If you want to run a successful business over the net, it is important to secure your website. Internet security is not what Google wants to play with and will not let others to play with either. Google is more concerned and conscious about security issues nowadays. Keeping web-security in mind, Google has decided to make some changes, which may have a negative impact on your website.

SSL For Your Restaurant

If your website is secured with SSL, it will provide a sense of confidence to your customer while sharing their personal information with you over the net. This will not only earn your customer’s loyalty but also help you gain new customers. ‘The more confident the customer feels, the more business you will get’, this is how it works. Now if you are worried to get a new website for your business and think about how much it’s going to cost you, let me give you a good news. You do not need a new website. All you need to do is install an SSL certificate and set up URL (to redirect all HTTP:// links to https://).

Let Us Discuss This Pointwise:

  • It builds customer trust: As discussed, https:// prefix gives the sense of security to the internet user. It is normal to collect your customer’s information for the record but it is far more important to make the customer comfortable with sharing his/her personal details. In case if you have not secured your restaurant website with SSL, on opening your webpage, a warning message will trigger about non-secure connection/page. In such a situation, there are high chances that the customer will leave the page and search for a secure website rather. You will lose a customer for sure but the ranking of your business will also be affected, no matter how good your services are and how tasty your food is. So it is important to secure your site with SSL.
  • Improves search ranking: As you are running a website, you understand how important Google search ranking is. Better search ranking directly affects the number of new customers. Google prefers secure site over non-secure. If your site is secured with SSL; on being searched, Google will prefer your site over other non-secure sites. In simple words, your restaurant will be way easier to search over the net rather than other restaurants who have not yet installed SSL. This will boost your search ranking and makes you easily searchable. This will help in acquiring new customers and will increase your annual revenue.

If you need more information regarding this or you need help in getting a positive SSL certificate for your website, we are just a call away. Give us a call on our toll-free number +1 (888) 606-7330 or write us on info@thesslstreet.com,our team of experts will be happy to assist you.

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