How SSL Certificate Secure Your Restaurant’s Website


If you want to run a successful business over the net, it is important to secure your website. Google is more concerned and conscious about security issues nowadays. Keeping web-security in mind, Google has decided to make some changes, which may have a negative impact on your website. For example, if you have not secured your website with SSL certificate, visitors of your site may receive a warning message ‘Not Secure’. This may decrease the visitor ratio of your site and may hinder your business.

Need Of SSL For Your Restaurant

  • It builds customer trust: As discussed, https:// prefix gives the sense of security to the internet user. It is normal to collect your customer’s information for the record but it is far more important to make the customer comfortable with sharing his/her personal details. In case if you have not secured your restaurant website with SSL, on opening your webpage, a warning message will trigger about non-secure connection/page. In such a situation, there are high chances that the customer will leave the page and search for a secure website rather. You will lose a customer for sure but the ranking of your business will also be affected, no matter how good your services are and how tasty your food is. So it is important to secure your site with SSL.
  • Improves search ranking: As you are running a website, you understand how important Google search ranking is. Better search ranking directly affects the number of new customers. Google prefers secure site over non-secure. If your site is secured with SSL; on being searched, Google will prefer your site over other non-secure sites. In simple words, your restaurant will be way easier to search over the net rather than other restaurants who have not yet installed SSL. This will boost your search ranking and makes you easily searchable. This will help in acquiring new customers and will increase your annual revenue.

If in case you are still thinking of getting SSL certificate, you need to hurry; on being searched Google will issue a non-secure page warning which may alarm your customer and might change his decision of visiting your website.

Secure Online Transactions With Comodo SSL Security Certificates


The present era is the era of technology. We are depended upon technology for almost every single thing. When we make use of the Internet for a financial transaction, it becomes of utmost importance to carry out it in a secure environment, an environment where a customer can feel safe to make such transactions. So it has become necessary to get a technology, with the use of which our information remains safe and secure. Comodo SSL Certificate, the most trusted CA (Certification Authority) provides such a secure environment to carry out the online activities.

Comodo SSL Certificate

Comodo SSL Certificate provides a trusted and secure environment, within which you can carry out E-commerce transactions, without fearing of information falling into wrong hands. Comodo SSL Certificate is only issued to those entities whose verification and authentication is been checked via intense verification process, and whose physical existence is also thoroughly checked.

Securing E-commerce Transaction

When you make any financial transaction on websites that are secured by Comodo SSL certificate, the information shared while performing such transaction is encrypted so that it cannot be misused or hacked or modified. The link between your Internet browser and the server is in encrypted form so as to create a secure environment. Such measures are important to follow because information such as credit card details, password, login ID etc, can be misused which will put the customer as well as the company into trouble. So if you are an owner of a website that conducts e-commerce transaction, it is advisable to install Comodo SSL certificate (if not already installed) before it’s too late.

Once you install Comodo SSL certificate on your website, your website address will be prefixed with https:// instead of http:// as well as a lock will appear on the address bar. By clicking on this lock icon customer can know the details about the company and SSL certificate used by it. This makes the customer certain about the security measures were taken by the company and in return, will help in gaining the trust of the customer.

Why You Should Switch Your SSL Provider or Certificate Authority


Thinking of switching to another SSL Provider or Certificate Authority, here we will discuss a few factors that can ease the task of switching. This will help you in decision making. Not only pricing but we should also consider other factors before coming to a decision. Let us discuss few of them one by one in detail:

  • Support & Service:

If you are looking for the long-lasting relationship with SSL provider or Certificate Authority (CA), you should look for more than just cost. SSL Certificate provisioning requires the following things:

Order placed

Support and service in need (when required)

Renewal (when required)


  • Features & Benefits:

Before considering any CA or SSL provider, take your own sweet time to think.The Good marketer will always try to fill his pocket in the name of additional features and benefits. Do not fall into their trap.Think wisely and answer a few questions before finalizing the deal:

Do you really need these offers?

Are these benefits (promised by SSL provider) useful (as per your business requirements)?

If you are offered extra features with some additional charge, check whether those features are essential for the long run of your business.

  • Comprehensive Life cycle Management (CLM): CLM includes basically three things. These are:


Taking inventories

Managing all SSL certificate across your network including cloud service

Next thing to be considered is easy and a seamless process of deployment and management of various SSL certificates. It will not only save your money but also time. Get a demo before finalizing. Check the tool or platform and look for answers to the following questions:

Whether it is exactly what has been promised.

Is it user-friendly?

Is it a time-efficient tool?

Are you the right person to understand and use this platform, or being trained?

  • Product :

Costing: costing is one of the main factor which we can’t neglect.For example, if you choose cost over value, you might end up compromising with the security needs. This will not be considered a wise decision. It is important to understand the business requirements and needs. You should also keep in mind your near future requirements as well as the long-term goals of your company.


If your current SSL provider is not fulfilling all your business needs and you do not see the longevity of this partnership, then it’s the right time to switch

On searching for new CA or SSL provider, there should be certain things kept in your mind. These are cost & value, features & benefits, support & service, CLM, and compatibility. If you get satisfactory answers to your questions, then you need to switch your SSL provider or Certificate Authority.

If you having similar questions then feel free to contact our team at The SSL Street. Contact us at the toll-free number +1 (888) 606-7330 or try the 24/7 email support at

Why Google Recommend Wildcard SSL Certificate For Security?


SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer and is a security technology through which an encrypted link is established between a browser and a web server. It is due to encrypted link that the data remain private and secure when interchanged between the browser and the server. Every SSL certificate contains following information:

Name of the holder

Serial number & expiration date

Copy of public key

Digital signature of the issuing authority

Wildcard SSL certificate is one of the SSL certificates that provide multi-layer online protection. With single wildcard certificate, you can secure multiple domains. This not only saves you from the horror of buying and installing certificates for each and every domain but also saves a lot of time that can be used elsewhere, productively.

Features of a Wildcard SSL Certificate-

1. Encrypts sensitive information: If the information is passed over the internet with encryption, it can be read easily and can be misused. Sensitive information like credit card number, net-banking information, username, and password should be transferred in unreadable form.

2. Provides protection from cyber-crime: Cyber-criminals are smart enough to identify any loophole- in your network and capture important & sensitive data before it reaches its destination. SSL certificate helps you defend against such black-eye masked people.

3. Builds trust and brand power: Lock icon and green address bar are the symbols of internet security. It provides assurance to the customer that the particular website is secure to use and he can share personal and sensitive information without hesitation. This will undoubtedly boost the credibility of the brand and add to the brand power.

Why Google Prefers Wildcard SSL Certificate?

With regards to internet security, it has turned out to be basic to wildcard  SSL Certificate since it not just secures a specific page or a landing page yet in addition sub-domains related with it on a single certificate. It accompanies boundless server permit and guarantee and also gives 99.9% of program browser . In short Wildcard SSL certificate  secures site URL. It is perfect for the individuals who deal with numerous locales on a single domain.

With the new version  of chrome, SSL certificate  has turned out to be mandatory for sites that require content contribution to type of the login page, contact form, membership form  and so on. Else ‘Not secure’ cautioning will be issued to visitors of your site, which may deteriorate your business.

Comodo SSL Certificate For Your Website Security


SSL Certificate: 

It is a small data file which when installed creates an encrypted link between the web browser and the server to ensure secure transfer of information in encrypted form so as to protect it from being modified or misused by any third party. There is CAs (Certification Authorities) from where you can buy the desired SSL certificates. CA is an entity that is responsible for issuing SSL certificate and for verification and authentication of applicants. But it is advisable to request SSL certificate from a trusted CA. Comodo is one of the leading and trusted SSL certificate issuing entity.

How SSL Certificate  securing your website: 

When Comodo issues SSL Certificate, it verifies the information provided by applicant and makes sure that all the information (such as company name, address, physical existence etc) provided is correct and also checks the legality of it. As security is main concern, it follows various verification steps, which might take time, thus making the process of issuing SSL certificate time consuming. It takes a day or two to get a SSL Certificate, but it also depends upon the type of SSL certificate you opted for.

There are few Comodo SSL certificates that can be installed within minutes such as Free Comodo SSL. Before issuing the SSL certificate, Comodo makes sure that applicant is genuine and the data provided is correct, if it is not the case, then SSL certificate will not be issued and the request will be rejected. Once the SSL Certificate is issued, the link between the browser and the server will be in encrypted form or secured, and the data shared is also encrypted so that it is in non-readable form and cannot be modified or misused.

Various Comodo SSL certificates: There are various SSL Certificates that Comodo supports. These are categorized in three groups:

Single domain

Multiple domain


You can choose from these categories as to which SSL certificate would be more useful in your case as well as would be more cost effective.

Why Do You Need An SSL Certificate & How To Get It?


In July 2018, Google declared that Chrome would check all unencrypted sites as “not secure.” If you need users or clients to confide in your business, you should consider ensuring your site with a SSL certificate.

What is an SSL certificates? 

SSL Certificates secure your client’s personal information including passwords, credit cards and identity data. Getting a SSL Certificates is the simplest method to build your client’s trust in your online business.An SSL Certificates verifies a site and scrambles the data exchanged between the site and its server. By encoding this data, the SSL Certificates scrambles the information into a configuration that must be perused by approved clients. Basically, a SSL Certificates “locks” the data sent between your internet browser and server with the goal that it must be perused utilizing a “key”. SSL encoded sites have URLs that start with HTTPS.

Need of an SSL certificate

Google positioning: In 2014, Google reported that HTTPS sites rank higher than HTTP sites in Google look. This is on because of HTTPS sites are viewed as more reliable. Adding a SSL certificate to your site can enhance your Google rank and influence your business to look more believable.

Security: A SSL certificate ensures the data go between your site and its server from programmers and identity cheats. Without a SSL certificate , your site and business will be more helpless against assaults and malware. If you store data, for example, usernames, passwords or credit card numbers, you should use a SSL certificate or another type of encryption.

Expanded deals: If a client arrives at a HTTP site, their browser may tell them the site isn’t secure, which will urge them to make a buy somewhere else. A SSL certificate is likewise required for sites to acknowledge charge card installments as per Payment Card Industry benchmarks.

Step by step instructions to get a SSL certificate 

SSL certificates are incorporated into some web hosting plans. If your web facilitating plan does not accompany a free SSL certificate , contact your facilitating supplier to get some information about adding a SSL certificate to your website. You can likewise buy a SSL certificate specifically from a SSL provider. Costs will rely upon the supplier, length of certification, level of security and number of areas you wish to ensure.

All HTTP Sites Will Now Be Marked “Not Secure”


Today is the beginning of the take off for Google Chrome 68 — the adaptation that makes HTTPS compulsory. This occasion has been not too far off for a long time.

Google will start revealing the steady form of Chrome 68. It’s essential to take note of that few out of every every client will be on 68 immediately. Attributable to its enormous client base, Google tends to roll these updates out finished the course of possibly 14 days to guarantee that everything discharges easily. It likewise makes it less demanding to move something back if it’s actualized incrementally.

So not every person will be on Chrome 68 appropriate out the gate, yet depend on it, beginning today Chrome clients will see some huge changes..

What’s changing in Chrome 68?

Beginning today, any site as yet being served through HTTP will get a negative visual pointer that says, “not secure” close to the URL in Chrome’s address bar.

Google intends to raise the stakes in future forms of Chrome, as well. Before long, when somebody endeavors to include content into a HTTP page the notice will change from dark textual style to a more critical shade of red.

That is not all, either. At present sites that are being served by means of HTTPS get a positive pointer—it says “Secure” with a little lock symbol in the space to one side of the URL in the address bar.

Yet, not for long. In a future release Google intends to eliminate the marker for Domain Validated and Organization Validated SSL certificates altogether.

What do I need to do to avoid the wrath of Google?

Short of making a type of representative offering following a journey to its royal residence in the Valley of Silicon, your most solid option is to secure and introduce a SSL certificate immediately.there are a scope of choices for each site owner, contingent upon your size and extension. Everything from free Domain Validated authentications to Extended Validation certificates that feature an association’s name in the address bar is accessible.

Before you settle on a choice, it’s most likely a smart thought to make sense of what you have to scramble, what number of domains, sub-domains, and so forth. There are diverse certificates writes for budget and utilize case. Simply recollect, each open confronting page and resource presently should be served through HTTPS. You can utilize 301 sidetracks to guide programs toward the right HTTPS page.

Simply recollect, picking not to scramble is having your site named “Not Secure” by Google, which claims the lion’s offer of the program showcase. Likewise recollect that web clients tend to confide in Google when it discloses to them something isn’t secure.