The present era is the era of technology. We are depended upon technology for almost every single thing. When we make use of the Internet for a financial transaction, it becomes of utmost importance to carry out it in a secure environment, an environment where a customer can feel safe to make such transactions. So it has become necessary to get a technology, with the use of which our information remains safe and secure. Comodo SSL Certificate, the most trusted CA (Certification Authority) provides such a secure environment to carry out the online activities.

Comodo SSL Certificate

Comodo SSL Certificate provides a trusted and secure environment, within which you can carry out E-commerce transactions, without fearing of information falling into wrong hands. Comodo SSL Certificate is only issued to those entities whose verification and authentication is been checked via intense verification process, and whose physical existence is also thoroughly checked.

Securing E-commerce Transaction

When you make any financial transaction on websites that are secured by Comodo SSL certificate, the information shared while performing such transaction is encrypted so that it cannot be misused or hacked or modified. The link between your Internet browser and the server is in encrypted form so as to create a secure environment. Such measures are important to follow because information such as credit card details, password, login ID etc, can be misused which will put the customer as well as the company into trouble. So if you are an owner of a website that conducts e-commerce transaction, it is advisable to install Comodo SSL certificate (if not already installed) before it’s too late.

Once you install Comodo SSL certificate on your website, your website address will be prefixed with https:// instead of http:// as well as a lock will appear on the address bar. By clicking on this lock icon customer can know the details about the company and SSL certificate used by it. This makes the customer certain about the security measures were taken by the company and in return, will help in gaining the trust of the customer.

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