bar, which gives the sentiment security to every one of the visitors of that specific site.

How To Get EV Certificate & How It Provides Security-

To get EV SSL Certificate, you need to experience global standardized distinguishing process, which is a confirmation procedure that gives restrictive rights to utilize an domain by affirming the legitimateness, physical presence and realness of the organization. All the data alongside the name of the organization and area is incorporated into the EV certificate. When you get EV Certificate, HTTPS and lock in the program address bar is actuated alongside the name of the confirmed site proprietor. It gives secure feeling to the visitor to perform financial transactions.

Green Address Bar –

If an organization has EV SSL Certificate, its address bar (lock), https, organization name and nation will be green in shading. In the event that the association is somewhat encoded, at that point the program will issue a notice message which will demonstrate that the domain isn’t completely secured and can be hacked by an outsider or hacker. For an doamin which is completely secure or has a larger amount of SSL certificate, green lock is appeared. In Case that, content is stacked over http as opposed to https, green address bar won’t be appeared, which demonstrates that association isn’t completely secure.

How SSL Will Help You To Improve Your SEO Ranking


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This connection guarantees that all information go between the web server and programs stay private and basic. SSL is an industry standard and is utilized by a great many sites in the insurance of their online exchanges with their clients.

To have the ability to make a SSL connection a web server requires a SSL Certificate. When you enact SSL on your web server you will be incited to finish various inquiries regarding the character of your site and your organization. Your web server at that point makes two cryptographic keys – a Private Key and a Public Key.

Need Of SSL-

Any computer in between you and the server can see your credit card numbers, usernames and passwords, and other sensitive information if it is not encrypted with an SSL certificate. When a SSL certificate is used, the information becomes unreadable to everyone except for the server you are sending the information to.


Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the marketing and site process to make your content more visible and interpretable to search engines and more valuable to users. SEO is a technique through which it becomes easier to locate your website and rank it higher than any other websites covering the same topic.

How SEO Rank can be improved for our website/local business?

Let’s understand this in a simpler way. Whenever we have a question in our brain, we tend to seek it online with the assistance of any internet searcher. When we write our inquiry, a rundown of results appear on our screen and out of each one of those outcomes more often than not we pick the primary outcome. We do as such in light of the fact that the primary site appeared because of our question has a tendency to be more important than different sites or website pages. The site positioned better will be appeared before the sites whose positioning isn’t that great when contrasted with the site which is positioned top most. Web optimization is the promoting method of web, which helps in enhancing the positioning of sites and encourages in redirecting movement to your site from web crawlers.

How Does SSL help?

In spite of the fact that SSL helps in giving security, yet is it similarly useful for enhancing SEO positioning of nearby business? How about we examine it in detail to see better-

  • Google (web index) offers inclination to site pages with https over http if the looked article in both the site is proper and pertinent.
  • SSL certificate can cost you increasingly if your site is immense; as the cost can increment fundamentally, contingent on the measure of information exchanged an in the event that it is encoded. In the event that your business isn’t at an extensive scale, the cost of SSL certificate may influence your budget.

If you own local business and want to go for SSL to improve SEO ranking, consider above mentioned points and make a wise decision.

Difference Between Wildcard SSL And EV SSL Certificates


In this blog, we will discuss about Extended Validation Certificate (EV) and Wildcard certificate and how these certificates provide multiple layer of online protection.

SSL Certificates goes about as a spine of Internet security system. It gives a scrambled connection between a program and a server, which helps in exchanging or sharing information in encoded from to keep the information basic and secure from falling in the wrong hands and from being abused. There are numerous sorts of SSL Certificates accessible in the market, however it relies on prerequisite of the candidate, what level of SSL authentication would suite him the best. Higher the security required, higher the level of SSL certificate is required. Different SSL certificates are partitioned into two gatherings based on approval level and secured domains & subdomains.


Rock-Solid Security- Comodo’s SSL certificates provide upto 128 or 256-bit encryption for maximum security of your website visitors’ data

Boost Customer Confidence-Many customers actively look for the SSL lock icon before handing over sensitive data. Get an SSL certificate to increase your customer’s trust in your online business.

Better SEO Rankings-Many customers actively look for the SSL lock icon before handing over sensitive data. Get an SSL certificate to increase your customer’s trust in your online business.

Wildcard Certificate: if you possess a domain , and multiple sub domains, and you need to secure them all, rather than purchasing certificate for each and every domain and sub domains, you can purchase Wildcard certificate, which will secure a number of sub domains yet to a particular level. Alongside giving security to various spaces and sub areas, it will likewise spare your time and money, which you would have squandered in purchasing and introducing numerous authentications for each and every domain and sub domains.

Technically, we can say that a Wildcard Certificate is a public key certificate and it can be used with numerous sub domains of a domain. The primary use of this certificate is to secure website prefixed with https://. A single Wildcard certificate works for your convenience and saves a lot of time, but it also protects or secures the main domain as well as its sub domain at the same time.

EV SSL Certificate:  EV stands for Extended Validation Certificate and it involves strict selection process of validation to make sure that the entity requesting for this certificate is legal and genuine. If a website is secured with a certified EV SSL certificate, it will be indicated by Green colored address bar. Similar to Wildcard Certificate, Extended Validation Certificate is also used for websites prefixed with https:// and also for softwares that verify legal entity, which controls the software package or website itself. To obtain EV Certificate, CA (Certification Authority) will verify the identity of applicant and if information provided by the entity is correct then the certificate is issued. Verification here is very important because EV certificate provides a higher level of security.

There Are Two Types Of EV SSL Certificate-

EV SSL Single Domain

EV Multi Domain SSL Certificates

US Would Track Bloggers, Social Media Through Homeland Security Database


Fears about the potential impacts of publicity and fake news stay high, and American authorities are resolved to monitor media outlets in an offer to check these misinformation battles. The Department of Homeland Security and internet security has put out a call for organizations that could make a database following more than 290,000 “media influences” around the globe, including on the web news outlets,  bloggers and prominent social network accounts. The framework would distinguish contributor details, (for example, contact data and their employers), and would permit individuals and outlets through classifications like their areas, the focal points of their scope and their slant.

DHS Anticipates That Reactions Will Its Demand By April 13. 

This isn’t the first time through the US has followed the media (the FBI used to be famous for it), and there’s no sign this would gather data that isn’t now open. Be that as it may, the database’s exceptionally presence (if it goes ahead) could be tricky. It could help measure how Russia and different nations endeavor to skew discussions. In the meantime, however, there’s worry this could be utilized to apply pressure on residential journalists and web identities who challenge the official line.

As Gizmodo noticed, the DHS’ uncleanness is additionally a worry. It leaves itself an opening for gathering “whatever other data that could be significant” about these influence’s, and there’s no indication concerning what that could be. Is it entirely utilitarian data like work histories, or sensitive data that could be manhandled? In any case, the database could be troublesome for bloggers and online networking stars who aren’t more often than not under such close government investigation.

What Is SSL Certificates & Why It Is Needed


SSL stand for (secure Sockets Layer). It is a standard security technology. In other words, it’s a protocol designed to create an encrypted link/connection between a web server and a browser, which is not easy to hack. With the help of SSL, we can share our private information or sensitive information safely and securely via Internet.

SSL allows confidential information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, or login credentials to be transmitted securely. Without SSL, data sent between clients and servers is sent in plain text–which makes it really easy to be intercepted. Anyone able to hijack the data stream will have unlimited access to the plain text. With SSL in place, data is encrypted – even if intercepted, it will not be able to be deciphered.

SSL Certificate

SSL certificate is small data file that contains data like organization name, country name, primary domain, sub-domains, expiration data, CA etc, which is provided by the owner of a website at the time of loading SSL certificates. In return, a single IP address is issued to that website, which in turn serves main domain as well as linked sub-domains.

Various Comodo SSL Certificates: There are various SSL Certificates that Comodo supports. These are categorized in three groups:

Single domain

Multiple domain


You can choose from these categories as to which SSL certificates would be more useful in your case as well as would be more cost effective.

Need for SSL Connection

In normal cases, data is transferred or shared in simple text form, which gives advantage to hackers to misuse or modify it easily, which is a big security threat. To overcome this, SSL provides an encrypted link, which converts the data into non-readable form, and then this encrypted data is transferred between the server and the browser through secure link that nullifies the risk of data being hacked. To get this kind of security, all you need is SSL Certificate.

Comodo provides its services all over the world and had made it easier for its customer to purchase required Comodo SSL certificate online. All you have to do is simply open the site and follow few simple steps/instructions.

Steps are:

Choice of SSL certificate as per the requirement.

To make a purchase, click on button at the top of the page.

Enter details like your region, certificate type, domain name etc.

Now choose tenure of validation of certificate.

Now create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Once CSR is complete, an encrypted block of text is provided by the server.

Copy and paste the encrypted block in the application page

Provide the account information

Fill the payment details.

After completing above mentioned steps, you can install required SSL Certificate. Within few minutes, requested SSL certificate will be installed and ready to use.

How SSL Certificate Provides Security-

To establish secure/encrypted connection, these keys work together. This certificate also contains identity of the owner and in technical language it is known as SUBJECT. CSR (Certificate Signing Request) must be created to get a SSL certificate, which in return creates a set of keys (public and private key). Then CSR data file that contains public key is sent to CA (Certificate Authority).

This data file is used for creating data structure to match private key but due to security reasons CA can never see the private key. Once the certificate is issued by CA, install it on your server. When installation of SSL certificate is complete, this server certificate is connected with CAs certificate in order to establish reliability and credibility of SSL certificate.

Comodo Premium SSL Wildcard Certificate In Affordable Price


Premium SSL certificates enhanced form of the quality SSL certificates employed by eCommerce websites to secure on-line transactions. Premium SSLs provide solely many blessings over normal SSLs, the foremost notable being the next assurance for users buying things for your web site and extra validation, which can facilitate build trust together with your site’s users.

Provide A Secure E-Commerce Environment to All Sub-Domains

Save time and cash by consolidating your SSL Certificate management. If you’ve got one ranking domain and multiple sub-domain, you’ll be able to use one SSL Certificate to secure all of them. Comodo’s Premium SSL Wildcard Certificate is simple to manage whereas providing future-proof 2048 bit root keys.

premium SSL certificate isn’t structurally completely different from other certificates. however enhanced form  selected Certificate Authority’s (CA) policy symbol so the company’s official company name is featured within the SSL certificate. Premium certificates issued by Nexcess consistent with a particular set of identity validation criteria.

Features & Benefits

Secure multiple subdomains with one certificate

Full business validated certificate

Futureproof 2048-bit root keys

Trusted by all popular browsers

99.9% browser compatibility

128/256 bit encryptione

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

How Premium Wildcard SSL Certificate Works

comodo premium wildcard SSL certificate works an equivalent method as a daily SSL Certificate, permitting you to secure connection between your website and your site visitor browser- with one major advantage that one premium wildcard SSL certificate covers all of the sub-domain of your main domain.It provides an economical and economical means that of securing all of your sub-domain while not the manage multiple certificates.

Get A Great Solution for E-Commerce Website-Comodo Instant SSL Pro Certificate


Comodo Instant SSL certificates use the best levels of encryption and area unit compatible with all phones and devices. Secure your website and defend e-commerce transactions with bank-strength encrypted security.

Instant SSL Pro enables you and your customers to complete transactions with the assurance that no one else can read or change information as it travels over the Internet. Pro certificates include all the features of the standard InstantSSL package with an increased $100,000 warranty – making them ideal for businesses wishing to display superior guarantees to their customers while staying within a budget.

Comodo Instant SSL Certificates accommodates the recommendations for SSL root key strength revealed by National Institute of Standards and Technology, the USA Government’s National Institute of Standards and Technology. These area unit SSL Certificates that support 256-bit encryption and area unit signed with 2048 bit signatures.

Features & Benefits of Comodo Instant SSL Pro

Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate

Automated validation – no paperwork

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

FREE site seal

$10,000 Relying Party Warranty & More

128 bit SSL Certificates designed for securing leading Web sites, similarly as intranets and extranets. sure by over ninety-nine.3% of current web users, Instant SSL professional Certificates are a perfect and cheap means of securing your internet server. These Certificates carry a brand new increased warrant of $100,000 Get A Great Solution for E-Commerce Website-Comodo Instant SSL Pro Certificate

Comodo Positive SSL -A Perfect Solution for Securing Your Website


PositiveSSL is a perfect choice for websites such as blogs and personal pages that don’t transact large amounts of user info. In most cases, the certificate can be issued in 15 minutes or less. Like all low-cost SSL solutions from Namecheap, PositiveSSL brings encryption, validation, and trustworthiness to your site.This SSL Certificates will fit perfectly in your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign, so as it will make your website rank higher in search engines, as a result of Google’s newest “HTTPS everywhere” policy.

Comodo Positive SSL is our cheapest and most popular SSL certificate that offers the industry’s standard 128/256 bit encryption within only 5 minutes. It provides 99.3% compatibility with all browsers and mobile devices, which includes IE 5.01+, Netscape 4.7+ and Mozilla 1+, along with the most used server platforms.

As a Domain Validated SSL, the verification of the domain ownership is made quickly and easily by e-mail and doesn’t require any paperwork.

Why PositiveSSL Needed

This SSL secures one single domain (both with and without “www”) and offers a $10,000 warranty which covers any damage that you may incur as a result of a data breach or hack that was caused due to a flaw in the certificate. It also has the added benefit of unlimited server licenses for multiple setups, being also useful for securing both, a production and a development server.

Features & Benefits

Risk free 30 day refund policy

FREE site seal

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

Trusted by all popular browsers with 99.9% Ubiquity and More

Being issued by Comodo, which is one of the most trusted and widely used brands in the website security industry, Positive SSL comes with a free static site seal which displays the name of the Certificate Authority and gives your customers more trust while doing transactions on your website.

Buy Comodo SSL Certificate and secure your website

Web site contains several records and essential facts which is treasured to internet site proprietor in addition to user of that site. This records may be employer’s element, financial information, Login identification’s & password, and lots extra. So it’s far crucial to at ease the can comfy your internet site via putting in SSL certificates.

SSL certificate: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a preferred safety protocol for setting up encrypted links among an internet server and a browser in an internet communication.An SSL certificate is necessary to create SSL connection.iIt is a small data file which when installed creates an encrypted link between the web browser and the server to ensure secure transfer of information in encrypted form so as to protect it from being modified or misused by any third party. There is CAs (Certification Authorities) from where you can buy the desired SSL certificates. CA is an entity that is accountable for issuing SSL certificate and for verification and authentication of candidates. however it is recommended to request SSL certificates from a depended on CA. Comodo is one of the main and trusted SSL certificates issuing entity.

ssl blog2

Comodo SSL certificate: When we talk about Comodo SSL certificates, first thing that strikes our thoughts is excessive net safety. over time, Comodo has won trust of its customer by way of presenting super service and has maintained its position on the pinnacle in the list of actual CAs (Certification Authorities). It isn’t clean to benefit consider of customer and it’s far even more difficult to preserve it. Comodo SSL certificates ensure that your statistics will now not be tampered with the aid of any third party, the statistics can be guarded from hackers or virus assaults; which makes it possible to interact online or have a successful online business without worrying about internet threats, virus, hackers or any other security issues.


The way it facilitates securing your website: whilst Comodo problems SSL certificates, it verifies the information provided via applicant and makes positive that each one the records supplied is accurate and also exams the legality of it. As safety is main concern, it follows various verification steps, which would possibly take time, therefore making the system of issuing SSL certificate time ingesting.It takes a day or two to get a SSL Certificate, but it also depends upon the type of SSL certificate you opted for there are few Comodo SSL certificates that can be hooked up inside minutes including free Comodo SSL. earlier than issuing the SSL certificate, Comodo makes positive that applicant is actual and the records supplied is correct, if it isn’t the case, then SSL certificates will not be issued and the request may be rejected. as soon as the SSL certificate is issued, the link among the browser and the server could be in encrypted form or secured, and the statistics shared is likewise encrypted so that it’s far in non-readable shape and can not be modified or misused.

Various Comodo SSL certificate: there are numerous SSL certificate that Comodo helps. these are classified in three organizations:

Single domain

Multiple domain


You can choose from these categories as to which SSL certificate could be extra beneficial in your case as well as might be cost effective.

Online Transaction with Comodo Instant SSL Certificate And SSL Security

Instant SSL Pro is a great security solution for e-commerce websites. With InstantSSL professional, Comodo not solely validates the name, it verifies the corporate behind the net business, creating it ideal for sites that collect sensitive client information.

Comodo Instant SSL certificates use the best levels of encryption and area unit compatible with all phones and devices. Secure your website and defend e-commerce transactions with bank-strength encrypted security.

128 bit SSL Certificates designed for securing leading Web sites, similarly as intranets and extranets. sure by over ninety-nine.3% of current web users, Instant SSL professional Certificates are a perfect and cheap means of securing your internet server. These Certificates carry a brand new increased warrant of $100,000 (for an increased Warranty, try Premium SSL Certificates).

Why Choose Instant SSL Pro

Because Comodo’s Instant SSL Pro certificate comes bundled with an impressive value-added package. This includes; free Trust Logo site seal for your website, unlimited physical server licenses, and free PCI scanning with daily website vulnerability scanning for 90 days.

Read on to know more about the benefits of Instant SSL Pro:

1. Thoroughly validated business certificate

2. Powerful 2048-bit signatures with 256-bit encryption

3. Recognized by 99.9% of browsers and mobile devices

4. Dynamic ‘Comodo Secure’ site seal to boost customer confidence

5. Priority phone support to SSL Pro customers

6. Unlimited physical server licenses

7. $100,000 relying party warranty

8. 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked!

How Comodo Premium SSL Wildcard Certificate Works

Description: Secure multiple websites with one PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate. For organizations hosting one name however with completely different sub-domains (e.g.,,, the Wildcard Certificate may be an efficient and economical means that of securing all subdomains while not the requirement to manage multiple certificates.

Provide a Secure e-Commerce Environment to all Sub-domains

Save time and cash by consolidating your SSL Certificate management. If you’ve got one ranking domain and multiple sub-domain, you’ll be able to use one SSL Certificate to secure all of them. Comodo’s Premium SSL Wildcard Certificate is simple to manage whereas providing future-proof 2048 bit root keys.

How Premium Wildcard SSL Certificate Works

Comodo premium wildcard SSL certificate works an equivalent method as a daily SSL Certificate, permitting you to secure connection between your website and your site visitor browser- with one major advantage that one premium wildcard SSL certificate covers all of the sub-domain of your main domain.It provides an economical and economical means that of securing all of your sub-domain while not the manage multiple certificates.

   Features And Benefits

  • Secure multiple subdomains with one certificate
  • Full business validated certificate
  • Futureproof 2048-bit root keys
  • Trusted by all popular browsers
  • 99.9% browser compatibility
  • 128/256 bit encryptione
  • Unlimited Re-issuance Policy
  • Full telephone, email and web support
  • FREE 24/7 Technical Support
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee!
  • Domain Name and Business Name Shown On Certificate
  • Free Unlimited Server Licenses


Cheap SSL Certificates: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

SSL Certificates are very important when we talk about Internet security. Nowadays, as the use of Internet is increasing, we need a safer method by which we can share our data securely over the Internet. People all around the world are connected together online and a tremendous amount of data is being shared on a daily bases over the Internet, which increases the chances of data being hacked or misused. To ensure security, SSL certificate plays a major role and gives confidence to users to share data over the Internet without being worried about data being hacked or misused. There are certain points that should be kept in mind before going for SSL certificate. Whether you should opt for free SSL certificate or proper SSL certificate, it is important to know the difference between the two.

  • If you are looking for SSL certificate, either you can buy one from CA (Certification Authority) or you can get it on a trial basis for free. The good part of using a free version of SSL certificate is that you can use it while testing your website at an initial stage or even if you want to test your e-mail system. As soon as your website is ready to use, it is advisable to install a proper SSL certificate.
  • Free version is available for time period less than one year or a maximum of one year, whereas proper Comodo SSL certificate is available for a time span of 1-3 years.
  • When using a free SSL certificate for e-mail system, the main hassle you have to go through is to change it every single month, which is very inconvenient. Whereas, if you install proper SSL certificate, once the setup is done, you can use it as long as you have opted for.
  • Free SSL certificate only provides basic security, with no extra features; on the other hand proper SSL certificate provides various levels of security, depending upon your requirements. In simple words, you cannot get green bar with free SSL certificate.

As we have compared both free SSL certificate and proper SSL certificate, in case you want to choose Free SSL Certificate for initial stage of our website, there are two options available:

  • Comodo Trial SSL
  • Rapid SSL trial

What’s good, what’s bad?

  • Good thing about trial SSL Certificate is that it is absolutely free of cost. Along with being free, it works exactly like normal SSL certificates.
  • Of course it provides encrypted link, which is essential for internet security, but authentication form is very low. It means that your site is not 100% secure.
  • Free SSL certificate is also not recommended for emails as email may contain highly sensitive data, which can fall into wrong hands.
  • Free SSL certificate has advantage over proper SSL Certificate in terms of time taken in issuing the certificate. Free SSL Certificate take few minutes where as proper SSL Certificate might take a day.
  • Proper SSL certificate comes with a warranty, but it is not the same case with Free SSL Certificate. Neither it has a green address bar i.e. no trust seal. So, before going for either of it, understand your requirements and choose accordingly.

You Should Know Before Purchasing An SSL Certificate And SSL Digital Certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is important when personal details, sensitive data or confidential data is being transferred using internet. In order to secure it from being misused by third party or hacker, we need an extra layer of security- SSL. To provide internet security, the data being shared between a server and a browser is encrypted before sharing thus remains safe from being accessed by wrong person or misused by any third party.

SSL certificate is highly recommended where details like credit card number, bank details etc are required. SSL certificate Makes any site more reliable. E-commerce is very common now days, due to lack of time most of us prefer online shopping. But what if the e-commerce site is not secure? Most of us will prefer to search for a link which is more secure and reliable. Not only e-commerce sites but all the sites that handle sensitive information or personal information should opt for SSL Certificate in order to provide data security. It not only provides security but also enhance search engine ranking. These are the reasons why SSL Certificate is a must.

However, there are certain things that should be kept in mind before acquiring SSL Certificate:

Which SSL to opt for: There are dedicated SSL as well as Shared SSL. Shared SSLs are normally free of cost, no support service and link is not that secure. Whereas, Dedicated SSLs have good support service and cost money but is completely owned by one user only, thus is highly recommended for e-commerce sites.

Encryption level: Depending upon purpose of SSL certificate, there is an availability of various level of encryption. For example: For blogs, level of security required is less than that of any e-commerce sites. So before accruing SSL certificate, one should be aware of the level of encryption.

From whom: There are quite a number of companies that sell SSL certificate but are these companies reliable or trustworthy? I would suggest to go for a good brand or CA (Certificate Authorities), especially, when we are talking about security of e-commerce sites.

IP address: SSL is linked to an IP address to provide security to domain/site. So it becomes very important to have a dedicated IP address in order to secure it a 100%. Although SSL certificate can be used in a shared environment as well.

Tenure: Minimum tenure for validation of SSL certificate is one year. But it depends upon requirement, service and cost, which one would suit you the most.

A Guide To Understand – SSL, TLS, SSL Certificate And Https Certificate

If you are technically not very sound and do not understand most of the terms used, then this article is especially written for you. In this article we will discuss about SSL, TSL, SSL certificate and HTTPS in detail, and in a language which is easy to understand.

SSL: SSL is an acronym for Secure Sockets Layer. It is a technology used to provide security. Now, the question that comes to our mind is ‘provides security to whom?’ When we open any site, a link is created between a browser and a web server. This link has to be secured so that no hacker can misuse or modify the information or data. To achieve this kind of security, data has to be encrypted to make it impossible to read. With the help of this encrypted link, the data transferred between the browser and the server or, in some cases, one server to another remains safe and secured. In simple words, SSL is a technology which safeguards information, which is being transferred from one system to another from hackers or any other third party by creating an encrypted link between the two systems.

TLS: TLS stands for Transport Layer Security. It is similar to SSL but is more secure. In simple words, it is updated version of SSL. However, SSL is the most commonly used term, so if you bought latest SSL and want to go for TLS instead, you don’t have to spend a single penny because most probably the latest SSL which you already have is actually a TLS certificate.

SSL Certificate: To get a secure connection or SSL connection between the browser and server, there is a need for SSL certificate. The information SSL Certificate carry is a domain name, company/organization name and complete address along with country name. Along with these details, additional information that the certificate contains is the date of expiration, which thoroughly depends upon the tenure you have opt for, and CA (Certification Authority) details. CA is the entity, which is responsible for issuing SSL Certificate.Whenever a browser makes connection with the server, it checks SSL certificate of that particular site and its expiration date. Along with this, authenticity of Certification Authority (CA) is also verified. If any of the above mentioned information fails, the browser will automatically display a warning about the internet security threat. The warning simply means that the site is not secure to use.

HTTPS: It stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. We all are familiar with the term HTTP. HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP. When we talk about the word ‘secure’ we mean encryption (converting data into a non-readable form). When we use internet, wide amount of data is shared. The data can contain personal details, bank account details, credit card details, confidential data or sensitive data. When we share this data online via login forms, online shopping, banking or by any other means, our preference is to transfer data in such a way that it do not fall into wrong hands, is misused or modified. In short, data needs to be transferred from browser to server in a secured way. This is why, HTTPS came into existence. HTTPS provides secure communication over internet.

Get a green lock bar SSL Certificate And https Certificate for your website (HTTPS)


When we are talking about security over internet, we are basically talking about SSL (Secure Socket Layer), which acts as a backbone of internet security. As information travels across the world through computer network via internet, it becomes essential to protect sensitive data. Data can be secured if the transfer is done in encrypted form, which is a non-readable form that is exactly what SSL does.

SSL Certificate

It is a data file, which provides secure connection between a web server and a browser. It provides a secure encrypted link/connection between a server and a browser via which data can be transferred or shared in a secured form. Data can be passed over internet without compromising its privacy, integrity and security. There are different levels of SSL certificate and those are:

  • Extended Validation (EV)
  • Organization Validation (OV)
  • Domain Validation (DV)

Extended validation certificate (EV)

Out of all SSL certificates, Extended Validation certificate (EV) is the highest of available SSL certificates. Although all SSLs use almost same powerful encryption technique, but to get EV you require accurate selection process. We can say that all the levels differ in process of identity verification and how the particular certificate is displayed. Once you get EV SSL certificate, you get a green address bar, which gives the feeling of security to all the visitors of that particular website.

How to get EV certificate and how it provides security?

To get EV SSL Certificate, you have to go through global standardized identification process, which is a verification process that gives exclusive rights to use a domain by confirming the legality, physical existence and authenticity of the company. All the information along with the name of the company and location is included in the EV certificate. Once you get EV Certificate, HTTPS and padlock in the browser address bar is activated along with the name of the verified website owner. It gives secure feeling to the visitor to perform financial transactions.

Green address bar

If a company has EV SSL Certificate, its address bar (padlock), https, company name and country will be green in color. If the connection is partially encrypted, then the browser will issue a warning message which will indicate that the domain is not fully secured and can be hacked by a third party or hacker. For a domain which is fully secure or has a higher level of SSL certificate, green padlock is shown. If, in case, content is loaded over http rather than https, green address bar will not be shown, which indicates that connection is not fully secure.