The virtual world has decreased the geographical distance and made the real world as local. Every single person around the world is connected with every other person via the Internet. Due to such connectivity, a tremendous amount of data is shared on a daily basis over the Internet. SSL provides a safe environment within which you can share data and avoid Internet security threats.

Normally, people find it difficult to differentiate one certificate from another, such as Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard certificate and Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard certificate.

The main purpose of Wildcard SSL certificate is to secure the main domain and all its first level sub-domains. Wildcard only provides security to a certain level of sub-domains, but it is widely used because it saves time and is cost effective.

Lets Discuss About These Two

Comodo Essential SSL Certificate: The EssentialSSL Wildcard certificate could be a time and value saving certificate that gives easy certificate management. you have got to manage one certificate for all subdomains rather than handling individual certificate for every subdomain. Certificate management tasks like expiry, installation, and renewals are a procession for admin with Comodo Essential Wildcard certificate. Other than Comodo Positive range, it also has Essential range, which contains only two products:

Comodo Essential SSL

Comodo Essential Wildcard SSL

Comodo Positive SSL Certificate: Comodo is an entity that issues or grants, or we can say that it is a Certification Authority (CA), which provides a list of SSL certificates. Positive SSL Wildcard Certificate is the part of ‘Positive’ product range provided by Comodo, which are less costly as compare to other SSL wildcard products available in the market. List of few products of Comodo Positive range are:

Comodo Positive SSL

Comodo Positive SSL Wildcard

Comodo Positive SSL Multi-domain Wildcard SSL

Difference between the two

Price: The main difference between the two is mainly the price. Positive SSL Wildcard is cheaper than the Essential SSL Wildcard. For small and medium level websites, people prefer Positive Wildcard. But when websites need to carry financial transaction or sensitive data, Essential SSL wildcard is preferred.

Rating: User’s trust rating of Essential SSL Wildcard is much higher than that of Positive SSL Wildcard, and this difference in rating is due to the high level of security features provided by Essential product range.

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