With an expansion of cyber crimes, Internet security has turned into the best most need for online entrepreneurs. To acquire a client’s trust in sharing their own information, you should secure your site for information exchange. So it is critical to show a protected site to your clients. The sort of high-level security that you would need can without much of a stretch be accomplished with SSL certificates.

Security Socket Layer (SSL)

There are numerous SSL certificate suppliers in the market however not every one of them can be trusted. There are numerous SSL certificate suppliers who guarantee to give best and solid SSL certificate yet neglect to keep up the exclusive expectation of security. The following is the rundown of solid SSL certificate suppliers who have kept up security guidelines and have given the best support of its clients.

1. Comodo: Comodo has gained faith in providing best services over the years and is the largest SSL certificate, provider. It caters to both, small and medium level online businesses. Additional features and tools provided by Comodo SSL certificate are:

1) Point-to-verify (for real-time verification)

2) Prominent level of security with 2048 bit signature

3) Up to 256-bit encryption strength

4) 30 days money back guarantee

5) Free SSL certificate management tool

6) Trustlogo site seal

2. Entrust: SSL certificate provided by Entrust is capable of protecting:

1) Emails

2) Code signing

3) Device authentication

4) PDF document signing

Features of Entrust SSL certificate are:

i. SiteLock website security

ii. SWS service

iii. Certificate management tool compatible with any web browser

3. IdenTrust: It is formerly known as Digital Signature Trust (DST). It provides digital authentication services to various departments like:

1) US government

2) Banks

3) Financial departments

4) E-commerce sites.

Various features of IdenTrust are listed below:

i. IdenTrust Secured seal

ii. 2048- bit SSL certificate

iii. SHA-2 algorithm

iv. Supports 256-bit and 128-bit encryption strength

4. DigiCert: It has been providing encryption solutions for websites and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Main features of DigiCert are listed below:

i. Allows free re-issues on unlimited servers for the lifetime of your certificate.

ii. Trusted by major mail systems, web browsers and mobile

iii. 256-bit encryption strength

iv. 2048 bit RSA keys signed with SHA-256

v. SCC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) support

vi. Public key encryption used to create smaller but effective cryptographic key

5. GeoTrust: It is the second largest SSL certificate provider worldwide. Main features provided by GeoTrust are:

1) Is set up in around 150 countries

2) Enables up to 256 bit SSL encryption

3) GeoTrust True Site Seals (basis on identification verification)

6. RapidSSL: These certificates are the cheapest of all the above-mentioned SSL certificate providers. Various features provided by RapilSSLare :

i. 30 days money back guarantee

ii. SSL management console

iii. Re-issue of the certificate without additional cost

iv. Provides 256-bit encryption strength

v. Trusted Site Seal

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