Why You Should Change Your Certificate Authority Or SSL Provider Now?


If your current SSL provider is not fulfilling all your business needs and you do not see the longevity of this partnership, then it’s the right time to switch. In this article, we will discuss a few factors that can ease the task of switching. This will help you in decision making. Not only pricing but we should also consider other factors before coming to a decision.

Let us discuss few of them one by one in detail:

1. Value of the Product: 

Value of the product is also as important as its costing. For example, if you choose cost over value, you might end up compromising with the security needs. This will not be considered a wise decision. It is important to understand the business requirements and needs.  The Value that you should consider while searching for a new SSL provider are:

  • The Certificate features
  • Benefits provided
  • Service level
  • Customer support?

2. Support & Service:

SSL Certificate provisioning requires the following things:

  • Order placed
  • Support and service in need (when required)
  • Renewal (when required)
  • Installation
  • Service and support is a very important aspect of building strong relationships and is what you should consider while switching your SSL provider.

3. Comprehensive Lifecycle Management (CLM): CLM includes basically three things. These are:

  • Discovering
  • Taking inventories
  • Managing all SSL certificate across your network including cloud service

Next thing to be considered is easy and a seamless process of deployment and management of various SSL certificates. It will not only save your money but also time. Get a demo before finalizing.

Whether it is exactly what has been promised.

  • Is it user-friendly?
  • Is it a time-efficient tool?
  • Are you the right person to understand and use this platform, or being trained?


While switching, it is important to look for a trusted SSL provider or CA. Major Browsers (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) have joined their hands and made a list of trusted CA. Certificates issued by these CAs are compatible with almost all the browsers and devices. On choosing a new CA, few things you should ask them before finalizing are:

  • How long they have been running as a CA or SSL provider?
  • About browsers and devices, and what are their certificates are compatible with

How Comodo SSL Certificate Provides Security


SSL is an abbreviation for Secure Socket Layer. It is a standard security technology. In other words, it’s a protocol designed to create an encrypted link/connection between a web server and a browser, which is not easy to hack. With the help of SSL, we can share our private information or sensitive information safely and securely via the Internet. When we use internet for filling online forms and enter our personal details or do online shopping by using an e-commerce site, doing online banking, sharing credit card details; our main concern is to prevent our data from being hacked, modified or misused by any third party. We will prefer to share or transfer data through a secure link so that our data remains safe and integral. This is where security technology SSL takes over.

Need for SSL Connection

In normal cases, data is transferred or shared in simple text form, which gives an advantage to hackers to misuse or modify it easily, which is a big security threat. To overcome this, SSL provides an encrypted link, which converts the data into a non-readable form, and then this encrypted data is transferred between the server and the browser through a secure link that nullifies the risk of data being hacked. To get this kind of security, all you need is an SSL Certificate.

How SSL Certificate provides security

SSL acts as a backbone of secure internet, without which data that travels around the world via the internet cannot be protected from falling into wrong hands, as it travels from one server to another in simple text form, which can easily be hacked, modified or misused. When we use the internet, we would prefer a secure connection before making any purchase or sharing our personal details. SSL ensures data security over the internet.

SSL certificate has a couple of keys; one is an open key and another is a private key. To build up the secure/encrypted association, these keys cooperate. This certificate additionally contains the character of the proprietor and in specialized technical language, it is known as SUBJECT. CSR (Certificate Signing Request) must be made to get an SSL certificate, which consequently makes a lot of keys (open and private key). At that point, CSR information record that contains open key is sent to CA (Certificate Authority). This information document is utilized for making information structure to coordinate private key however because of security reasons CA can never observe the private key. When the testament is issued by CA, introduce it on your server.

At the point when the establishment of SSL certificate is finished, this server endorsement is associated with CAs certificate so as to build up unwavering quality and believability of SSL certificate. It is imperative to purchase an SSL certificate from approved or confided in Certificate Authority (CA) on the grounds that a large portion of programs accompanies pre-introduced rundown of confided in CAs and will just recognize them. So the client can confide in the site with Comodo SSL certificate and can don’t hesitate to share private and delicate data required by that specific site.

How To Secure Business Website From Cyber Attacks


The best risk to the data security of any association is frequently followed to an unaware worker who has coincidentally pushed an organization to its knees by enabling private and delicate information to be hacked. “Indeed, even with incredible data, security groups and vigorous technologies set up, the weakest connection is regularly a client inside the organization that has been controlled by a malicious assailant who is then ready to get to the sensitive data that the client is approved to view.”

Types Of Cybersecurity Risks:

  1. Phishing uses disguised email as a weapon. The email beneficiary is deceived into trusting that the message is something they need or need — a demand from their bank, for example, or a note from somebody in their organization — and the beneficiary at that point clicks a connection or downloads a connection.
  2. Vishing is a comparable kind of attack where the voice is utilized rather than email. Attackers will phone an injured individual to prime an attack or request to control them through changing settings or uncovering a secret key.
  3. Spoofing sees attackers impersonating people well-known to the injured individual either by sending an email as another person or changing the deliver marginally to show up as though from the genuine sender.
  4. Pharming attacks include a hacker sending a similar email to numerous beneficiaries and after that hanging tight to see which beneficiaries react.
  5. Whaling is an explicit type of phishing that customizes the attack towards prominent individuals in senior positions.
  6. Ransomware happens when information is scrambled inside an association. The hacker at that point demands installment in bitcoin to get a code to open the client’s records.

Cyber Safety Tips

  • To keep your small business safe from cyber attacks, follow these tips:
  • Install software to identify and prevent intrusion by viruses and malware.
  • Train representatives in cybersecurity rehearse, especially with respect to email and web use, and implement them.
  • Use secure passwords and change them routinely. Try not to share passwords.
  • Set programming to refresh consequently; obsolete programming makes your system simpler to break.
  • Consider buying cybersecurity protection for included security.
  • When purchasing new equipment and equipment, search for items like Xerox printers and MFPs with security highlights worked in.
  • Cyber attackers keep on getting more slippery and trickier. By finding a way to secure your PCs and systems, you can reduce the chance of your business falling victim to the crooks.

How To Protect Important Data Through SSL Encryption


Unprotected data can easily be hacked and manipulated by hackers. To avoid or prevent the middlemen attack, it is important to secure data and transfer it over the Internet through a secured connection. This can easily be done by installing SSL certificates.

SSL certificate generates an encrypted link,  This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL allows confidential information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, or login credentials to be transmitted securely. Without SSL, data sent between clients and servers is sent in plain text–which makes it really easy to be intercepted

Why we need to protect Big Data

In the virtual world, everything is considered as data. Big data plays a major role in many major and important industries, like, Banking, Healthcare, Climate data, Astronomy data, Security numbers. Keeping these industries in mind, you can analyze the importance and how valuable data is.

It is also important to store data in a way that no third party can access it without permission. Valuable data such as social security number, personal information, credit card number can be used or manipulated by the hacker if not transferred or stored securely.

Why Data Encryption Needed:

The importance of encryption has grown along with the importance of the virtual world. Nowadays, banking and financial transactions share data over the net. Let sharing be between two organizations or between businesses and users; whatever the case is, it is important to share data in a secured form to protect it from the hacker attack. To maintain integrity and security of data being transferred, Secure Socket Layers (commonly known as SSL) are employed.

To maintain data integrity and security, an SSL certificate plays an important role as it encrypts data and transfers it through an encrypted connection. SSL certificate not only secures main domain but can also provide security to sub-domains depending upon your choice of SSL certificate.

Do the Advanced Features Of Smartphones To Protect your Privacy


As the use of smartphones is increasing, it has become important to protect the data, which is stored in it and more importantly to maintain your privacy. We need to save our smartphones from hackers, malicious software and intruders, especially in the cases where your phone is stolen or lost.

When we buy a smartphone, it comes with some inbuilt features and by using these advanced settings, one can keep the information and data secure but along with it, we also need to keep following security features in mind:

  • Software updates: Every Company tries to update their software on a regular interval, so it is important to update your smartphone and install updated software whenever it is available in order to protect it from hackers.
  • Application installation: New exciting applications are launched on a daily basis by someone or the other, but be careful before downloading any application as most of them ask for permissions to have the access to your files, pictures, etc. There are high chances of data being misused in such cases. So it is advisable to read the reviews of the application before installing them in your smartphone.
  • Security Application: When we install more than one application in our phone, it becomes very hard to understand and overview which application is granted with what kind of permission that might hinder internet security. But there are quite a few good security applications available for smartphones that can help in such situations like McAfee. These security tools can alert you against applications which might contain the virus.

  • Passcodes: Passcodes are a very common technique used nowadays to protect your phone from being misused. Passcodes can be 4 to 6-digit passwords, fingerprints, face recognition or any pattern. Although this method is not 100% secure, it is a simpler way to protect your phone from unauthorized access. Best way to make optimum use of this feature is keeping your phone locked when not using it. Tracking phone application: Few mobile companies also provide features like tracking your phone, erasing data if the phone is stolen, locking the phone if many unsuccessful attempts are made while entering the passcode and so on. All these methods help in protecting the data from falling in wrong hands. Individual application lock: As discussed above, Passcode is not the best security technique, so it is a good idea to use a passcode or lock for every single application, which contains personal information, or important data, which will act as a second layer of security.
  • Tracking phone application: Few mobile companies also provide features like tracking your phone, erasing data if the phone is stolen, locking the phone if many unsuccessful attempts are made while entering a passcode and so on. All these methods help in protecting the data from falling in wrong hands.
  • Individual application lock: As discussed above, Passcode is not the best security technique, so it is a good idea to use a passcode or lock for every single application, which contains personal information, or important data, which will act as a second layer of data security.

What Should You Do If Your Website Is Hacked?


A website getting hacked isn’t really news today; it has become an almost common thing. Look at some easy steps that could help in the website recovery and website security:

1) Inform Hosting Organization, Do Some Exploration Of Your Own 

The main thing that you have to do is illuminate your facilitating organization or the individual who is facilitating your site. The host might have the capacity to settle it for you and they should to likewise check if different sites on the server have been influenced. Doing some exploration of your own is additionally great. You could search for tips on online discussions, networks, and so on and you can contact specialists/masters who could be of assistance.

2) Turn Off And Isolate Your Site

Turn off the site to isolate it until the point that the issue is distinguished and settled. You could likewise point your site’s DNS passages to a static page on an alternate server that uses a 503 HTTP responsive code. Taking your site disconnected will help you and the visitors. You can finish all vital managerial errands with no impediment and the clients of your site won’t be presented to potential malware or compromise.

3) Re-confirm Ownership Of Your Website

Confirm your site ownership by opening the program, exploring Google Webmaster, clicking “Search Console”, marking in, clicking “Include a website” and composing in your webpage’s URL. Though there are there are a few confirmation strategies, utilize the one that is prescribed on the suggested technique tab on the check page. Bring website online, confirm and take it disconnected once more. Presently confirm ownership on hunt comfort by exploring to fundamental Search Console page, finding your site, tapping on “Add or remove users”, clicking “Include or expel clients” and checking on the rundown of clients and owners listed.

4) Figure Out The Severity Of The Attack

Check the data in the Message Center and Security Issues in the Search Console to make sense of the severity of the attack. You can decide whether the assailant has circulated malware or dispensed spammy substance. You can likewise distinguish if the hacker is doing any phishing from your site. Check for messages from Google and see the headings of hack types under “Security Issues” in the Webmaster tools.

5)  Identify The Vulnerability

Try to find out the vulnerability or vulnerabilities that could have led to the attack. Remember, there could be more than one issue, so don’t limit yourself to detecting just one vulnerability. Use a vulnerability scanner.

6) Clean The Website And Server

Remove every single new Url made by the hacker, however, don’t expel any great pages that were essentially harmed amid the attack. Expel those that needn’t show up ever in search results. Restore from a backup that was created before the hack happened, install software updates/upgrades, eliminate software that’s not needed, change passwords again to all accounts related to the website.

7) Request Google For A Review

Request for a Google audit to have your site unflagged. You can visit the Report Incorrect Phishing Warning page to ask for a survey. If it’s identifying with spam or malware, you should go to the Website Security Issues report given to you in the Search Console and snap to ask for an audit.

Once things are approved, check your site to check whether everything is working fine. Presently unwind, yet recall, security ought to dependably be top on your list of needs.

Is It Important To Have An SSL Certificate For Website Security?


For quite a long while now, associations like Google have been progressing in the direction of making the internet a more secure place by urging site owner to utilize the HTTPS convention that guarantees the information sent from your PC to the website you’re perusing is encrypted and safely transmitted. This July, the security measures will turn out to be significantly more thorough. With the arrival of Chrome 68, Google will check all websites that haven’t adopted HTTPS as not secure. All others will keep on being shown with green https letters in the URL, which implies they are anchored by an SSL certificate.

Importance Of An SSL Certificate?

• Increasing Webpage Security: First and chief, SSL certificate will secure the sensitive information transmitted from and to your site. Such data can be login details, signups, locations, and installment or individual data. SSL certificates will encrypt the association and help secure your visitor’s information from being abused by attackers.

• Credibility & Trust For Your Clients: A huge advantage of SSL certificate is the way that they will enable you to pick up visitors’ trust. Your site will be shown with a security lock in the location bar of the program. This will demonstrate that the association is secure and will demonstrate your site’s visitor’s that you consider their protection important. If your site doesn’t have a certificate, a few programs may name it as  “unsafe.”

• SEO Points Of Interest: Another advantage of having an SSL certificate introduced is the SEO change in rankings that your site will get. In accordance with their HTTPS wherever activity, Google gives sites with the encoded connection a slight rankings support. In spite of the fact that the lift may not be considerable, having an SSL will give you favorable position over your rivals who don’t have certificates yet.

The most widely recognized approach to get an SSL certificate is to check if your present site facilitating supplier offers an SSL certificate. If that you have a venture level site (or various destinations), consider utilizing an EV certificate. The EV SSL certificate has a strict confirmation process and will include much more obvious pointers of trust like the name of your organization, country abbreviation, green bar in the URL of the browser and more.

What You Should Do For Enhance Website Security

Some of your site’s security might be secured by your hosting company, however, you ought to dependably check what they do and don’t cover because at the end of the day you are responsible for your website security. Indeed, even the littlest of SMEs and smaller micro-businesses require security. It’s not generally the case that the individual or bot that is hacking you is after your business. You could be the weak link in a chain that leads the genuine objective.

1. When Adding Security:

This is simply the primary thing you have to ask yourself while adding security to your site. What is the most business-basic perspective and what can you practically bear to ensure it. As far as who, there are two main groups you have to consider ensuring.

  • Your Visitor’s: There have been precedents in the past of sites having malware appended to their pages without the business staying alert. This has brought about malware being downloaded onto the visitors PC taking everything from passwords to individual data.
  • Information Protection: Data assurance is crucial to any business. In addition to the fact that you are at risk for any misfortune or abuse of individual information, there’s additionally the issue of business basic information.

2. SSL Certificates:

SSL is a protocol that creates secure connections between a server and the browser. SSL uses a cryptographic system to encrypt information being passed between the client and server. Generally, you can tell if a website has a valid SSL Certificate as the URL begins with HTTPS rather than HTTP and contains the padlock symbol.

  • When SSL Needed?

If your site gathers any personal information or has a login form for clients, you ought to have SSL. This guarantees any data gathered by your site is secure, encoded, and ensures the protection of your visitors. Also, Google offers a ranking boost for destinations with SSL Certificates. Assuming, If, however, you use third-party payment processors, for example, PayPal, you don’t have to.

  • Shared Versus Private SSL?

Most hosting providers will offer a shared SSL certificate. Shared SSL is expected to be utilized in situations where you need a protected connection with your server that isn’t utilized by the public. This is on account of shared SSL does not utilize your domain name. Yet, If you require SSL on the grounds that you are collecting personal data through your site, you should most likely take a private SSL certificate.

3. Web Application Firewalls (WAF):

WAFs (Web Application Firewalls) monitor the activity before it achieves web application, investigating requests to filter harmful traffic or traffic patterns. WAFs are a typical security control used by organizations to ensure against impersonations, zero-day threats, and other known vulnerabilities and attackers.

5 Aspects Of SSL Certificate And HTTPS


The essential interface through which you make utilization of the internet. You visit a site relatively every time you utilize a browser. You may have seen that there is a series of words that go before the address of a site. This is either HTTP or HTTPS. Secure associations are built up on the web by utilizing a secure socket layer (SSL) certificate.

Let’s talk about the benefits Of SSL Certificates

1) Which Site Need SSL 

While the facts confirm that E-commerce websites will have secure connections set up. Encryption is critical for any site. Google by default displays a secure version of a site. Google Chrome who visit a site that does not have an SSL certificate will see a warning page. This will tell them that the page isn’t secure.

2) Page Load Time 

HTTPS refers to HTTP/2, this is a version of the standard HTTP protocol. It was intended to have a 50 percent decrease in page load time. This is done through pressure of information and decrease of procedures included. Regardless of whether there is a decrease in speed, this will be in the range of milliseconds.

3) SSLs Are The Most Progressive Kind Of Encryption 

The successor for SSL called TLS has been around since 2008. It settles a lots of vulnerabilities present in SSL certificates. However, it has been basically utilized for locales that require installment points of interest or deal with your money.

4) SSL Certificate Scramble All Information 

The main thing that SSL certificate do is ensure that the information is encrypted when it is being transferred. This in no way provides any assurance with respect to whether the information is secured when it is in the web server.

5) SSL Certificates Are Costly 

There are a lot of administrations that are allowed to utilize which enable you to get free SSL/TLS certificates. We should Encrypt and Encryption Everywhere is two of the notable ones.

Let’s Understand About SSL Connection


SSL certificate is small data file that contains data like organization name, country name, primary domain, sub-domains, expiration data, CA etc, which is provided by the owner of a website at the time of loading SSL certificate. In return, a single IP address is issued to that website, which in turn serves main domain as well as linked sub-domains. It means that it will not only provide internet security to main domain but also, to other sub-domains which are linked with the main domain.

Need for SSL Connection :

In normal cases, data is transferred or shared in simple text form, which gives advantage to hackers to misuse or modify it easily, which is a big security threat. To overcome this, SSL provides an encrypted link, which converts the data into non-readable form, and then this encrypted data is transferred between the server and the browser through secure link that nullifies the risk of data being hacked. To get this kind of security, all you need is SSL Certificate.

 How SSL Certificate provides security :

SSL certificate has a pair of keys; one is a public key and another one is a private key. To establish secure/encrypted connection, these keys work together. This certificate also contains identity of the owner and in technical language it is known as SUBJECT. CSR (Certificate Signing Request) must be created to get a SSL certificate, which in return creates a set of keys (public and private key). Then CSR data file that contains public key is sent to CA (Certificate Authority). This data file is used for creating data structure to match private key but due to security reasons CA can never see the private key. Once the certificate is issued by CA, install it on your server.

When installation of SSL certificate is complete, this server certificate is connected with CAs certificate in order to establish reliability and credibility of SSL certificate. It is important to buy SSL certificate from authorized or trusted Certificate Authority (CA) because most of browsers come with pre-installed list of trusted CAs and will only acknowledge them. So the user can trust the site with Comodo SSL certificate and can feel free to share private and sensitive information required by that particular site

Get SSL Certificate From Comodo In Easy Steps


With rapid use of technology, most of the data is shared or transferred via internet. Let it be personal information, data related to finance/money or government, most of the work is being done through web in order to save time and makes the work easier. To safeguard our data from being misused or modified while establishing a connection/link between a browser and a server we need SSL Certificate. There are many CA (Certification Authorities) in the market who provide services but, choosing the right/authenticated one is very important.

Why buy an SSL Certificate:

  • Rock-solid security – Comodo’s SSL certificates provide upto 128 or 256-bit encryption for maximum security of your website visitors’ data.
  • Boost customer confidence- Many customers actively look for the SSL lock icon before handing over sensitive data. Get an SSL certificate to increase your customer’s trust in your online business.
  • Comodo Secure Seal- Your certificate comes with a Comodo Secure Seal that serves as a constant reminder to customers that your site is protected.
  • Better SEO rankings- Google gives higher rankings to websites secured with SSL certificates. Which means SSL certificates are critical if you’re serious about your online business.
  • 30-day money back guarantee-All our SSL certificates come with a 30-day Money Back Guarantee. No questions asked.

Steps For Get  Comodo SSL Certificates

  1. Choice of SSL certificate as per the requirement.
  2. To make a purchase, click on button at the top of the page.
  3. Enter details like your region, certificate type, domain name etc.
  4. Now choose tenure of validation of certificate.
  5. Now create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Once CSR is complete, an encrypted block of text is provided by the server.
  6. Copy and paste the encrypted block in the application page
  7. Provide the account information
  8. Fill the payment details.
  9. After completing above mentioned steps, you can install required SSL Certificate. Within few minutes, requested SSL certificate will be installed and ready to use.

Difference Between Paid & Free Internet Security Software


Internet security is a major concern of all Internet users, whether you are a client or a website owner.There are a lot of security solutions available in the market these days, but it becomes difficult to choose the right one. There are many security solutions that are higher in cost, but are not that effective and fail to solve the purpose it is bought for. Due to which, many of you end up in buying packages which are costlier however do not meet your requirements.

if you are not using good Internet security software you might end up in trouble; this can result in identity theft, misuse of credit card, misuse of your personal details etc. So it has become a necessity to opt for internet security software. There are mainly two types of security system:

Free Internet Security System

Paid Internet security System

Difference between paid and free Internet Security Software

Cost: People are frequently mixed up that both free and paid Internet security programming work the same—these two give same level of security. Yet, that is a legend. There is without few security programming, which work better as contrast with other free programming, however insurance or security given by these are not guaranteed 100%. Obviously, the vast majority of the general population who utilize Internet just to surf and not for business or business purposes don’t lean toward paid programming, in any case, it is constantly fitting to decide on paid security software to save the software from an virus attack.

Extra Features: When we pay for certain service(s), we assume that we will get extra benefits; this is the exact case when we talk about the Internet security software. Free security software will only provide basic features whereas paid security software gives extra benefits to its customer or we can say that paid security software provides comprehensive protection.

Time span: When we discuss Internet security programming, we need to ensure that it works for a a longer time. In any case, that isn’t the situation when we select free Internet security programming. Free Software, which are accessible in the market is either for multi year or less, though paid Internet security programming are accessible for longer time periods i.e. 1-3 years.

Upgradation: When we discuss free programming there is no prerequisite for upgradation, which isn’t the same with paid security programming. We have to keep security programming refreshed every now and then to take greatest favorable position of it and keep our data and information protected and secure for a dangers.

How SSL Will Increases Traffic and Conversion Rates Of Ecommerce Websites


Ecommerce business has changed the way how we shop totally! Nowadays, more than half of market deals are done through eCommerce stage. There are reasons why you likewise should switch your physical store to consistently sparkling eCommerce store. Ecommerce business stage accompanies various advantages which can open up a radical new universe of groups of onlookers for your items.

Once your internet business site is totally settled and when you are good to go to get your online business site on air, every one of that strikes your mind is about the traffic that you are going to generate through your website.

What Is SSL 

SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details. When installed on a web server, it activates the padlock and the https protocol and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. A domain name, server name or hostname.

SSL Certificates protect your customer’s personal data including passwords, credit cards and identity information. Getting an SSL certificate is the easiest way to increase your customer’s confidence in your online business.

Does SSL Increases Traffic and Conversion Rates-

It is clear the security is the most extravagant factor for any eCommerce website and without security, it is difficult to support the tremendous rivalry. What’s more, that is the reason internet business site introduces SSL Certificate on their server. It is given by the certificate specialist when the asking for substance is truly needing the accreditation.

Most of the ecommerce site prefer subdomain to manage their website effectively. Some most normal subdomain are admin.example.com, login.example.com and blog.example.com and so on. A Wildcard SSL Certificate is the best option to secure unlimited subdomain hosted under one primary domain. The noteworthy advantages of premium trump card certificate are positioning advantages, boundless server permit, reasonable value, versatile and work area program bolster. You can find out about highlights and least expensive special case SSL certificate to empower green bar

The most compelling motivation behind the establishment of a SSL certificate to a web based business site is, this not just preserves a site that deals with the exchange, however this affirmation can expand activity and change rates too.

How Does a Customer Understand That The Website Is Secured? 

The main trust factor that a client can perceive is the green padlock symbol on the address bar close to the domain name. At whatever point a client sign into the online business site he/she pays special mind to the security images. When they see this green padlock symbol, it consequently enhances their trust on the site which additionally causes them to make daring exchanges.

Also Read: Why Google Loves Wildcard SSL Certificates?

GlobalSign, Comodo Introduced IoT Security Platforms For Connected Devices


Rival certificate authorities GlobalSign and Comodo CA this week propelled contending IoT security stages intended to enhance character administration and confirmation of associated devices.

GlobalSign Tuesday disclosed its IoT Identity Platform, which incorporates a few items and administrations went for utilizing open key foundation (PKI) to dole out personalities to IoT devices and confirm them. The cloud-based stage incorporates IoT Edge Enroll, an enlistment customer that arrangements and oversees PKI-based characters for a combination of associated device. IoT Edge Enroll can validate and deny certificate lifecycle management.

On Thursday, Comodo CA launched IoT PKI Manager, which likewise applies certificates to associated devices. Comodo’s IoT security stage, which utilizes a mix of X.509 personality certificates and altered SSL certificates, offers endeavors Certificate Authority (CA) marking and facilitating administrations and additionally a clump issuance framework for selecting and verifying vast groups of certificates.

Comodo’s IoT security stage offers programmed certificate provisioning and also certificate lifecycle administration administrations. The organization had already presented authentication items and administrations for IoT devices, however Damon Kachur, head of IoT arrangements at Comodo CA, said the IoT PKI Manager integrates those contributions into one stage with a solitary UI for all certificates accounts and in addition new enlistment and administration highlights. The point, Kachur stated, was to influence the certificate to process for IoT devices as simple as would be prudent.

“The [IoT] business is somewhat frightened of PKI in light of the fact that organizations believe it’s an overwhelming lift,” he said. “It’s not, in the event that you have the correct stage. We take the majority of the reviewing and the greater part of the lifecycle administration and make it simple.”

Both Comodo and GlobalSign, and additionally other certificate experts, have talked about the developing opportunities around anchoring and confirming associated devices and have effectively influenced advances in the IoT security to advertise. PKI endorsements can ensure associations and information streams amongst devices and servers and empower associations to disavow the entrance of traded off devices to their private systems.The endorsements ensure that confirmed devices are interfacing with the correct private system and aren’t being utilized by danger performers.

Also Read: How to Improve Internet Security

How Wildcard & EV SSL Certificates Provide Multiple Layer Of Online Protection


SSL Certificate acts as a backbone of Internet security system. It provides an encrypted link between a browser and a server, which helps in transferring or sharing data in encrypted from to keep the data integral and secure from falling in the wrong hands and from being misused. There are many types of SSL certificates available in the market, but it depends upon requirement of the applicant, what level of SSL certificate would suite him the best. Higher the security required, higher the level of SSL certificate is needed. Various SSL certificates are divided into two groups on the basis of validation level and secured domains and sub-domains:

Validation level

Domain Validation Certificate

Organization Validation Certificate

Extended Validation Certificate

Domain and sub-domain

Single Domain Certificate

Wildcard Certificate

Multi-domain Certificate

In this article, we will discuss about Extended Validation Certificate (EV) and Wildcard certificate and how these certificates provide multiple layer of online protection.

Wildcard SSL Certificate:  If you possess a domain and multiple sub domains, and you need to secure them all, rather than purchasing certificate for each and every domain and sub domains, you can purchase Wildcard certificate, which will secure a boundless number of sub domains however to a particular level. Alongside giving security to various domain an d subdomains, it will likewise spare your time and cash, which you would have squandered in purchasing and introducing different certificates for each and every single domain and sub domain.

Technically, we can say that a Wildcard Certificate is a public key certificate and it can be used with numerous sub domains of a domain. The primary use of this certificate is to secure website prefixed with https://. A single Wildcard certificate works for your convenience and saves a lot of time, but it also protects or secures the main domain as well as its sub domain at the same time.

EV SSL Certificate: EV remains for Extended Validation Certificate and it includes strict choice procedure of approval to ensure that the substance asking for this certificate is lawful and bona fide. In the event that a site is secured with a confirmed EV SSL certificate, it will be demonstrated by Green colored address bar. Like Wildcard Certificate, Extended Validation Certificate is likewise utilized for sites prefixed with https ://and furthermore for programming projects that confirm legal entity, which controls the product bundle or site itself. To get EV Certificate, CA (Certification Authority) will check the personality of candidate and if data gave by the substance is right then the certificate is issued. Check here is vital in light of the fact that EV certificate gives a more elevated amount of security.

Few Ways For You To Secure Your Website


A portion of your site’s security might be secured by your facilitating organization and they should to dependably be your first call if anything somehow happened to happen.

Be that as it may, you ought to dependably check what they do and don’t cover on the grounds that by the day’s end you are in charge of your site’s security. Indeed, even the littlest of SMEs and smaller scale organizations require security

It’s not generally the case that the individual or bot that is hacking you is after your business. You could be the feeble connection in an anchor that prompts the genuine objective. Your business might be in a pleasant office on a shiny new business stop yet your site is in the meanest, most degenerate piece of town there is.

The Internet. It is anything but a matter of if; it’s a matter of when. So we should take a gander at what is important in your mission for improved security.

1) Who or what am I am securing? 

This is simply the primary thing you have to ask yourself while adding security to your site. What is the most business basic viewpoint and what would you be able to sensibly stand to secure it. Regarding who, there are two principle bunches you have to consider securing.

Your neighbors : Chances are you will begin on a server with a couple of neighbors, either through shared facilitating or VPS. On the off chance that you or a neighbor gets hacked, others on the server can wind up influenced. Hacks can take up tremendous assets which backs alternate locales off.

Your visitors : There have been cases in the past of sites having malware joined to their pages without the business staying alert. This has brought about malware being downloaded onto the guest’s PC taking everything from passwords to individual data. Past the reputational harm, you might be subject for any information assurance breaks. Which conveys us to the “what am I ensuring?” part.

Information security : Data insurance is imperative to any business. In addition to the fact that you are obligated for any misfortune or manhandle of individual information, there’s additionally the issue of business basic data. In the event that you lose information, for example, customer data or installment data, to what extent will it take for your business to recuperate? What’s more, what amount of will that cost you fiscally particularly after the GDPR take off?

2. SSL certificates

SSL remains for Secure Sockets Layer. It’s a convention that makes secure associations between a server and the individual who is getting to the site, known as the customer. SSL utilize a cryptographic system to scramble data being passed between the customer and server. For the most part you can tell if a site has a substantial SSL Certificate as the URL starts with HTTPS as opposed to HTTP and contains the latch image.

At the point when do I require SSL? On the off chance that you gather any credit card subtle elements you totally require SSL certificates. Assuming, in any case, you utilize outsider installment processors, for example, PayPal, you don’t have to. This is on account of your site won’t really hold any of the money related data. So also if your site gathers any individual data or has a login frame for guests, you ought to have SSL. This guarantees any data accumulated by your site is secure, scrambled, and ensures the protection of your guests. Also, Google offers a positioning lift for destinations with a SSL Certificate.

Shared versus private? Most facilitating suppliers will offer shared SSL certificates. Shared SSL is planned to be utilized as a part of circumstances where you need a protected association with your server that isn’t utilized by the general population. This is on the grounds that common SSL does not utilize your space name. Rather it will utilize the URL of the facilitating organization you utilize. In spite of the fact that financially savvy, it can be mistaking for guests and may make them uneasy about sharing their data. Private SSL certificates are coordinated to your own space name. Your URL will show up in the address bar of a program. On the off chance that you require SSL in light of the fact that you are gathering individual data through your site, you should to presumably take a gander at getting a private SSL certificate.

3. Web application firewalls (WAF) 

WAFs (Web Application Firewalls) screen the movement before it achieves web application, breaking down solicitations to channel unsafe activity or activity designs. WAFs are a typical security control used by organizations to ensure against pantomimes, zero-day dangers, and other known vulnerabilities and assailants.

Of course, they are generally offered as a possibility for greater sites as they can be dubious to set up (because of the level of ability require) and are moderately costly particularly for SMBs.

Read Also: Make Your Customers Feel Safe & Secure With SSL Certificate

Comparison Between Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard & EssentialSSL Wildcard Certificate


Choosing a SSL certificate that suits your requirement is an important decision to make. Depending upon the purpose, you can choose from the list such as Single domain SSL certificate, multiple domain SSL certificate, wildcard certificate, free SSL certificate and so on. Normally, people find it difficult to differentiate one certificate from another, such as Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard certificate and Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard certificate.

Comodo Positive SSL Certificate: Comodo is an entity that issues or grants,or we can say that it is a Certification Authority (CA), which provides a list of SSL certificates. Positive SSL Wildcard Certificate is the part of ‘Positive’ product range provided by Comodo, which are less costly as compare to other SSL wildcard products available in the market. List of few products of Comodo Positive range are:

Comodo Positive SSL

Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard

Comodo Positive SSL Multi-domain Wildcard SSL

Plus the other Sub-Domains you will have. Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard certificates work on ninety-nine.9% of internet and mobile browsers and might be issued within minutes because of Comodo’s online validation method. It also comes with a light-weight guarantee ($10,000) and a static Positive Wildcard SSL website seal to point out your customers that you are encrypted.

Comodo Essential SSL Certificate: As mentioned above, Comodo provides a variety of SSL products depending upon the cost as well as the level of security. Other than Comodo Positive range, it also has Essential range, which contains only two products:

Comodo Essential SSL

Comodo Essential Wildcard SSL

Essential SSL Wildcard comes with 128/256-bit encryption strength and a 2048-bit signature key. It additionally unlocks the static Comodo Secure website Seal, that raises client confidence by reassuring your website visitors that their communication with you is secure.

Features Provided By Comodo

Domain validated, 2048 bit Industry Standard SSL Certificate

Immediate “No Hassle” SSL certificate issuance 24/7

Unlimited server licenses

Automated validation – no paperwork

Risk free 30 day refund policy

FREE site seal

Unlimited Re-issuance Policy

Difference Between Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard & EssentialSSL Wildcard Certificate

Rating: User’s trust rating of Essential SSL Wildcard is much higher than that of Positive SSL Wildcard, and this difference in rating is due to high level of security features provided by Essential product range.

Price: The main difference between the two is mainly the price. Positive SSL Wildcard is cheaper than the Essential SSL Wild card. For small and medium level websites, people prefer Positive Wildcard. But when websites need to carry financial transaction or sensitive data, Essential SSL wildcard is preferred.

How to Improve Internet Security


Security is the primary thing that we need when we associate with any site. Indeed, even as an entrepreneur, our principle objective is to spread our business past neighborhood market and quick development of our business. To do as such, first thing that you need to fare thee well, as an entrepreneur, is web security. On the off chance that a site prevails with regards to picking up trust and steadfastness of its client, the business is certain to move forward. Each client is cognizant about sharing information and doing budgetary exchange as there are odds of information being abused by an outsider. In the case of something turns out badly, not only the client is influenced but rather the organization is touched as well.

We can take a few steps to improve Internet security as well as build good reputation among customers:

Password Manager: Normally we use the same password for our email account, online banking, online business etc., which becomes easier for hacker to crack it down and manipulate data and misuse it. That is why password manager is required. It not only generates a strong password for websites you visit, but also stores them in vault, in encrypted form, with a single main/master password. Advantage of using Password manager:

Password generated is not crackable

Unique password for every website

Online Store Encryption: SSL certificate is utilized to ensure/secure information of site clients, however there may be where http ://decoded convention is utilized while looking at process by other movement to web based business site. To ensure your information, you should simply tap on “Initiate Comodo SSL Certificate” in your Shopify account; this will encode your online store. Once the SSL Certificate is enacted, all the activity on your site will be diverted to https ://rather than http ://. Along these lines you can give finish security to your client information.

Two-Step Authentication: To take web security to another level, two stage validations is utilized. For each login endeavor, it will require two-piece data: your record password and a single-use confirmation code (which is sent to the client by means of SMS or some other authenticator application). There are chances that somebody would split down your password, yet without single-utilize verification, which is sent on your gadget, he/she won’t have the capacity to login.

Device Encryption: If your passwords are saved or auto filled, and if someone have access to your device, such as mobile, laptop, computer system etc, it becomes difficult to protect your data. Encryption is the only way, you can protect your data even if the device is unlocked or password is saved in the device. We can hide the data with encryption so that nobody can read it without knowing the password. Even if somebody gains access to your device, your important and sensitive information will remain secure and protected.

Software Update: It is important to keep your system updated; which includes operating system, web browser, and computer software. Updation also avoids risk of clicking any fake link or risk links.

Get SSL Certificate From Comodo In Easy Steps


As we know in this technology era most of the data is shared or transferred via internet because internet our precious time.We share our personal information, data related to finance/money or government, most of the work is being done through web in order to save time and makes the work easier. There are many CA (Certification Authorities) in the market who provide services but, choosing the right/authenticated one is very important.

There are great quantities of SSL suppliers in the market, yet with regards to unwavering quality, Comodo is a main SSL supplier. Comodo is a freemium, which implies that it gives certain administrations for nothing out of pocket. It’s free administrations incorporate antivirus, firewall, security. In the event that, extra administration is required, you will be charged for those administrations or highlight. Comodo is a trusted name with regards to security.

Comodo gives its administrations everywhere throughout the world and had made it less demanding for its client to buy required Comodo SSL certificate on the internet. You should simply just open the site and take after couple of basic advances/directions.

Steps are:

  • Choice of SSL certificate as per the requirement.
  • To make a purchase, click on button at the top of the page.
  • Enter details like your region, certificate type, domain name etc.
  • Now choose tenure of validation of certificate.
  • Now create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). Once CSR is complete, an encrypted block of text is provided by the server.
  • Copy and paste the encrypted block in the application page
  • Provide the account information
  • Fill the payment details.
  • After completing above mentioned steps, you can install required SSL Certificate. Within few minutes, requested SSL certificate will be installed and ready to use.

Few Points To Keep In Mind:

Before purchasing Comodo SSL Certificate, there are couple of things you ought to know about. Those are:

Which SSL certificate you need to buy. There are numerous kinds of SSL certificates. Contingent on the prerequisite and level of security required, decision of SSL ought to be finished.

To get CRS, you have to make a demand for the same from your server. Diverse servers may get distinctive guidelines. Scan for your server name and take after the guidelines deliberately.

Tenure is very important. In the event that you pick residency of one year, it will cost you in excess of a more extended residency. Longer the residency, lesser you pay for a SSL certificate.

What Is Certificate Authority Authorization And How to Create CAA Record


CAA is a safety effort or in simple language, it is a standard that is intended to essentially secure sites and help in averting unapproved SSL certificate. Certificate Authorities (CAs) is the capable substance whose activity is to ensure that each and every SSL certificate is approved by utilizing distinctive techniques for area approval. It is typically done by connecting the specific SSL declaration with specific site utilizing a specific area. Be that as it may, the CA ought to be recorded as an approved guarantor of declaration. As CAA determine which CAs are honest to goodness and are permitted to issue declaration for a space, it helps in forestalling or limiting odds of hacking or abusing SSL certificate.

How to Create CAA Record

Keeping in mind the end goal to make a CAA record, DNS (Domain Name System) supplier must be reached. Rundown of CAs that you incline toward ought to be given with the goal that unapproved CAs can not issue SSL Certificates to your area. On the off chance that you didn’t give your favored list of CAs, it naturally offers ideal to each and every CA to issue SSL certificates to your space, which can brings about misuse of your area by some other gathering.

What Is The Need for CAA

As benefits of Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) are clear, next thing that hits our minds is “Do I need CAA?”. The answer is very clear…YES, we very much need CAA. As we know CAA records are used to check the authenticity of CAs i.e. which CA is authorized to issue SSL certificate as well as it provides immense amount of security from hackers. It also gives rights to the domain owner to exclude particular CA. CA can’t issue any Comodo SSL certificate without authentication. In other words, we can say that CAA can bring down the risk of issuing the SSL certificates by unauthorized Certificate Authorities (CAs).

For any domain, CA can issue certificate and with increase in HTTPS, there is an increase in SSL certificates. To put a control over this, a powerful approach was required. An approach that could not only decrease the risk but put a stop on miss-issuance of SSL certificates. CAA is designed to stop unauthorized issuance of SSL certificates.

Benefits of CAA

  • Organization are also helped by limiting CAs they use.
  • The site owners are also benefited as they can now specify which Certificate Authorities (CAs) have the authority to issue SSL certificate to their domain name.
  • All the CAs have to check for the authenticity before issuing SSL certificate

Buy Comodo Positive MultiDomain wildcard SSL Certificate for Business

A Multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate is fabricated with combined choices of every wildcard SSL and Multi-domain SSL. underneath a multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate, a user can defend multiple wholly qualified domains and their unlimited vary of sub-domains

Multi-domain wildcard SSL could be a very good different for the users wish to secure multiple domains at the facet of a limitless vary of sub-domains. Multiple domain & sub-domains management below single SSL certificate is favorable as a result of it saves time and money.A multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate is accessible with every domain validation (DV) and organization validation (OV) risk.

Wildcard and Multi-Domain SSL Certificate Rationalization

Wildcard and Multi-Domain SSL Certificate Explanation

Wildcard SSL Certificate –A Wildcard SSL Certificate permits users to secure a limitless type of sub-domains – at a particular level – for one domain on one certificate.

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate – A Multi-Domain SSL certificate permits users to secure multiple wholly Qualified Domain Names on one certificate.

Buy Comodo SSL Certificate and secure your website

Web site contains several records and essential facts which is treasured to internet site proprietor in addition to user of that site. This records may be employer’s element, financial information, Login identification’s & password, and lots extra. So it’s far crucial to at ease the website.you can comfy your internet site via putting in SSL certificates.

SSL certificate: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a preferred safety protocol for setting up encrypted links among an internet server and a browser in an internet communication.An SSL certificate is necessary to create SSL connection.iIt is a small data file which when installed creates an encrypted link between the web browser and the server to ensure secure transfer of information in encrypted form so as to protect it from being modified or misused by any third party. There is CAs (Certification Authorities) from where you can buy the desired SSL certificates. CA is an entity that is accountable for issuing SSL certificate and for verification and authentication of candidates. however it is recommended to request SSL certificates from a depended on CA. Comodo is one of the main and trusted SSL certificates issuing entity.

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Comodo SSL certificate: When we talk about Comodo SSL certificates, first thing that strikes our thoughts is excessive net safety. over time, Comodo has won trust of its customer by way of presenting super service and has maintained its position on the pinnacle in the list of actual CAs (Certification Authorities). It isn’t clean to benefit consider of customer and it’s far even more difficult to preserve it. Comodo SSL certificates ensure that your statistics will now not be tampered with the aid of any third party, the statistics can be guarded from hackers or virus assaults; which makes it possible to interact online or have a successful online business without worrying about internet threats, virus, hackers or any other security issues.


The way it facilitates securing your website: whilst Comodo problems SSL certificates, it verifies the information provided via applicant and makes positive that each one the records supplied is accurate and also exams the legality of it. As safety is main concern, it follows various verification steps, which would possibly take time, therefore making the system of issuing SSL certificate time ingesting.It takes a day or two to get a SSL Certificate, but it also depends upon the type of SSL certificate you opted for there are few Comodo SSL certificates that can be hooked up inside minutes including free Comodo SSL. earlier than issuing the SSL certificate, Comodo makes positive that applicant is actual and the records supplied is correct, if it isn’t the case, then SSL certificates will not be issued and the request may be rejected. as soon as the SSL certificate is issued, the link among the browser and the server could be in encrypted form or secured, and the statistics shared is likewise encrypted so that it’s far in non-readable shape and can not be modified or misused.

Various Comodo SSL certificate: there are numerous SSL certificate that Comodo helps. these are classified in three organizations:

Single domain

Multiple domain


You can choose from these categories as to which SSL certificate could be extra beneficial in your case as well as might be cost effective.